Hunting season's closing down?


Very Active Member
So Alaska has shut down there bear hunting. Other states have shut down turkey hunting. I received an email from Eastmans saying they think there's a ten to fifteen percent chance that our fall seasons will be closed down. I can see closing down places like Africa or even Alaska where many many people fly in from out of state or even out of the country. However, I cannot understand shutting down the western states where the majority of people just drive to and hunt out in the middle of nowhere. I honestly cannot see this happening. Any thoughts on this, would love to hear them.
Is all fishing going to be closed down? With this logic, it should be.
There is no logic being used in these decision making processes. People need to stand up and realize that hunting and fishing should be RIGHTS... not privileges. The governments job is to PROTECT our rights and access to these activities not restrict us based on leftist policies and unconstitutional laws/orders.
Alaska just rescinded it so at least residents can hunt bears this spring. I also just got an email from the Utah DNR about my LE turkey hunt saying they’re not planning on shutting down any hunting seasons. Idaho also has a press release saying they’re not planning on closing any down either. It’s a joke that closing down hunting seasons is even an option. Hunting and fishing is social distancing at its best.
There is no logic being used in these decision making processes. People need to stand up and realize that hunting and fishing should be RIGHTS... not privileges. The governments job is to PROTECT our rights and access to these activities not restrict us based on leftist policies and unconstitutional laws/orders.

It doesn't matter if it's a right. The government has already wiped its ass with the rest of your rights.
If hunting seasons are closed this fall, it means there has been no reprieve from this virus at all. It means everyone is still "mandated" to stay at home and/or shelter in place. It means the "essential" workers risked everyday to keep things rolling, exposing themselves more every day, eventually become infected by Satan's mistress as well.

It means society as we know it comes to a rolling stop. It means essential goods needed to maintain health and hygiene are no longer available, nor food and perhaps clean water.

Part of the problem is the doom and gloom predicted outcome. "Flattening the curve" is exactly the wrong thing to do, the peak needs to be minimized, or shortened in height. Lowering the peak reduces the base of the curve, or the time the infection rate is viable. Because it has been proven that America's economy is fickle and influential by outside forces, this virus cannot be treated as status quo and some risk somewhere and sometime needs to be implemented. Start with vaccine clinical trial red tape and go from there.

These are my thoughts on closed hunting seasons...
It seems to me like hunting is very low risk. You're out in the middle of nowhere away from everyone else. Social distancing at its best. The only argument I can even see is people stopping in towns to get food and gas and spreading it. That will be going on to some extent anyways though. People will use common sense, get groceries close to home gas up close to home go hunting. Man I hope they don't shut down hunting.
They can shut down hunting all they want. I’ve purchased my tags, burnt my points and they have dates printed on them. I’m goin ??‍♂️ Governor gubert even encouraged people to go hunting and fishing in his press conference. If I’m essential enough to go to work through all this, hunting is essential enough for me to go.

Nonresident licenses, permits, and tags sales temporarily suspended by F&G Commission

Nonresidents who purchase a 2020 hunting license may still apply for controlled hunts that will occur this fall.
At their April 4 meeting, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission adopted a rule that temporarily suspends the sale of several types of nonresident fishing and hunting licenses, tags, and permits. The action is effective immediately and lasts until the rule is repealed consistent with relevant state of Idaho public health orders.

The Commission found this rulemaking supportive of the protection of public health consistent with the March 25 Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Order to Self-Isolate for the State of Idaho in response to COVID-19.

Fishing and hunting licenses, tags, and permits purchased by nonresidents prior to the April 4 Commission action are still valid for existing hunting, fishing, and trapping seasons, which remain in effect.

Nonresident hunting licenses along with currently available nonresident deer and elk tags are not included in the suspension. Nonresidents who purchase a 2020 hunting license may still apply for controlled hunts that will occur this fall.

The Commission action does not affect Idaho residents and there are no new limitations on resident purchase of licenses, tags, and permits or any changes to existing seasons.

