kids and camping



LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-04 AT 11:50PM (MST)[p]I am taking my son on the bowhunt this year and I have a question for you fathers out there. He is a little over a year old and I am concerned about keeping him warm at night. How do you bundle up your kids overnight without having to worry about suffocating them? I think that the temp drops down to the 40's during the night where I hunt. Just wondering.

My kids sleep warm, but in similar temps what I have done is to double up on winter jammies for them, socks and onesies underneath, and put a sock hat on their heads. That and a warm blanket, possibly mittens and he'll be good to go.
That's great that you are taking him, but I have to ask; Why are you taking a 1 year old bowhunting with you? Is it a family camping trip/bowhunt or is it just you and him bowhunting? I don't see how you are going to get much hunting done if it is just you and your 1 year old son. If you just want to take him hunting, you should atleast wait until he is old enough to remember it, IMHO.

my daughters first hunting season came when she was 6 months old. tent camped in several nights of low to mid 30's weather, a little bit of snow. she did fine with a couple extra blankets. dont forget the beanie hat, the head is where you lose most of your body temp. she's 3 this year, and has been scouting with me all summer. if the weather is as warm as its been the last couple years, she'll go in the woods with me opening day.
I have to agree with RuttCrazed on this one. If it is a family affair, that's fine, but if momma's not there to watch the little one while you are out hunting I would rethink the whole idea. I have a boy just over a year old and I can't imagine taking him out hunting with me. In a few years yes, but no now. Just my two cents.
If you can zip 2 bags together and put him in with you or you and momma, slip a beni on his head and your good to go! Good Luck
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-04 AT 02:56AM (MST)[p]I thought that I might get a few responses asking about the family situation. Yes, my wife will be there, as well as my sister-in-law, brother and others. I would never take a kid that young alone on a hunt. Those situations usually end up on the news with a sad ending. But I do appreciate people piping up when they see a situation that could turn sour.


champset- sorry to read too much into your post. I hope that you and your family have a great time this fall. You shouldn't have too much trouble keeping the little one warm if you follow the advice that the previous posters gave. Good luck, we hope to see some pics of you, your little hunting buddy, and a nice buck this fall!
I also wasn't trying to come down on you, just wanted to get the rest of the story. Have a good time and take plenty of pics.

My little one started in deer camp when she was four weeks old (O.K. with her doctor even). She is now almost two and this will be her third season hunting with mom. I put her in a backpack and off we go. She makes lots of noise but we still see animals. Someone always knows where we are and when we'll be back (if muledeernut or bucksnort aren't with me). We have the best time.

Kudos to you for taking your boy! The memories that YOU are building for your family are what's important.

At night I put my daughter in a onesie, socks, thermals, footie pajamas, and a hat (along with the blankets). She always sleeps well. BTW, same outfit if she's in the backpack and we're hunting.

Have a great time, be safe, and YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOUR CHILD no matter what anyone else says!
Sounds like fun! I would also try to zip two bags together and put him in between you and momma.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.

I've got a 5 year-old that loves doing anything and everything outdoors. Making sure he is comfortable has always been a concern for me as well. At such a young age, I want to make sure his experiences in the hills are nothing but positive. With him being so young, that responsibility naturally rests upon me.

We just got back from a camping trip in Wyoming, and it was colder at nights than usual for this time of year. I just put him in some long john jammies, and then a fleece "couch pouch" (it's just a big fleece pajama like suit thingy). I made sure he slept with socks on, and a stocking cap. Threw an extra quilt around his sleeping bag, and that pretty much did the trick. I asked him every morning if he got cold, and he told me "No". Judging from this pic, I think he slept pretty well. What do you think?

PS It never hurts to have a thick air mattress underneath to insulate them from the ground too!



"You're welcome at my fire anytime!"
Great pick eyeguard! I have two young boys and a little girl. They all LOVE to go camping! Nothing like snuggling-up to the little ones on a cold night. Good stuff....


Thanks stanley. My boy loves being in the mountains as well (maybe almost as much as I do judging by the # of times he's always asking me if we can go). The kids sure can make a trip can't they? I love having my boy along. He's full of so many questions, and he pays attention or notices things that I often take for granted. I hope I can continue to nurture that love for the outdoors in him, as well as my baby on the way! The wife's having our 2nd late this fall. My 1st boy was born at the end of October, and this one is due right around the same time (give or take a day or two). With their bdays being so close to rifle deer season, it's my hope that as they get older we'll be celebrating their bdays out on the mountain each year. What could be better? (JMO)


"You're welcome at my fire anytime!"
Now that's what I'm talking about! My b-day is in October and my daughter will be 2yrs a month from today. We love to celebrate our birthdays in deer camp. There is no better place for a party! Archery season starts for us THIS SATURDAY and we're off and running for another great season. Have fun y'all, be safe, and good luck.

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