J.Stewart and J.Mcain - WoW!



Did anyone watch John Stewart and John McCain last night on the Daily Show? I never have seen any interview as good as that one. Both men handled themselves well. Stewart ask, for once, the hard questions and would not take the talking points, he pushed back on McCain. At the end of the interview, McCain was no match for the facts. . . It was, I'm sure, embarrassing for McCain to get asked to answer REAL questions.

It's a sad day in this Nation when you have to watch a comedy show to watch a real interview!

They should have Stewart run the presidential debates; he's tough when he wants to be.

Best interview I've ever seen!!!
I would agree T that if you are a bleeding hart liberal cut and run Dem it probably was the best interview you have ever seen. As I have said in the past the Dems, AGAIN, had their willing acomplices in the media attempt to make a Republican look bad. The stewart fella had a sypathetic audience that is for sure.
The anology of the house with no windows and doors was just plain idiotic. Then when McCain tried to talk about how Alqueida will attack us here if we cut and run Stewart comes back with the "Bleed them of treasures and lives" rebutal. Another stupid come back because if they don't bleed us over there of lives and treasures they will bleed us of lives and treasures over here. He tottaly leaves out the fact that not a single attack since 911 on our soil or the fact that we have been taking attacks from Alqueida every year before 911. The Walter Reid comment was another cheap shot. That problem has been around for a long time and Dem Clinton is probably most to blame if you want to play the blame game. Then the comidean goes on about questioning the President then being called not supporting the troops. He never let McCain say "Its not the questioning its the constant barrage of undermining the President and the troops that hurts" when every Dem in congress every single day is calling the President a murderer, a nazi, an moron and when some senators and congressmen call our troops stupid or call them terrorist or call them losers. That is not supporting the troops. I am sorry but the comedian is dead wrong on every single issue he brought up.

But if I was a Peace Hippie with no stomach for war and would like to pat the terrorist on the popo..........then yea I might say "WOW the best interview I have ever seen" LMAO yea right!

I will agree with one thing only slightly different slant than yours T. It is a sad day in America when a Presidential candidate feels it is neccessary to be on a comic show to get votes.
02, as usual you missed the point and jumped right to your talking points.

The point I was trying to make, regarless of audiance, was that for once, someone has the smarts and the stamina to ask the correct (and tough) questions, and not back down to a half-baked answer. I dont care if it's mccain, or if its edwards, the interview was great because stewart is not owned by a major broadcast network, AND, people think his show is just for fun. It's also true that mose of the mainstream media likes to use his show to creep into discussion of real issues, as most of the big media giants done have the spine to get into a real discussion or argument, not even orielly gets into anything real on his show. . .
Heck with all the guys that like to watch vids, and all the guys on this site that are true american men, you'd think they would have more to say about McCain getting whooped up on by a comic. . . Oh well, I guess it's just ot painful to watch your hero get smacked down on comidy show. . . I think he still is limping from that interview. . . Ouch! I'll bet he dont come back anytime soon.

As per the future, I hope Stewart can be just as tough on other party members, including the dems, as he was with McCain!
Talking points...........is that some liberal code cause the comedian used the same term?

T you missed the point you and Dude watched that interview from a liberals point of view. He never let mccain answer a thing. I am not even a McCain guy but the comedian could have let McCain answer.

The comedian was pandering to his liberal audience.
....too much fish heads and milo makes you stupid. McCain is no hero of mine and yes, he got whooped.

McCain may have a hard line National Security stance but he's a RINO evident by the McCain-Feingold Act. He's no hero of the conservatives.
As a conservative, I could never vote for for McCain. He is a member of the Rep party for one reason, they have better fund raisers. He is as liberal as they come.

So, J Stewart, a major windbag and unfunny comedian, uncovered a fake and phoney. So what? Let's see what questions the blow hard asks Hillary, Edwards, and Obama.
Stewart unfunny? com'on he and Colbert are a riot. he gets jabs in on everyone, some people just make it easy for him. how could you call McCain a liberal? he's riding the Iraq war down in flames with Bush, you should at least give him credit for that. don't write him off he has as good of chance in '08 as any of the republicans. ( that of a snowball )

Trust me there are a lot of McCain Supporters on this site, A lot of people from AZ love him, we are not going to just agrue and try to prove our point here on MM, the proof will be in the pudding in 08 elections and then we will see who is better Dem or Rep...

If you want to argue about something just for the sake of arguing we can argue about something that affects all of us everyday regardless of polical party..... The stock market just hit the highest point ever, which is a good thing in my opinion maybe I can retire a few years earlier now, The unemlpoyeement numbers are way down, I don't have the exact number but it is better than the last few years. Does a Republican in office have anything to do with that, I have know idea but like I said the proof is in the pudding..

The interview, the inteview does anyone read these posts????????????????????????????????????????/
Yes Tony, I understand what you are saying, I just hope Jon Stewart asks the same questions to the Dems, I would actually be suprised if they even did his show after this one because they will be affraid to gets asked those same sort of questions!!!!

>Stewart unfunny? com'on he and Colbert
>are a riot. he
>gets jabs in on everyone,
>some people just make it
>easy for him. how
>could you call McCain a
>liberal? he's riding the Iraq
>war down in flames with
>Bush, you should at least
>give him credit for that.
>don't write him off he
>has as good of chance
>in '08 as any of
>the republicans. ( that of
>a snowball )

Do you know there is a difference between Republican and Conservative? McCain is anti-gun, pro-illegal immigration, pro-death, pro-affirmative action. His only redeeming quality is his favor of a strong military and national security. Granted, those are two HUGE pluses, but I can't vote for a gun grabbing baby killer.

Joe Lieberman is a democrat, but not a dyed in the wool freakish liberal. See the difference? It's not really hard if you take your nose out of CNN and MSNBC and educate yourself. Dan Rather is not a professor of political science and neither is Sean Hannity. Think for yourself instead of having some loser like Stewart do your thinking for you.
Wow moneyman. I figured you guys thought all dems are horrible and all republicans are great. Thanks for seeing the middle ground.
>Wow moneyman. I figured you
>guys thought all dems are
>horrible and all republicans are
>great. Thanks for seeing
>the middle ground.

I've never once declared myself to be a Republican, only a staunch, ultra-conservative who thinks the Constitution should be interpreted AS IT WAS WRITTEN, not to suit the flavor of the day. Who believes the Fed Gov't has stepped way over it's bounds. Who thinks that we are slipping toward Socialism. The Gov was never meant to take care of your person needs, like health insurance, retirement, etc. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

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