Kerry, avid sportsman....?....



avid sportsman thats the first I heard of it, Gore claimed to be one also, but did you read his book...NOT!...

John Kerry: A Larger-than-Life Image, but is He America's Future?

As John Kerry today accepts his party's nomination, the toughest scrutiny of his life is just beginning. It is the image that the Kerry campaign wants you to see ... a proven leader, devoted family man, avid sportsman, and combat veteran. As Democrats here in Boston paint a picture of their candidate's life story,
Americans are just starting to get a sense of who John Kerry is and what he stands for....
Kerry thinks deer are hunted with double barrel shotguns and crawling on the ground????? Fire your best shot, vote in Nov. Vote for our rights and our country.

Phantom Hunter
Kerry is an idiot. I heard he hunts whitetail. Only male homosexual clubs! VOTE BUSH IN 04
Well, the way I see it is the Eddie Kennedys and their vile constinuents want the things that have made us proud to live in this great country. Eddie, you can't have my Guns or my lifestyle, I just cannot believe the things that I have seen go away in the last 30 years! If you can type about your frustrations then get online and do something......anything, I ordered 1000 Ink pens with "Kerry is bad for the USA, Vote for GEORGE W. BUSH!. People have been very receptive to them, I give out two at a time, one for them and one to pass on. Yeah it's a simple little thing, but so is a yard sing or a bumper sticker. John
Kerry is for same sex marriages, abortion, and supports organizations like the Sierra club.....


jeremy mulino oregon
The Poodle is also absent from the list of Senators who are a member of the Congressional Sportsman Caucus. Heck, even Daschle is a member of this group. He also left the campaign trail to vote against letting the asssault weapons ban expire, against protecting firearm manufacturers against junk lawsuits and voted to ban gun shows. A real friend of the hunter and gun owner.

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