Hypacrites and Elitest


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2008 Candidates Rely on Private Jets
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Associated Press Writer

April 26, 2007, 6:44 PM EDT

WASHINGTON -- A flock of small jets took flight from Washington Thursday, each carrying a Democratic presidential candidate to South Carolina for the first debate of the political season.

For Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden, it was wheels up shortly after they voted in favor of legislation requiring that U.S. troops begin returning home from Iraq in the fall.

No one jet pooled, no one took commercial flights to save money, fuel or emissions.

All but Biden, who flew on a private jet, chartered their flights -- a campaign expense of between $7,500 and $9,000.

Federal Election Commission rules allow candidates to pay only the equivalent of first-class fare to fly on private jets owned by corporations or other special interests. But a Senate ethics bill approved earlier this year would require senators flying on corporate jets to pay full charter rates. The legislation must still be reconciled with a House bill and has yet to become law.

Several senators running for president are abiding by it anyway, either paying charter cost or avoiding corporate jets altogether, as Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain have done. Dodd pays full charter rates when he flies on private planes. The Clinton and Biden campaigns did not immediately explain their policies.

Candidates who follow the more lenient FEC rules have a financial advantage.

Democrat John Edwards, for example, regularly uses a jet owned by Dallas trial lawyer Fred Baron, who is also the finance chairman of his presidential campaign. His campaign pays first-class rate for those flights. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney also flies on corporate jets and pays first-class rates.

Under FEC reimbursement regulations, a candidate flying in a corporate or union jet must pay the first-class rate unless the flight's destination does not have scheduled commercial service. In that case, the candidate must pay the cost of chartering the plane.

For candidates who are now eschewing corporate jets, the cost difference can be significant.

For example, a one-way first class ticket on United Airlines with four days advance notice is $694 per person. A typical one-way charter flight on a small Lear jet seating six people would cost about $9,000.

Critics of corporate jet flights for politicians say the difference in cost makes a private jet an extraordinary special benefit and can give corporate executives or union leaders unusual access to a candidate.

Thursday's debate, set on the campus of South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, S.C., made for some whirlwind scheduling. Clinton, for instance, was scheduled to return to Washington Friday morning for an 8 a.m. address to the New York State United Teachers 35th Annual Representative Assembly, then fly back to South Carolina for an 11 a.m. event in Greenville.

Copyright 2007 Newsday Inc.
No kidding. . . how about some news or at least something meaningful. We all know both sides of the isle are hypacrites and elitest. . .
I don't think the Republicans are the ones yelling and screaming about cutting CO2 emissions like the dems are. I am not saying this article is surprising but it would be nice if the people telling us that we have to change our lifestyle would do the same.

None of the people on that list are very important to me, but I think it's unrealistic to expect presidential contenders to travel in a regular Joe fashion.
I kind of have a different take on this. If a basketball team can charter a plane it would seem realistic that the potential leader of the free world may be able to do the same. Many advantages to private travel opposed to public since elections are won and lost on words and projected images. Every candidate will be chartering flight's once this thing takes off! It just not feasible to rely on public transportation in a presidential election in todays world. Hell the airport delays alone would put any candidate at a disadvantage many times on the road to the White House. I agree it's hypocritical but it's unrealistic to think they really have any other options with multiple destinations in multiple states in a 24 hour period and that goes for both parties.
Iheard Cheney took the bus on his own nickel to address the BYU grads! As a matter of fact being the fiscal monitors of the free world, I'm sure most Republicans use mass transit to get to capitol hill.

You liberals are unbelievable. When is the last time the republicans were screaming about C02 emissions and global warming. The dems like to lecture us about the way we live our lives but heaven forbid they actually lead by example! All of us need to drive a toyota prias but they can go ahead and continue to fly private jets around the country.
The dems could ride Big wheels to there speaking engagements and still kick butt on the republicans in '08. or just sit back and let Bush do the work for them, James Carville couldn't dream of doing as much good for the dem party as Bush is . good idea guys, they don't need to do all this running around anyway except for the primary election. after that knock it off dems you've already won the general.
>You liberals are unbelievable. When is
>the last time the republicans
>were screaming about C02 emissions
>and global warming. The dems
>like to lecture us about
>the way we live our
>lives but heaven forbid they
>actually lead by example! All
>of us need to drive
>a toyota prias but they
>can go ahead and continue
>to fly private jets around
>the country.

Dude, calm down. They all sent ALGORE a check and he is working on neutralizing their carbon excrements.

That gives me an idea.

Wonder if I could sell BS OFFSETS? Send me money and I will neutralize a persons BS?

I would give volume discounts to excessive BS'ers. I will call it the KERRY COUPON.


Be one of the first 10,765 to sign up get a free Ted Kennedy DVD entitled , "How to kill your lover and still live off the public dime, vol 1-5" with never before seen bonus footage on how to turn your car into a boat, how to drink a bottle of Scotch while pretending to serve the public at a congressional meeting, how to get your nephew out of rape charges. Special appearance by Barney Frank with advice on how to run a male escort service and still get re-elected.

Moneyman that's some funny stuff!! But you and I both know Teddy's living off his daddy's dimes which have grown to be quarters many times over.
Along with that DVD you can include the CD "Republican 's sing the classics "

Mark Foley - Thank heaven for little girls ( I mean boys )

George Bush - War what is it good for ( sure as hell not me )

Colin Powell - Take this job and shove it ( I'm too honest to work here )

Karl Rove- paint it black ( I am so screwed )

Condi Rice - all I want for Chrismas is my two front teeth

George Bush - I drank 15 beers ( and went AWOL )

Alberto Gonzales - Why can't we be friends ( please leave me alone )

##### Cheney - I shot the sheriff ( no wait it was my lawyer )

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