Jan. 17th CPW mtg.?


Very Active Member
Anyone else listen to the CPW meeting? I heard them talk a little about eliminating all OTC archery elk tags and going draw specific. I hadn't seen anything about that previously however more than 1 person lobbied for the commission to vote on it right away. It would become effective in 2024. However, I didn't hear any specific vote on it so I'm not exactly sure what the plan is as I got distracted and may have missed what was decided. It's seems obvious to me that each year they have been cutting out some units from the OTC list which pushes all OTC hunters into other areas (assuming they don't want to use points or try for their unit 2nd chance.) Overcrowding is the reason they've justified this action. However, they never seem to mention anything about overcrowding in rifle seasons and those remain OTC as always. One public commenter noted the data which shows that non-resident archery hunters outnumber resident hunter by a significant margin and they suggested limiting NR OTC tags. Their response was that it nothing is OTC, it would therefore limit NR hunters because they'd have the 65/35 split. Anyway, stay tuned I guess. Meeting info is posted on the CPW website and it continuing today (Wed. 18th) starting at 8 am. https://www.youtube.com/user/coloparkswildlife/live
Eliminate OTC in general......As a non resident who loves elk hunting I wish they would do this. The reason CO otc elk is so popular is everyone in the east that cannot see or plan past what they are eating for dinner tomorrow drives out and goes down I-70 to Walmart and heads to the hills. I know several of the guys. Yet I keep telling them buy cheap points or try for random tags, nope. Make them go every other year even would cause their heads to spin with confusion. They need to do this. Even though it would take few years to figure out tag numbers for the right balance of tag numbers/quota I think it would be worth it for the resource and the quality of the hunt experience itself.
At least 750 wolves and no lethal management whatsoever even to wolves killing livestock is what the wolf groups are pushing for. They also never want them listed as a game species in Colorado.
I'm kind of a pessimistic person sometimes. All these issues would go away with a hard economic situation. Wolves... who would care if there was no money. Tag problems would probably go away. Really these problems are a result of a prosperous time. Stories the old timers tell are pretty interesting. One guy I worked with as a youngster told me about driving around after dark, sitting on the big front fender of an old car. His wife would drive while he held the old single shot shotgun. They would roll around until he shot something, then go home and eat it. (He said they lived on roadkill and love those years. He was quiet for a few minutes, then said under his breath, " mostly roadkill ")
750? That’s a pretty large number. I think with what they are lobbying hunting will be a goner in a couple decades.
A former Denver Bronco just harvested a whopper mtn lion that's been on the news lately. He put the photos on social media. Just about every Denver News channel had it on the 5 o'clock news explaining that what he did was totally legit and legal!
A former Denver Bronco just harvested a whopper mtn lion that's been on the news lately. He put the photos on social media. Just about every Denver News channel had it on the 5 o'clock news explaining that what he did was totally legit and legal!
So U must think Colorado will have wolf hunting is the near future then? I watched the video and I sent my comments the every CPW commissioner and while I was at it looked up all the bio on the commissioners and and all I can say is wow...
A former Denver Bronco just harvested a whopper mtn lion that's been on the news lately. He put the photos on social media. Just about every Denver News channel had it on the 5 o'clock news explaining that what he did was totally legit and legal!
That was nothing more than publicity stunt for him and the guy that took him. So they can do a sweet bro podcast on it on YouTube here in a couple weeks… Colorado is heading down a very ugly road. Makes me absolutely furious even thinking about it.
There has been a gob of mtn lion videos and photos on the 5 o'clock news over the years with mtn lions in people's back yards. I think those that live in the city have a love-hate relationship with lions. Most are probably scared to death of them and don't want them to eat their pooch or kid, but at the same time think lions are pretty cool critters.

I think the Denver Bronco guy was probably excited about his giant mtn lion and it sounded like on the short broadcast clip that he was trying to give hunters a good name. I didn't hear any mention about the outfitter's name that guided him. If it was a publicity stunt I think that is truly sad, but I really don't think that was the intension of the Bronco guy.
I'm guessing they didn't have outdoor wildlife backgrounds?
I think that would be a pretty good statement... I am invested in elk and deer points in Colorado and I wrote every commissioner elk should go to draw units for NR in all seasons.. My opinion really doesn't matter much since I am a Wyoming resident but I thought I should share it with them anyway..

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