Indentification in backpack?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-13 AT 06:10PM (MST)[p] Do you guys leave identification in your backpacks so if the pack is lost the finder has a way of tracking you down?

This last weekend hunting a unfamiliar unit in Idaho I'm driving down a dirt road when I see this backpack laying in the middle of the road. I can tell the back is loaded with stuff just by how big it is and there isn't a person or truck around anywhere, in fact the whole time I did not see another truck. I'm thinking somebody is going to be missing this after they realize it fell out of their rig. I look through the back thinking there might be a hunting license or something that will have a name that I could search on the internet when I got cell service and try to find a number. There was tons of gear in the pack but nothing with any type of identification or way of contacting the owner.

I decided I would continue on to the town and turn it in to the local law enforcement agency. Right before hitting civilization I see a truck coming up the road and I stop. Turns out it was the owner of the pack and he was coming back to look for his property. He was happy that he got it back and I was glad I didn't have to waste time by turning it over to the cops.

I got looking at my backpack and I realized I didn't have anything in my pack that would identify me in case I lost it some how. Sometimes I keep my license in there but there are other times I just keep the license on me.

What do you think about those tags that go on the zipper where you can write your personal information. I realize a lot of turds would just keep it as the finders keepers mindset, but I still think there are lots of good people out there.
Foundation, after reading your post I'm going to put my name and number inside my pack. Guess I never really thought much about it before.
I would have my name and phone number including area prefix on the phone number. The finder then has the option of calling you or if turned over to law enforcement they will call you to get rid if it out of their evidence room.

It was COLD rug.

Ya I thought the having some of way of contacting the owner was a pretty good idea. I have never lost much that I can remember, but it dawned on me that it would make things easier if it ever happened.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-13 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]I keep a copy of the shed collector course paper with my name address and phone number on it in my pack, my bino case and attached to the cap of my spotting scope just for this reason. I know it might be hard for someone to make an effort to return a 4300 dollar spotting scope if it had no identification with it. I figure do what you can to keep people honest. Even leaving a note with it saying reward if found could help if you ever do lose your stuff
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
I agree, there are tons of honest guys out there and most guys would be happy to get your stuff returned to you IF YOUR NAME AND CONTACT INFO WAS INSIDE.
I've never done it but I will now.
Nice tip... oh and nice to hear of another honest guy!
Such a simple idea too and yet so few have there contact info in the pack, me included. Good idea. BTW good for you returning the found pack to the owner!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
My wife sews my name and phone number on the inside of all of my stuff, she knows how I am.... I just got back my Marmot down vest that I left at the local brew pub because of it. She is threatening to put a stretchy string on my gloves and thread them through my coat since I am constantly asking if she knows where my gloves are.

It's a good idea.
My boy lost his. We back tracked and did not find it. Lucky for him he had his shed hunting permit in one of the pockets. It made it easy for the finder to track him down. It was better then Christmas when he answered the door the guy handed him the pack.
>My boy lost his. We back
>tracked and did not find
>it. Lucky for him he
>had his shed hunting permit
>in one of the pockets.
>It made it easy for
>the finder to track him
>down. It was better then
>Christmas when he answered the
>door the guy handed him
>the pack.

Cool story.
Like I said, there are lots of honest and good guys out there. This tip will give them a chance to do the right thing when otherwise the only thing they could do is take your stuff home and post it on MM and hope the rightful owner claims it.
I left one where I loaded the wheeler on the truck once. Had my tripod and a ton of stuff in it. Thankfully my guide license was in it and a wood cutter found it. That was one of the best phone calls I have ever received! He got a bottle of crown and some elk salami when I picked it up.
Forget the backpack. I am fast approaching that age where I probably ought to put a tag on myself in case I get lost.

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