hunting texas



I wanted to hunt whitail in texas and was just wondering if any of you had a good ranch to go to? One that wasn't real expensive.
If I were you I would do a search on ranches or day leases in central tx hill country. Try San Saba, Brady area some of the ranches are very reasonable, but might be tough this time of year for this years hunt. As far as specific ranches, I dont know of any that have openings right now, but do a search and make some phone calls. Just do a search for San Saba Tx and click on the hunting link and go from there. Hope this will get you on the right track.
I handle a couple of nice ranches in South Texas and have a couple of conservation trophy (<135 gross B&C) available. Most of these are bucks w/ good heavy horns and 19-22" spreads. Very nice deer. I get $1,850 per deer and that includes 2 1/2 days hunting, varmints and up to 2 hogs. My hunters usually stay at a local motel for lodging. E:mail me @ [email protected] if you are interested.
there is a guy in the panhandle that has some reasonably priced hunts, his name is mike macina and is out of paducah i belive. i wwill find more info and we can go from there
I just came back from a ranch in southern texas called San Patricio Cazadores thier hunts range from 1000.00 for a management buck (8 point) and 4500 for anything bigger than 160" this is a non fenced private property hunt I saw huge deer had a chance at a 165 range freak but didnt have the right opportunity I felt anyway. excellent people very nice ranch they are booking now and for next year you also get to shoot hogs and I believe one doe thier website is check it out I might be a little off on the prices but still an excellent hunt.

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