Liberal scum


Long Time Member
Obama supporters attack a busload of Cub Scouts: "a busload of Cub Scouts were en route to the convention, where they were to present the colors to open the convention. A group of protesters--liberals, Obama supporters, or whatever--blocked the road, surrounded the bus, and attacked it, rocking the bus back and forth, denting and scratching the sides, and generally terrifying the children trapped inside.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Now there's a non biased site, no wonder some of you are so goofy.

Yes, it was the plan for all liberals to murder boy scouts and anyone else headed to the RNC, foiled again dagnabit.

So do all conservative criminals act on behalf of the republicans? maybe a cull is a cull regaurdless of their political affiliation? no way huh?
You know I did not read or hear of anything like this at the dnc except the dirtbag who talked about shooting Obama and I dare say that guy even votes at all.
I watched the news about the Anarchy people and those that fell lockstep in with them. Should've been shot for inciting a riot. Which by the way is legal in Arizona, the shooting of people inciting riots.
Shaking a bus and terrorizing the people on it would call for some pretty good forceful action on behalf of the police if this is what happened I did not see this but did see the other crap. Why did none of this type of garbage happen at the DNC?
Because the Bubba brigade couldn't afford the gas it would take in their '73 LTD's to get there?
Now dude it is not nice to assume that non liberals are bubbas and that the vehicles they drive are fossil fuel gobbling modes of transport. I think that is what you are trying to say.
By the way what do you drive when you are on your hunting trips?
Hey dude you never answered my last post about the kind of vehicle you drive on your hunting trips. Why? Im not asking for a plate number here and I will never step foot in oregon so it is pretty safe. And furtehr more What kind of bow do you shoot, broadhead, shaft, release. Im just curious here is all trying to change the subj a little and get back to seeing how close we are in the sportsman world since we are on opposite ends of the spectrum politcs wise. How bout it ?
I have a batch of diesel pick ups and 4 collector cars but the one I use for personal use is a '07 F-350 crew cab, common to Bubba's as well.

I don't shoot a bow, never have they don't interest me at all. I do all my big game hunting with one of the room full of rifles I have and I use a Benneli montefeltro for chuckar and a DT-10 for competitive sporting clays. I have half as dozen snowmobiles but my thundercat is stil my favorite, I'm not sure what any of this matters but that's my for fun equipment list. I'm a 3rd generation rancher/farmer , a B&C O/M , chairman of the local irrigation district, member of RMEF, FNAWS and the cattleman's assoc, avid pre-64 m-70 collector and a 65-71 muscle car freak.

I'm not sure we're as different as you might think, A few of you here have met me hunting and at hunting related events and I know who you are but I doubt you'd guess who I was. the main difference between most of you ( RELH and 202 excluded) is I'm more open to other's ideas and don't hate anyone or anything different " just because". if supporting what I feel is best from either political party, or organization makes me wrong so be it, I'm doing quite well on all fronts with a moderate outlook on life. long has he been waiting to drop all this useless information??? I'll bet you're "moderate" outlook would be a bit different had you worked for any of that $hit..........Dems will love to relieve you of some of it....
I was asked, and nobody asked you anything so shove it. speaking of working , the fries should be done by now get back at it or you'l get your paper hat taken away.
you were asked........yeah right. If you're so eager to comply with requests, here's one.......shut the fug up..........chief.
Dude, are you doubting that this happened ? have you been watching these liberal dipshits at the RNC ? riots, how about the pink bregade liberal member trying to strip down during the most important speach at the RNC ? she admitted to getting a press pass from a reporter, talk about non-bias , give me an f'n break, just turn on tv if you want bias.
Jake you're too dumb to come up with anything better than a racial jab? I don't think a half breed becomes chief that often but thanks for your support.

reddog I don't doubt for a second it happened, I'm saying you can't lump all democrats in with a few nut job extremist pulling suupid stunts. are you an abortion clinic bomber? or a bathroom stall Craig type ferry? child molester priest hiding in a church ? get my drift? there are plenty of idiots in the liberal camp, probably due in a large part to the age group that makes up a good share of them but don't act like the conservatives are perfect.
I understand your point, and i lean to the left enough that i would get skinned on mm. but i am not a liberal! I do get sick of the media, look at the protester that got in the convention, you dont hear much about it on the news do ya? if that woulda happend at the DNC, it would have been all over the news, that it was a crazed gun lovin NRA member. there for lumping us all in the same group.
Dude-if you have a room full of guns and we all know in reality they can be taken away as in Chicago and DC then how can you support two of the top gun grabbers in Congress? The second amendment to me is like pro-choice is to the Clinton lesbians. Never understood why since no man will ever touch the Rosie look alikes. Lot more likely the SC could take away all my pistols and black rifles.
>Jake you're too dumb to come
>up with anything better than
>a racial jab? I
>don't think a half breed
>becomes chief that often but
>thanks for your support.
> reddog I don't doubt for
>a second it happened, I'm
>saying you can't lump all
>democrats in with a few
>nut job extremist pulling suupid
>stunts. are you an abortion
>clinic bomber? or a bathroom
>stall Craig type ferry? child
>molester priest hiding in a
>church ? get my drift?
>there are plenty of idiots
>in the liberal camp, probably
>due in a large part
>to the age group that
>makes up a good share
>of them but don't act
>like the conservatives are perfect.

