I sent mine how bout you?



Dear Mr. Editor; March 23rd 2009 [email protected]

I read last week?s article that you published, by Mr. Spencer Lennard and his opinion about tax dollars that the ODFW is using to control the Mt. Lion population, I have to say I disagree with his opinion and feel his opinion is motivated by his status in the ? wildlife advocacy group? that he directs, and the current down turn in the economy, due to his mind set and his motivations, he is biased and he only sees part of the grand picture.

First off, ODFG take?s in a lot of revenue from hunters of all species, Deer, Elk, Duck, varmints, ect; this revenue is derived from licensing and tags sales, my point is this, that, much of that money goes into the effort to control the Mt. Lion population, why does the Mt Lion population need to be controlled you may ask!? Please note the picture attachment, I sent with this letter.

Due to advocacy groups such as the one Mr. Lennard heads up, a few years back, fought for changes in how Mt. Lions were hunted, with the intent of halting all Mt. Lion hunts, the rule went from the use of 3 or more hound dogs to only one, with that kind of change in the rule?s no sane person is willing to jeopardize their dog?s life, hunting Mt. Lions with one dog would be suicide to say the least for the single dog.

Due to this recent change in the rule?s of hunting Mt. Lions, the Mt. Lion population has boomed, not many people know that the main diet of Mt. Lions, is venison (Deer and Elk)?what people like Mr. Lennard don't take into consideration, is this, one doe can give up to 15 or 20 fawns in her life time, which is being cut way short by the over population of the Mt. Lion.

Many people like to believe that, they (Mt Lions) only eat rodents, this is not true, though I'm not a biologist, but, I don't have to be one to see that in recent years the Mt. Lion have decimated the deer and elk herd?s. Predators such as the Mt. Lion have to be controlled, it's widely publicized today how many people have been killed and mauled by Mt. Lion?s in California, must we have the same here in Oregon, because once the deer and elk are gone, all that's left for them to eat, is you, me our live stock and then our pets!

Sincerely; concerned citizen; Manny Galea

white city Or.
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