Nonresidents and resident hunters, anglers, and trappers are reminded about state of Idaho guidance for outdoor recreation: follow social distancing directives of at least 6 feet, day trips are encouraged, check before heading out because many recreation sites are closed, and bring your own supplies. Outfitting and guiding are permissible with adherence to outdoor recreation guidelines.

The following is the list of nonresident items suspended from sale

  • Nonresident annual and three-year combination, fishing, and trapping licenses.
  • Nonresident Hunting Passports.
  • Nonresident junior annual and three-year fishing licenses.
  • Nonresident annual and 3-day small game hunting licenses.
  • Nonresident daily (including consecutive day) fishing licenses.
  • Nonresident 3-day fishing licenses with salmon/steelhead permits.
  • Nonresident nongame hunting licenses.
  • Nonresident game tags for black bear, turkey, mountain lion, and gray wolf, including nonresident junior mentored and nonresident disabled American veteran tags for these species.
  • Nonresident permits for black bear baiting, hound hunter, salmon, and steelhead.
  • Nonresident falconry meet permits.
  • Nonresident sport dog and falconry training permits.
  • Nonresident fishing tournament permits (suspension of sales of resident and nonresident tournament permits was implemented by Order 20-30).
  • Nonresident dog field trial permits.
I sincerely hope this covid virus lays down and we can all get back to life as we knew it. What most of you dont seem to understand is that this is a highly contagious virus that is being passed from asymptomatic people at a much higher rate than previously thought. The real issue is people traveling and spreading the virus while at the gas station or store, while in camp with others, etc.

This virus is real and the people I have seen with it first hand are really sick. there is no cure and not enough equipment to save everyone who gets sick from it. Its not you the super healthy hunter who will die from this, but it will be your parents or grandparents.

The best thing we can all do right now is be overly cautious and keep away from others until this virus gets under control. My hope is we can say that it was no big deal and we can all be glad these precautions kept it from hitting Utah as hard as other places

Don't live in fear, but be smart about your actions. If we all do that I would think the fall hunts will not be a problem.
Based on what? The Virus will get tired and leave?

The flu that comes every year as from the 1918 flu. In 100 years that virus didn't die.

Asymptomatic passing isn't novel either. My oldest son is a strep carrier.

There is no excuse right now to be poaching. None. It's been little over 2 weeks. You can live 2 weeks with 0 food.

My phatazz could probably do a month.

But there WILL be Elk, deer, moose, antelope, etc getting tipped over this fall.

The State will have 2 choices. Leave hunts alone, or start writing tickets.

Sure we don't want to end up like Italy. But folkswho say that arent being honest. Italy is decending into revolution, and large swaths are now controlled via the mafia.

And no one blames either the revolutionaries, or the mafia.

And before the "it won't happen here" crap starts. If i would have told you on Xmas day that 300 million Americans would be locked down, and 10 million would be unemployed, you would have said the same.

The government governs via the consent of the people.

That consent is being tested just a few weeks in.
It's been 4 weeks for some us already...

Also, remember, the difference today vs. 1918 is more technology, better information sharing, more understanding, and a world war is not going on right now.
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Based on us coming up with a solution. You’re correct the flu is still around and Covid will
too. But, we have flu shots and other remedies for the flu. This is not the flu. This is not strep throat. Not even close. This is pneumonia on steroids.

Nowhere did I say poaching is okay or should be allowed. If you use this as an opportunity to poach then you’re a classless POS and a disgrace to the hunting community.

I also did not say we shouldn’t be hunting. What I said was there should be extreme caution taken to avoid the spread of a virus that we can’t control and is devastating to some of those that contract it.

I completely understand you not wanting the government telling you what to do. I don’t like it one bit either. No, we are not Italy, in part, due to our proactive approach to distancing and the fact that we are the most prepared nation in the world.
I sure hope by fall hunts we have a handle on this. I'm sure I would still practice social distancing while hunting. Hell, I'll barely even talk online let alone in person while I'm hunting.
No one likes the subject.

