
Long Time Member
We can't trust Democrats or Republicans. What major issue have they resolved in the last 20 years? Illegal Immigration? Health Care? Tax Reform? Social Security?

The Libertarian Party has real answers...

-No government bailouts
-Privatize Social Security
-Science-based Environmental Policy
-Protect Victims, Punish Criminals
-Gun Ownership -- "We believe private ownership of firearms is the solution to America's crime epidemic, not part of the problem."
-Lower taxes -- in 1950 Federal taxes were 2% of a family of four's income, today it is 25%
-Cease foreign aid -- "foreign welfare"
-Stop illegal immigration

We need to tell lifetime-politicians we have had enough and have a modern-day revolution. A massive revolt against both parties is the only thing that will fix the mess we're in.

Federal Welfare Programs exploded under President Bush and the Republican Congress, and have sped up under President Obama and the Democratic Congress. This is ridiculous.


I care! But, I do NOT think the Libertarian Party is the answer/solution. They have been around for how long and have accomplished what? Having good ideas/principles is not enough to make a difference in politics. You need substance and the ability to unite people behind your cause(s), and the LP has proven to be seriously lacking in both. I WILL be attended the Tea Party in SLC on the 15th, I believe that is a more effective means of creating change that can/should take place within the existing 'relevant' parties. If we get more Republicans like Ron Pual that have a bit more personality and some Democrats like Zel Mellor we can get our country back from the Socialists. Wasting time/money/energy on ZERO result 'movements' like the LP will result in the same ZERO results. IMHO.


"If we get more Republicans like Ron Paul" --- Ron Paul was the Libertarian Presidential Candidate in 1988. He switched his "party" to Republican for the name. He is a Libertarian.

>"If we get more Republicans like
>Ron Paul" ---
> Ron Paul was the
>Libertarian Presidential Candidate in 1988.
> He switched his "party"
>to Republican for the name.
> He is a Libertarian.

My point has been made. Ron Paul realized the only way he had any chance of being relevant was to be part of a relevant party.


Hey Pro I like that!

Point, Counter-Point, Point that confirms the finding of the counter-point.

I understand Grizzly's frustrations with the 2 big parties, but you point wins the day.

I do think that this whole Tea Party thing is simply a passing attempt by Newt and Co. to try dump the last 8 years and 2 months onto the backs of the Dems. The only thing this will accomplish is a P.R. move by the G.O.P. and further partisan division. I support the rights of those attending I just think it is a diversionary tactic instead of a real rallying cry.

If the entire national populace is truly fed-up, and this isn't just a P.R. move, why hold the tea party in the reddest of red states?

I keep telling everyone there is plenty of room with the non-partisans voters. Why support either party when all they seem to do is get paid to screw things up?

"If the entire national populace is truly fed-up, and this isn't just a P.R. move, why hold the tea party in the reddest of red states?"

Actually, there will be tea parties in several cities across the nation, not just in SLC. I also do NOT believe it's just a PR move, therefore I will be in attendance. When the people do nothing they are saying they agree/condone what DC is doing.

SHOW UP OR SHUT UP is all I have to say to those saying they aren't happy with the direction this country is headed!


My point is that Ron Paul is a Libertarian, not a Republican. He has Libertarian beliefs, but put an "R" after his name for political gain.


Would Rush Limbaugh be a Democrat just by joining the Democratic party? No he would be a Republican dressed as a Democrat, but his votes would be Republican.

Judge a Congressman by his/her votes, that's what counts, forget the letter after their name. The party loyalty we see is a huge part of the problem. Very few of them see the greater good.

There will be tea parties in almost every state if not all on april 15th. Here in Ca there is one planned in almost every small to medium sized city from Mexico to Oregon. To bad its on a wed...most people who are fed up have to work.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-09 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]Grizzly- did your know that the top income tax bracket in the 50s was 90%? You talk about science based policys, thats great, but whose value system do we favor with the results? This country has a huge problem and its called congress, left, right and center, did you see where they might cut the cost of living pay raises for government employees, maybe its only going to be 3.5% this year, what a joke! Independents have a some good ideas, democrats even have a few, but I can't think of any from the republicans. though really it doesn't matter, because our system of government is falling apart.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-09 AT 08:19PM (MST)[p]piper,

do you have any idea what was a deductable expense in the '50's??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

no I wasn't born till the 50s, what was it? from all the accounts I have heard the tax rates were far more progressive in the 50s.
If you are against progressive tax rates, then you may like the 17% flat tax proposed by the Libertarians. A one-page tax sheet.


It's that easy.

The Libertarian party of today is not the same one from 10 years ago.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-09 AT 11:22PM (MST)[p]Grizz, I got news for you NONE of the parties are the same from 10 years ago!

Hardway, it is true that there are gathering around the country, however SLC will be featuring guest Speakers, oddly enough well-known Republican guest speakers.

The overwhelming majority of these protests do not have any guest speakers at all. In fact most of these gatherings are quite small, impromptu, and somewhat unorganized on a message.


I think the problem here is that the basic premise of the Tea Party as a movement means it must cross party lines. I think this is just Norquist and Gingrich trying to do what Obama did to them when it comes to grassroot movements.

The real problem is not that Republicans speak out about fixing Washington. It's having them speak out and state that only they can fix Washington. We already tried that...it didn't work.

Pro, as for showing up or shutting up I will chose to do neither. You see I pay for my ticket every April 15th so I don't need to attend the Whinerfest 2009 to continue my membership. By all means you should go, this event in SLC is custom tailored especially for you. I hope afterwards you can fill us in as to the broad scope of protestors and their unified non-partisan message. I just hope it's more than a big circle-jerk of people whining, "We're mad", because if that's all it is...forget it and the mid-term 2010 elections.

Just remember I will always welcome you to join me in the middle and give neither party your support. Take a look around, neither of these parties could run a hot dog stand let alone our country so why support either of them? Like Grizz says, parties change...perhaps you should too.

grizzly, you are mixing belonging to the Libertarian Party and having libertarian views. Ron Paul knew he had NO chance to have a platform for change if he ran as a Libertarian because the LP is irrelevant! I have many 'libertarian' views, but I do NOT support the Libertarian Party. I am a conservative, and as such I vote for the candidate who is the most conservative that has a chance of being elected. I also believe I can accomplish more by being involved in grass root movements like the upcooming tea parties, talking to my neighbors/freinds/family about politics, going to/holding caucus meetings, being a delegate to county/state conventions. That allows me to make change from within a relevant party instead of wasting time/money/energy in a 'movement' that has NO chance of succeeding.


The tea party planned in my area is not inviting or allowing any of our politicians to speak.....it is a STFU and listen rally.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

What is the problem with America today? Could it be that a bunch of attorneys in the two major parties figured out a way to stay in their jobs for life? Gerrymandering was just the start to impact certain states. Deregulation in response to cash contributions followed. Creating fear in the voters has been developed to an art and now media manipulation and class warfare are the icing on the cake. A third party will only guarantee four more years of democratic spending. Both parties are praying we never figure out that long term jobs with power breed corruption. They are hoping the voters don't realize that voting out incumbents will insure that the congress is nervous enough to actually work for the people. We now have 40% of the population who depend on the government dole. That includes all police, fire, military, government employees, social security and welfare recipients. With the new stimulus we will soon have a voting majority who support taking from taxpayers so we better vote out incumbents of both parties while we can. JMO.
>Hardway, it is true that there
>are gathering around the country,
>however SLC will be featuring
>guest Speakers, oddly enough well-known
>Republican guest speakers.

Niel Cavuoto from Fox news will be broadcasting live from Sacramento, Ca on 4-15.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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