


I was just curious about what issues everyone is concerned with. There is a lot of debate on here on a number of issues, but which ones are the most important to you guys?
1. The Environment
2. The Economy
3. The War
4. Guns

The sky isn't falling so that's why guns is number 4.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-08 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]1. Health Care
2. The Economy
3. Diplomatic relations with the rest of the world
4. Defense of our boarders
5. A strong military
6. Free beer for all democrats

1. Leadership. We need a leader. The rest will take care of itself.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
1.Tag draws
2.Health care
3.Saving Social Security
4.Illegal immigration (securing our borders)
5. Economy
317. Global Warming
Protected Constitution....
Provide arms and ammo to 3rd world countries, to help them kill each other off. Provide the same to gang members.
Nueter all Pitbulls in America.
Stop the growth and proliferation of Starbucks Coffee.

I care a little about what the others have said also, except that I don't care ANYTHING about what the rest of the world thinks of us.

I know it is just going to be more of the same old crappola with a new spin on why it won't work.

Our dumb assed government will never see the idiocy in dropping a $1 million bomb on a $3 tent.......that is a metaphor for American government, it ain't just about the war.

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