But the real world reality is we discoint hundreds of thousands of lives yearly.

We know folks will die on roads. We know they will die of the disease.

We know they will die in the military.

I'm all for social distancing. I work by myself because i don't want people around.

I stopped and grabbed dinner last night at a place the wife and i frequent. The owner cried when I walked in. I hugged her. The fear of the virus no way came close to the fear she has.

I did a little patch job the other day.$350 job. The older lady tipped me $300. SHE WAS WORRIED ABOUT ME. She was concerned she would die and leave a house with water damage for her kids.

She ain't gonna die. But she's scared to death.

It is over the top.

And shutting down piblic land to turkey hunting is yet another example
Oh I know, I see death at work often.

Going out and buying dinner and taking care of that sweet lady is how we will get thru this.

This is no big deal right up until it is. The difference between car accidents and military fatalities is they are not unknown and not hitting all at once. I would think even you could admit 300+ fatalities a day in one city is excessive and reason for extreme caution.

This virus is barely now hitting Utah. What we don’t want is for a situation like New York or New Jersey. Luckily for us our densities are lower and we have been extremely proactive.

I agree, Turkey hunting should not be cancelled or shutdown, especially if they continue to allow fishing, hiking, and riding Atv’s in the same areas.
Hey NVB?

If You Get an Animal Down I'll be sure to know!:D

I sure hope by fall hunts we have a handle on this. I'm sure I would still practice social distancing while hunting. Hell, I'll barely even talk online let alone in person while I'm hunting.
Went fishing in Quemado yesterday, crapload of people talked to a bunch of people but we didn’t get close enough to infect each other. Its the best place to be outdoors in the mountains, defintly turkey hunting or any other hunting or fishing should not be cancelled.
I am out hunting everyday and spoke with a conservation officer yesterday and asked him about shutting down Idaho hunting and fishing. He said they have no intention of shutting anything down, the people need something to do he said, evan though i live in Idaho Coronas hot spot. They are trying to keep people from leaving this county and spreading it to other counties. I heard a couple of guys left Blaine County and went to Camas County fishing and the Sherriff stopped them and told them to go back to Blaine County, we have one of the highest infection rates in the country. I feel blessed that I can get in the mountains and breath that fresh air. I had to go to the super market yesterday, walking around in there felt like I was in a bad horror movie.
I'm going fishing.
And turkey hunting.

Places I go, social distancing is NOT a problem were I go!
Still waiting for our gov'r to pull state parks back up and "let" people go fishing in the counties they reside in. Until the fall, really have no reason to hit the hills yet.
Blaine County IS the highest rate in the country. Ski vectors is what got CO too.
Might as well throw in Utah too.

What do they all have in common? Gateways to an activity that brings people from all over the country to participate.

Would hunting do the same? I have to think so.
It would be interesting to see what the buck and bull numbers would look like next year... a entire season with no hunting. No cow hunts, no doe hunts. Huh, very interesting. No way that’s going to happen.
How many people would be coming to Utah to hunt over the next 3 months? I bet under 1000. I would imagine there are that many out of state truckers entering Utah every hour. There are probably that many out of state essential workers entering and staying extended periods of time every day. Out of state hunters don't pose a significant risk of disease.

It'd Be a Great Start!

But it'll take more than just one year to Bring it back!

It would be interesting to see what the buck and bull numbers would look like next year... a entire season with no hunting. No cow hunts, no doe hunts. Huh, very interesting. No way that’s going to happen.
The problem is not whether states are going to close down hunts. I can only speak for Utah, as I’m not living anywhere else, but with what we have going on here, we are not likely to have statewide shutdown of hunts. But what if counties still have their travel orders in place? We have several counties in Utah that their health departments have issued orders that out of county residents are not allowed to camp or recreate in the county. And state code makes it a class B misdemeanor to violate a health department order on a first offense, and a class A misdemeanor for a second offense.

