Hope'y! Change'y!



So how is that whole Hopey, Changey thing working for all of ya? Lets see we got a guy that can't speak with out a teleprompter. He is fixing to free Guantanamo detainees and then turn around and talk about prosecuting CIA interrogators. Going to double the national debt in one swoop of a pen. Chums it up with Castro, Chavez, the idiot from Iran. Everytime he speaks the stock market tanks. Could'nt fill his cabinet unless they cheated on there taxes. Puts New York in a panic cause he is so stupid he ok's a promotional shoot with Air Force one. So you all, that voted for him truly feel safer and more prosperous now? If he could save a thousand lives by waterboarding some terrorist he would'nt do it. Its so true, if you want to piss off a Liberal, use logic! God help us all!!
I would like for one person who voted for Obama to tell me where the trillions in spending has showed up. I own a small business and the banks could care less if we go out of business. They took hundreds of billions and are keeping it or giving it to foreign banks to help them out. I really have not seen a nickel of the stimulus money hit the street yet and it has been four months. Any answers before ten more jobs are lost? Don't tell me it is Bush's fault since your party controls both the executive and legislative branches. Time to walk the walk.
Well, I can think of one change. There are two or three village idiots who have overcome erectile dysfunction with excited delerium over the guy.


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