WTF are you talking about?????? Racial jab? not so much.......If your bawling from some percieved race thing, it's your bad but I'll apologize anyway......your still a leftist ballwasher though.
I don't understand why everyone attacks HD because he's liberal? And I don't understand why he (and other liberals) attack conservatives. The personal stuff is just plain dumb.

Why don't we just discuss issues, and leave all the bs out of it?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-08 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-08 AT 02:27?PM (MST)

SO dude we actually have a few things in common. 66 Chevelle SS. Original. Drive Diesel as well. I thought i leaned left when I voted for McCain against Bush. I am trying tro figure you out man. Im not for one party or the other Hell if Clinton was the only other candidate besides obama I would vote fopr her in a heartbeat at least I know what I was in for. Obama's record and saying things like regulation of my guns is not in my best interest.
That Auto loading Benelli im thinkin would be on a list somewhwre down the road man. Guess that is why I prefer my LC smith Double. I too have a love of rare firearms. I dont think that McCain is the very best out there but I think he is the best right now of what we have to pick from.
By the way what is a Bubba now that you have painted a picture of the things you have and do and drive tyhat are not different from what I would nsayt 90 percent of us here on MM use and do. Maybe besides the farming since I believe only 4% of the united states is doing that now IM also part of that small percentage although not my full time gig for at least 5 years. I know you dont like Bush, he aint my favorite either but i believe McCain is his own man I also believe Obama to be his own but in a dangerous way to our heritage, freedoms and way of life.
But thanks anyways for having the Sac to answer me .
Ok now other than jake the goober we're getting somewhere. what makes you think I support the liberals? just because I don't hate them doesn't mean I think they're the answer to the world's problems, trouble is the conservatives just proved in a very positive mannor they're not either.

So what's wrong with taking the ideas you like best from both sides and running with it? I hate wolves and wish Babbitt and Clinton were wolf chow for bringing them back, but by the same token I like the facts the dems are pro environment and protect our public lands from clowns like Bush and 202 who would sell them to the highest bidder. I hate taxes and wish we could have them lower than they are, yet I realize the massive debt Bush has run up will kill us if we can't get it under control. we could go on and on but how can anyone with any sense say one side or the other is the answer? this is why I consider myself a moderate and wish I had the chance to vote for more moderate candidates.

The fact some of you are willing to talk about this and not just dive right to the personal crap shows more intelligence than I've come to expect from many around here, even if it doesn't last thanks.
>Ok now other than jake the
>goober we're getting somewhere. what
>makes you think I support
>the liberals? just because I
>don't hate them doesn't mean
>I think they're the answer
>to the world's problems, trouble
>is the conservatives just proved
>in a very positive mannor
>they're not either.
> So what's wrong with taking
>the ideas you like best
>from both sides and running
>with it? I hate wolves
>and wish Babbitt and Clinton
>were wolf chow for bringing
>them back, but by the
>same token I like the
>facts the dems are pro
>environment and protect our public
>lands from clowns like Bush
>and 202 who would
>sell them to the highest
>bidder. I hate taxes and
>wish we could have them
>lower than they are, yet
>I realize the massive debt
>Bush has run up will
>kill us if we can't
>get it under control. we
>could go on and on
>but how can anyone with
>any sense say one side
>or the other is the
>answer? this is why
>I consider myself a moderate
>and wish I had the
>chance to vote for more
>moderate candidates.
> The fact some of you
>are willing to talk about
>this and not just dive
>right to the personal crap
>shows more intelligence than I've
>come to expect from many
>around here, even if it
>doesn't last thanks.

I believe this is the best post you've ever made.
Also the most dishonest.........he's bull$hitting you and jerking your chain bigtime......playing the conservative/moderate cuz I called his ass out for what he is...or at least what he portrays himself to be via the internet...........chances are half the bull$hit he parrots is just to get a rise from some of you...........either way he's a turd of the highest (or lowest) order.........
And then we have the bottom feeders. jake what do you hope to prove with your internet psychic crap? is it possible I have my opinion and I'm not afraid to voice them even if I miss out on all back slapping and high fives ? and what difference does it make if I do? my opinions might make me hopeless to an extreme righty or even lefty for that matter but your garbage makes you a moron to anyone who can read, and you do prove your case well.