I’m not sure these recreation orders banning outside county residents are constitutional, but my guess is they’d hold up under the circumstances.

So you would be able to hunt the county you live in, if those remained in place. It’s an interesting time we live in, for sure.
^^ If that is the situation, and hunters are not allowed to hunt the counties their tag is valid for, the state would be obliged to offer a refund in full.
Did someone,mention lawyers? Story about Gunnison County. If you read the link to the county ordinance, you notice that camping on federal lands is ok, if you otherwis comply with the ordinance. However that works.

"Tourists are not welcome in a Colorado county during the coronavirus pandemic, and they could face jail time if they come.

Gunnison County officials initiated a public health order last week that says non-residents and tourists must stay out to help slow the spread of coronavirus, and it comes with hefty consequences if it’s violated, according to county documents.

If someone doesn’t follow the public health order, they could be hit with a fine of up to $5,000 and spend 18 months in county jail, according to the order.

“The public health director finds that non-residents, visitors and non-resident homeowners from lower altitudes are at a greater risk for complications from COVID-19 infection than residents, who are acclimatized to the high altitude environment of Gunnison County,” the order said. “The public health director also finds that non-residents, regardless of whether they own a residence in Gunnison County, are imposing unnecessary burdens on health care, public services, first responders, food supplies and other essential services.

Non-residents can request a waiver explaining why they need to stay in the county, Western Slope Now reported, or they need to leave as soon as possible.

“Our goal is to maintain the health and safety of our residents and the integrity of our healthcare system,” Daniel Kreykeys, public information officer for Gunnison County Emergency Operations Center, told Western Slope Now. “To that end, there’s some language in that healthcare order that allows for folks to apply for an exemption. We realize there are certain things going on with our residents that may require that. We want to give people that option, if needed.”

Read more here:
What about the hunters that actually rely on the meat from the game they harvest? With the cost of ground beef up over $7 a pound, and an elk tag only costing around $50. This could potentially be very important for many families this fall.
I would really like to see a county impose those consequences without consequences imposed on them as well...
I had no idea Wuhan virus had elevation component.

Nor that outside county corona was more infectious than inside.

Power is addictive and common sense rarer and rarer
To be fair to the county sheriff, I don't believe they will be emptying the jails to make room for the folks who came up to see how their cabin wintered. Besides, if they dumped them on the streets in Gunnison they would just freeze to death anyway.

My cabin is in a neighboring county. We don't have restrictions like this yet. Would be interesting to see how it would be enforced since my neighbor up there is a county commissioner, also from this neighboring county.

Any lawyer who doesn't switch to Corona after this is a hypocrite.
To be fair to the county sheriff, I don't believe they will be emptying the jails to make room for the folks who came up to see how their cabin wintered. Besides, if they dumped them on the streets in Gunnison they would just freeze to death anyway.

My cabin is in a neighboring county. We don't have restrictions like this yet. Would be interesting to see how it would be enforced since my neighbor up there is a county commissioner, also from this neighboring county.

Any lawyer who doesn't switch to Corona after this is a hypocrite.

Ain't the county sheriff's with a taste for dictatorship. He's just the poor shlub that has to enforce it.
Around here our sheriffs tend to be gun totin rednecks. If I do get stopped by the deputy going to the cabin I hope its my brother-in-law. Haven't talked to him in a while.
Holy ****!! $7.00 for ground beef? I just hamburgers a whole cow, I’ll cut a screaming deal. How much you want
Holy ****!! $7.00 for ground beef? I just hamburgers a whole cow, I’ll cut a screaming deal. How much you want

Thats the thing giddyup, if guys would just get to know a local grower they could save a few bucks, and the grower could make a little more. Cut out the middle men.
How many people would be coming to Utah to hunt over the next 3 months? I bet under 1000. I would imagine there are that many out of state truckers entering Utah every hour. There are probably that many out of state essential workers entering and staying extended periods of time every day. Out of state hunters don't pose a significant risk of disease.
This should be frame of reference, again.
This should be frame of reference, again.

