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Active Member
On the old forums there was a button that you could jump to the next newer or older post. I always used this if I hadn't been on for a bit I'd scroll down to the first post I hadn't seen, then click next post until I got to the top to read through them all. Is this feature gone in the new format or am I missing it somewhere? It seems like you have to go back to the main page of that forum every time you want to go to a different post.
You see the button at the top of this thread says “jump to new”. Is that what you’re wanting???
Sorry I guess I should have said thread, not post. On the old forums there was a button at the top and bottom of each thread that you could jump to the next one without having to go back to the forum menu. Does that make sense?
I know what you’re talking about. It Next or Previous option. This forum program doesn’t offer that feature. Sorry

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