It all pays the same so relaxe a little.
I don't cotten to extreemists from either side also and so generally avoid the political page as a exercise in sanity. Got to say though that huntingdude is making some very good points, at least the part about wanting a choice that takes the best of both sides and having the ability to use ones vote for someone thus inclined that would not be a wasted vote.

This is where I see the biggest fault in our political system, if the extremist from either side allow moderates from their party to succeed they lose their power base to forward their extreme agenda. politics of hate and division keep them in business just like two rival sports teams.

Look at McCain for example, he's as close to a moderate as the conservatives could allow but most of your hardliners hate him, Rush hated him until he won the primary. there is no question Obama is a liberal but what would you expect, I don't think he's what you'd call a liberal extremist like some try to portray him as though. so does this mean both sidea are realizing more and more Americans want a more moderate and less devisive government? I think so, but what we want and what we're going to get might be a while coming . old ways die hard.
You prove it for me every time you give voice to your "opinions". Tough for anyone to buy the "bottom feeder" thing whan your breaking your neck to look up at me...........

What do you hope to prove with your contrarian arguments????? I know you think you're brilliant and special and all, but sometimes when you find yourself ALONE on the other side of every argument...It really means something else.........

Pulling out the race thing a few posts back would be a tell-tale sign of where your alliegance lies.......favorite tactic of the limp-wrister libs..........And does'nt phase me a bit.....

As far as relaxing goes........I'm 'bout as chilly as could be..... swatting you requires no effort. I'll crush any argument you may wanna throw my direction due to the fact that I'm far more intelligent than you........Also the more you squawk the more clear it becomes how important it is to eradicate the fascist left.................
After readin a few of dudes posts for the last year i have to agree with jake. You are a leftist thru and thru but, im not real big on the way he phrased it. Coulda spared the slams and name calling and just said what it was, a lib trying to sway the views of a few prospective voters.

Wildlife population control specialist
Those dems are angry, angry after 8 years of Republican control.
The right to assemble is not a right to threaten or disturb anything or anyone. If that is indeed what really happened?

So much for McCain's pleas for consensus, less name calling, and exchanges of ideas, that lasted all of 2 days.

Dude those were really Good Words, and not wasted at all. All I can say is whatever... expected... cultish isn't it..? it!

Looking forward to the debates, breakout the popcorn and beer were in for a show! Tuesday Night Fight...Lets Get it On!
Dude said " This is where I see the biggest fault in our political system, if the extremist from either side allow moderates from their party to succeed they lose their power base to forward their extreme agenda. politics of hate and division keep them in business just like two rival sports teams.

Look at McCain for example, he's as close to a moderate as the conservatives could allow but most of your hardliners hate him, Rush hated him until he won the primary. there is no question Obama is a liberal but what would you expect, I don't think he's what you'd call a liberal extremist like some try to portray him as though. so does this mean both sidea are realizing more and more Americans want a more moderate and less devisive government? I think so, but what we want and what we're going to get might be a while coming . old ways die hard."

The way I see it is the right is trying like hell to preserve traditional American values like the right to keep and bear arms, the right to hunt and fish, the rights of unborn human life, comon sense enviromentalism. The left is trying like hell to tear down these traditional institutions by baning guns, allowing abortions even late term, finatical global warming to the point where you would think the earth is about to burst into flames, ban hunting, stricktly limit fishing and the list goes on and on. That is why it so easy for me to chose a side. Until the left comes correct there will be devisiveness in this country.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Jake, You're dumber than I gave you credit for, and thought you were pretty dumb. you just proved I can be wrong sometimes.

202, you CAN believe it's not butter can't you?

FTW, I too look forward to the debates, Palin better wear a low cut top if she wants to keep the focus on her strong points and off her political ability.

Eel, the goat is all done and I'm working on a '69 S code Mach 1 right now. I just picked up a rock solid '70 Superbee from the original owner last month, it needs a total resto but that's the fun of it. I can't wait until winter when I have time to get back on them.
Owned....................your assesment of my intelligence interests me less than none...........but feel free to expound at length on you're political views/agendas as it's helpful to know thy enemy and easy to refute the airy fairy ideology of your simple, simple, ahem..........person.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-08 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]Yeah, whatever.

I can't cure stupid so there's no need to do anymore diagnostics on you my friend, just stay on your self medicating plan and see how it goes. good luck with that.
Dude and his gems of philosophic wisdom amaze me. "I can't cure stupid", as if we are not fully aware of that or he would have cured himself a long time ago.

Took him two edits to come up with that feeble response...........Laffin..........
>Two edits? for a guy who
>can't count to two you're
>pretty mouthy.

