I dont get it?


Very Active Member
It is pretty amazing that we allow a non-us citizen born in Kenya who came to college as a Foriegn Nationalist to become our President? Anything gos in D.C. Whatever they want they get!! Why wont they release his birth certificate and College records? HHHMMMM? The Supreme court rules not to review it, and the county that claims his birth certificate wont release it. Like the old saying gos "Its not the grades you make, its the hands you shake". Our Constitution is crumbling.
The problem is that is amble proof that BO is a natural born American Citizen. So much proof that the Supreme Court is convinced of that fact.

I don't know all the details on this specific topic but I have heard bit's and peices here and there. I guess if I were running for president and people were doubting me that much I would just hold a news conference to set the record straight.
He's not running for president , he is president. the high court says he's an American, end of story.

McCain had a similar situation, that's why it wasn't a big issue during the campaign. worrying about it at this point is useless.
Yep - it wouldn't do any good now anyway. The precedent has already been set. If there were any truth to this, it would be a technicality anyway. Being born to a US citizen mother and born in the US (Hawaii) guarantees him citizenship regardless of what his birth certificate says. It is a dead horse.

And as far as his college transcripts are concerned - it doesn't matter - he has the degrees and that is all that counts. He passed the background checks to run for the IL senate and I guarantee you his background has been checked up and down and backwards and forwards over the last 5 or so years.

Don't worry - we aren't getting the wool pulled over our eyes on this issue.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The problem is that is amble proof that BO is a natural born American Citizen. So much proof that the Supreme Court is convinced of that fact.


If thats the case then just show everyone the proof, no big deal. IF you were accused of being unlawful about something and to prove it otherwise was a simple matter, you wouldnt do it? All it's making BO look like, is he truly wasnt born here... so prove everyone wrong...pretty simple fix
Let's put it to you this way - he doesn't HAVE to and that is the point to the whole argument.

Say for example you get pulled over by the police for some infraction, well you first show them your driver's license to prove your identity. They then confirm that identity and charge you with your crime. You are then in the system based on that initial identification given to the police. Then they take you to jail but from that point forward, you no longer have to prove your identity by showing your driver's license. Everyone assumes the police have identified you correctly and have done their job. Same case here boys - he has already been checked out and identified. And it doesn't matter and he doesn't have to and he never will. It is a moot point. Yes for a minute there during the election I thought this thing might have a little bit of merit, but it washed out and is no longer relevant.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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