How far do big muleys roam during the rut ???


Very Active Member
Curious if any of you guys have kept track of big bucks during the rut to see how far and how much they move around during the rut.

Been watching this guy for a few years now, have one of his right side sheds from a few years ago, but this is the first time I've found him during the rut.

I missed him at 60 yards when my arrow deflected off a branch and sailed a few inches over his back.

Trying to decide if I should stick to the same canyon or go running like a drunk sailer all over the mountain side after him?

I think it really depends on the specific area. Where I live bucks do a bunch of different things during the rut. Some big bucks will come into town for the town does, in the alfalfa fields the big bucks will sneak down into view at dusk but hide during the day, up in the foothills it seems they get their does and follow them around a small area and up in the remote country, the big bucks move way out of their isolated, dark canyons to find the does. It's probably different in every county in every state...and looking at that little thing the you filmed, I would just forget him and find something bigger, just send me his last known GPS coordinates :)
I expect he'll roam until he finds a doe that appears close to ready and then he will hang fairly tight until he is done breeding her. Then to the next doe. If there is another in that group of does with prospects for him, he'll hang tight, if not he'll cover some ground to find one.
i know some places where they will roam five to ten miles and this is not migration area. I think in a migration they may move much further!
If the area has a lot of does he will stick around them, If few does he could end up any where on the mountain. IMO

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