
Well I'm releasing a statement today, in 2002 I went to a bar had a few drinks. I think I might of even been drugged by some Colorado football players. Then they took me back to their place and raped me. Now when ya all win that big lawsuit don't forget about me!!!

I'm not saying this is not a serious issue here BUTTTT, how many of these women do you guys/gals really think were TRULY raped, molested whatever. Or was it more like they got drunk, they did their thing 'willingly' and went on with their lives until now. I'm not saying that maybe 1 or 2 were raped, (maybe, maybe not) maybe 5 or6 got raped then again maybe none did. People will go along ways for alot of money these days.
Polarbear knows alot about that! ;-) lol
I would say knowing the attitudes of our athletes now days that there is a pretty good probability that all these women "could" have been raped...This could very easily be the end of football at Colorado. I feel sorry for Gary Barnett!!!. I think it's rediculous that a football coach can be held accountable for the actions of his football players actions 24/7....Why doesn't somebody hold the parents of these kids responsible???. Barnett didn't raise them..
Hopefully, the judicial system gets the guilty ones, male or female. and if the women are lying the need to be for sent to prison for a charge, that is as serious,as rape.
If the men are guilty they need ther cack and balls cut-off!
there are to many repeat offenders.
Thats just my 2 cents. we need tougher penalty's!
Kill convicted murder's, castrate rape'os all on live tv.

I think it would slow down the con-artist's
I agree, Barnett should not be held accountable for their actions as the players are now adults and should know better. I'm not saying it didn't happen, innocent until proven guilty! Too bad as CU had a good football team, guess I'll have to start rootin and tootin for the Rams now.
Here's something to think about!!!. Rick Nuweasal use to be the coach at Colorado before Barnett and Nuweasal had all kinds of NCAA infractions when he was there. Now Nuweasal has been fired from Washington for many of the same problems...I believe many of Colorado's problems stem from Nuweasals reign as head coach...To coincidental for me!!!!!!.
I am a throwback or something I guess,Call me a chauvenistic pig or whatever,but in my opinion women have absolutley no place on a football field other than the sidelines!!!!!!!!!
This year on my son's Pop Warner football team there was a girl.
It just seems wrong to me to tee off on a girl!
In this perverse,upsidedown world where same sex marriage, Blowj*bs in the oval office,crotch grabbing on primetime TV etc... is O.K,it seems that we have forever lost the wholesomeness of this country.
I am not a "HolyRoller" ,not by a long shot, but I miss living in a country with moral standards!

I'm not much of a throwback, I'm an old fart! I've coached football and track 28 years, and have been fortunate to coach several young ladies. They were not tremendous athletes, but they earned the respect of their fellow teammates by their dedication and hard work. One of my former players is now a linebacker with the professional ladies team in Dallas, Texas. I also have met the young lady involved in the incident. My thoughts and ideas about who is responsible for the alleged rape shall remain private. I am absolutely convinced that this young lady is telling the truth, and I am further convinced that this was NOT a "get drunk at a party and get stupid" type situation. The coaches at UNM where this young lady is now playing are associates and friends. I am sure that they feel the same way I do.
As to what happened to the CU coach.... unfortunately when some offensive tackle moves before the snap they penalize the whole team. I think this is a knee-jerk reaction by the admin. to penalize the whole team. I hope that CU football is not killed, but I would not be surprised if that happened. What a sorry state of affairs that something as tragic as this not only happened to a nice girl, but also that it got splattered all over the national media.

Good post Coach Hunt. In high school there was a girl on my football team. When our coach told us that we were going to have a girl on our team our first reaction was just like HunterHarry's. She did not belong out there period we thought. At first we were reluctant to hit her because it is very akward and not gentleman like, so to speak, to just slam into a girl in a hitting drill. However our coach told us that she was playing in a mans' game and to treat her like one. She took some awful hits that were hard to watch, but SHE also wanted us to treat her like one of the guys. She might have taken a long time to get up from some of those hits but she always got up! By the end of her first week she won the whole team over with her courage, tenacity, and determination. She erased our immediate knee jerk reaction that she didn't belong there just because she was a girl. What she didn't have athletically she made up for with pure heart and the desire to participate in the game. Now she wasn't a starting player or anything, and it was still very akward to hit against her but we all thought the world of her. She was an inspiration to the whole team. Now I don't know anything about this Colorado girl and all of the rape allegations but my point is, if a person can play, then let them play-regardless of gender. When people are given a chance to do something they really desire to do, they can really surprise you!

Just my two cents,

Barnett is not being held accountable for the kids actions, he is being held accountable for his STATEMENTS about the kids actions. Stupid is as stupid does.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-04 AT 07:31AM (MST)[p]Mike, All collage coaches are held accountable for their athletes actions.. They, in many cases are the scapegoats. Don James use to be the head coach of the Washington Hunskies program during the 70's and 80's. If he would have stayed in coaching he would been talked about in the same breaths as Bear Bryant, Joe Paterno, Etc... He retired from coaching prematurly because of the selfish acts of Billy Joe Hobert when Hobert was caught taking money illegally from a booster or sports agent for his own selfish gains...To me neither the coach or University should be held accountable for the actions of their athletes unless the university is found to be involved...Don James quit, The UW was put on probation and had their scholarship limited for a couple of years because some selfish,egotistical young kid couldn't live by the rules set to and agreed upon when he signed his scholarship...
RE: Hey Coach!!!

This would be a great topic for you to bring up with your kids in your classes...I think it would be very interesting to hear their opinions...What do you think??.

I have a hard time believeing that all these coaches are innocent and have no idea what their players are doing. There have been so many incidents that have tarnished college sports over the past couple of decades. The Sooners, SMU, your beloved UW, BYU and the list goes on and on. I dont pretend to know if Katie was really raped or not, she should file charges and let the courts decide that, but as a father of a daughter if this so called coach had signed my girl to kick for HIS team and when the waters get rough he publicly slanders her on national air, you dam right I want his job on the line. Matter of fact I would like to take a poke at him if it were my girl.

IM not saying these coaches are all innocent either but how can one man possibly keep track of 100 scholarship athletes 24/7 that's all Im saying...I must have missed something??. All I heard him say was she was a lousy kicker??. NO WOMEN DESERVES TO BE RAPED!!!. If my daughters were ever abused or raped it's going to be hunting season for me!!!. If they prove coaches are involved then prosicute the coach don't kill the University and the other hard working scholorship athletes...Thanks Mike.
I grew up in the Hick town of Fort Collins just North of Boulder. We always played second fiddle to the Boulderites whether it was in the media or in general. So...I have to admit I'm enjoying all the scandal crap.


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