For a guy operating on a double digit IQ your pretty.......oh wait...Yeah..I guess that about sums it up...........Laffin.
Republicans aren't bad people, just ignorant and stupid. I am a liberal hunter. Hunting is my life, but not supporting shooting wolves from helicopters, and drilling in the arctic wildlife refuge, like Palin. Maybe I love my nature and hunting too much. Life is not black and white people, its grey. I guess im a true conservationist. Life is about balance. Just be willing to listen to other viewpoints. Don't just hop on the Bandwagon.
Then why did you jump on the left wing liberal bandwagon? P.T. Barnum had a saying about persons like you that can be led around by a the great Con of the century.

The irony of this statement is shocking..................the fascist left claims another lost soul..............

Liberal hunter/true conservationist....thats rich. You do know who your in bed with , right?

I'ved lived with "shades of grey" for many years while the political spectrum marches farther and farther to the black.......or the left. My politics hav'nt changed...just the political landscape.....So now the line must be drawn....Black vs white, right vs wrong, good vs evil...... cut away the fat and thats what your left with....simple.
Guys look, Hunter22 is realy Tmoneyshot. He could not stay away so he has an alias. Nice try Tmoneyshot. You are fooling no one. LMAO

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
I generally shy away from the political arena, but after reading through this thread I couldn't help but say a little something about it. What does everyone on this site (with the exceptions of a few) have against Hdude? The majority of the folks around here represent the same type of liberal-bashing, bible-thumping, closed minded, right wing neoconservatives that give the Republican party a bad name. Seriously, even the republicans don't like you guys. I'm a self proclaimed republican and even i think that half the sh!t you guys come up with is ridiculous. Seems to me like hdude is the only one around who has common sense about political issues and actually uses it. He hit the nail on the head when he said we gotta seek resolution in the middle. The answers this country's problem/issues don't exist on either end of the spectrum, but they do upon the common ground we share in the middle. And gemstatejake- I hope you never get in a political debate with anyone because you sound like a moron.
You sound like a rational level headed guy switchback, but if you're not with them you're against them so you're now a liberal traitor as far as they're concerned.

I hope you stick around, if you keep it all in perspective you can have some fun here.
Another "special little guy" chimes in! You can proclaim yourself to be whatever you like! But a liberal koolaid chugger is what you are! You stand for everything you stand for nothing.........draw a line and pick a side.............Or waffle around considering everything and be overrun.....It's already happening so wake up.......
OK ive been hunting bulls for a few days and have missed this so I have been laughing my butt off at some of these. I like the comment about drawing the line and choosing sides. That was by far the single most brilliant thing I have heard on the political issue yet. Riiiiight. Um that is why we are in the situation we are in as a country divided. The politicians are taking sides and it usually has to do with the money they can line their pockets with instead of doing the right thing and leading the country and its citizens by working with both parties in the best interest of the people period. I will agree with Dude on some of this not all of it but he makes some valid points.
I guess maybe im a moderate I dont know. I know I like McCain and I dont care for limbaugh. I like Palin so far and Lieberman as well. I guess that is a hodgepodge I dunno. I dont like Obama Or hillary but if it was just those two I would vote Hillary, I guess that means I like her better.
Dude send me some pictures of your hunts and your cars. And the 70 S Bee? Very Expensive $$$$$$
Pee on that 70 Super Bee. I want to steal Dudes "S" code 69 Mach 1 that was mentioned in another post. The second car I and my wife bought when newly married was a "S" code 69 mach 1 CA. Special rally package, candy apple red with black hood. That baby would leave rubber going though the gears and not that bad on gas if you kept it below 75.
Knowing Dude, he keeps his damn shotgun close by to protect it.

I did all the body work on the stang this spring and it's in the local body shop getting painted , that and gear boxes are the only things I won't tackle myself. I was hoping to get it back this fall so I could work on it this winter but I'll have to start on the Bee if he gets busy on deer hits and slick road fender benders and side lines my stuff. I could send you some pics of the Bee but you'd have to have an eye for a diamond in the rough to appreciate it.
Dude, how much did you soup up that 390ci engine in the mach 1. Also do not post any photos of the Mach 1 or I will get melancholic over selling mine years ago when the two boys outgrew riding in the rear seat.
Second thoughts, you can post photos of it and get even with me for trashing you.

RELH, I left the engine pretty much stock other than a 270 Isky cam and 10.1 Keith Black hypertectics. I'd have probably done more but when you have a '70 Challenger 440 six pack whatever you do to a 390 isn't going to be that impressive, I'm kind of a stock restoration type guy myself anyway.

I'll post a few progress pictures when it gets out of the paint shop, it was originally silver jade and I'm not that wild about that color so I'm going to go with gulfstream aqua on it.

You bought a '69 S code new? you probably know it but 390's were the rarest engine choice in '69, the 428 CJ stole the market and are worth twice as much today to boot. I'm guessing insurance was the reason the bigger engines weren't always the buyers choice? they were only a few bucks more and gas wasn't much of an issue in those days.

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