Over the next three months? Spring turkey, I doubt 1000.
Trucks rolling through UT? I bet there are more rolling through on I-40 and I-10 (not in UT) than I-80 and I-70.
Essential Workers? Not much drilling activity in UT right now, and most of the other essential workers already live there.

In short, the answers to his questions are < 1000...
View attachment 4614
Nonresident licenses, permits, and tags sales temporarily suspended by F&G Commission

Nonresidents who purchase a 2020 hunting license may still apply for controlled hunts that will occur this fall.
At their April 4 meeting, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission adopted a rule that temporarily suspends the sale of several types of nonresident fishing and hunting licenses, tags, and permits. The action is effective immediately and lasts until the rule is repealed consistent with relevant state of Idaho public health orders.

The Commission found this rulemaking supportive of the protection of public health consistent with the March 25 Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Order to Self-Isolate for the State of Idaho in response to COVID-19.

Fishing and hunting licenses, tags, and permits purchased by nonresidents prior to the April 4 Commission action are still valid for existing hunting, fishing, and trapping seasons, which remain in effect.

Nonresident hunting licenses along with currently available nonresident deer and elk tags are not included in the suspension. Nonresidents who purchase a 2020 hunting license may still apply for controlled hunts that will occur this fall.

The Commission action does not affect Idaho residents and there are no new limitations on resident purchase of licenses, tags, and permits or any changes to existing seasons.

Nonresidents and resident hunters, anglers, and trappers are reminded about state of Idaho guidance for outdoor recreation: follow social distancing directives of at least 6 feet, day trips are encouraged, check before heading out because many recreation sites are closed, and bring your own supplies. Outfitting and guiding are permissible with adherence to outdoor recreation guidelines.

The following is the list of nonresident items suspended from sale

  • Nonresident annual and three-year combination, fishing, and trapping licenses.
  • Nonresident Hunting Passports.
  • Nonresident junior annual and three-year fishing licenses.
  • Nonresident annual and 3-day small game hunting licenses.
  • Nonresident daily (including consecutive day) fishing licenses.
  • Nonresident 3-day fishing licenses with salmon/steelhead permits.
  • Nonresident nongame hunting licenses.
  • Nonresident game tags for black bear, turkey, mountain lion, and gray wolf, including nonresident junior mentored and nonresident disabled American veteran tags for these species.
  • Nonresident permits for black bear baiting, hound hunter, salmon, and steelhead.
  • Nonresident falconry meet permits.
  • Nonresident sport dog and falconry training permits.
  • Nonresident fishing tournament permits (suspension of sales of resident and nonresident tournament permits was implemented by Order 20-30).
  • Nonresident dog field trial permits.
Precedent is set...anything could happen....but not traveling out of state seems like a good idea during this phase of the outbreak...
Over the next three months? Spring turkey, I doubt 1000.
Trucks rolling through UT? I bet there are more rolling through on I-40 and I-10 (not in UT) than I-80 and I-70.
Essential Workers? Not much drilling activity in UT right now, and most of the other essential workers already live there.

In short, the answers to his questions are < 1000...

In the grand scheme of things what difference would a couple of thousand out of state hunters make when they have shut down essentially the rest of the tourist industry.

And now they are implementing this.

This is un-freaking believable. The fear is out of control. I am beginning to think as well there is something that is not being disclosed.

And now, that chick Dr. on the response team is saying any death is virus related if that person tested positive for COVID-19.

What kind of idiot scientist or Dr. would say something as dumb as that? Talk about skewing the data...
How many people would be coming to Utah to hunt over the next 3 months? I bet under 1000. I would imagine there are that many out of state truckers entering Utah every hour. There are probably that many out of state essential workers entering and staying extended periods of time every day. Out of state hunters don't pose a significant risk of disease.
I agree. The number of NR hunters in the next 3 months is probably small compared to the total traffic. But NR hunting is non-essential in the big picture.
I had plans to turkey hunt in Nebraska. Oh well.

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