Liberal Sportsmen????


Long Time Member
I post this message because there are a few members here that I am a little confused about. I hear some of the most liberal, left-wing rhetoric right here on this sight from a few guys... but they are on a hunting forum???
I'm not exactly doubting whether they are sportsmen or not, I would just like to hear there justification of harvesting animals, while aligning themselves with animal rights people...

I'd appreciate any comments...
I am a registered Independant, but I lean left. I guess I would be considered a left leaning "Moderate".

My parents, grandparents, uncles, etc.. are all "Democrates". My father and mother had me out hunting with them since I was 9. My grandfather had my father out hunting with him since he was a kid also...etc... Basically hunting has been a tradition in our family for generations....

My father taught me to shoot and hunt at an early age. He was a fantastic shot back in the day with open sights as he became proficient with using them in Vietnam. Now with his age and eye sight he uses a scope but is still a great shot. It is easy to see why I grew up enjoying shooting/hunting and continue to do so.

I do not have a problem with harvesting animals. I have havested deer, elk, and turkey (not to mention varmants). I enjoy whacking coyotes as well. The ironic thing is my wife and her parents are Repulicans. The wife has become more moderate in the last few years, but leans Right. My father in law and mother in law are FAR Right. The irony here is that they are against "hunting helpless critters".......
Go Figure :)
As always, politics is a personal choice. I would define myself as liberal on most issues. However, I do not align myself with any animal rights people. Just because they are the same political affiliation as me does not mean that I believe exactly the same things as them. My justification of harvesting animals is that it is an enjoyable activity that is a family tradition that puts important protien in mine and my families diet. Since when are being liberal and hunting mutually exclusive? I work in the hunting industry, and have for all of my adult life. I would say that well over half of the people I guide or pack in would call themselves liberal. Also, I choose to surround myself with open minded, freethinking, intellectually enlightened people, whom most of which happen to be passionate hunters. Also, I must add that I believe that for most people, 'left and right wing', as well as 'liberal and conservative' is a false dichotomy. I am actually registered with the Cascadian National Party.
First i am a conservative not a dem , most of my family in Iowa are Dems but are hunters i don't think politics is a deciding fact , i do believe there is a defferience between dems and liberials as there is between republican and conservative ,hell look at Rush Limbaugh a big conservative ( so he says ) now doing commercials for HSUS a wacko liberial group like in his words , maybe he wants to lean left a little so the NAPPY one one call him an extremist or an insorbordinate to the administration
Browningrage- Im guessing your young and kind of mixed up, hint- labels mean nothing, just because some talk radio goofball makes his or her money by labeling people, that doesn't mean it makes any real world sense. find your own way, make up your own mind, there are lots of issues out and there each one is different. Thats why people like Ann Coulter are funny, yet smart, they play up to idiots and then take it to the bank. Here's a good example, Jimmy Carter is reviled by the radical right, yet he was a hunter and fisherman who loved wild country and adventure, Ronald Reagan was loved by so called conservatives, yet he wouldn't let anyone kill anything on his California ranch, and he could of cared less about wild country or hunting and fishing. How does that fit in with your world view?
Who around here is on the far left and who is in bed with animal rights organizations? I've seen nothing of the sort.

All you have to do is stray 3" off the conservative path and you're a radical liberal around here. there are moderates and there are those leaning to the left here but no classic liberals, if you disagree you need to meet some real liberals.
I have and you are right Dude. But what fun would it be to call you guys moderates? Just doesn't have the same ring to it.
I think the proper term is " brunt double" , someone has to take the heat and since you can't get who you want by the ear you choose a brunt double.

Colbert had that on his show tonight, it could apply on MM.
They are all coming out of the closet

So now that you guys are talking which is a good thing for therapy! What are the points that make you lean ?moderate/liberal/progressive/demarcate??

Is it free health care?
Are you a member of a union?
Is it you like wealth distribution?
Have a state job and depend on taxes?
Like abortions?
Pro gay?
Artsey fartsey?

Come on tell us what it is so we can get it out in the open. This really helps us right wing conservative guys understand your thinking. Teach me! Convert me!
I really appreciate everyone's comments. I'm glad that no one was offended by my asking. I'm not so young that I don't understand politics, but young enough that I'm not set in my political beliefs or affiliations (especially at this time in history).

It's always interesting to see how diverse beliefs can still be brought to some common ground through the outdoors. No matter where our opinions lie, it is nice to know that we can all make it out to enjoy mother nature and her beauty and bounty. No matter how our opinions will conflict, I just wanted everyone to know that, deep down, we all love this country...
Well guess what you are all considered right wing extremists. By the Govt. Ol Janet and buds listed you all as such. I have a copy of it sitting here in my patrol car.
So I do work for the state for the last 18 years, I do depend on the state for my paycheck yes, does that make me a liberal?
The majority of us in my line of work are conservative, although that trebd has shifted even since I have been on the job.
Glad to see all you right wing nuts are grouped into the same lifeboat as the rest of us, now you dont have any excuses.
>First i am a conservative not
>a dem , most of
>my family in Iowa are
>Dems but are hunters i
>don't think politics is a
>deciding fact , i do
>believe there is a defferience
>between dems and liberials as
>there is between republican and
>conservative ,hell look at Rush
>Limbaugh a big conservative (
>so he says ) now
>doing commercials for HSUS a
>wacko liberial group like in
>his words , maybe
>he wants to lean left
>a little so the NAPPY
>one one call him an
>extremist or an insorbordinate to
>the administration

But if you support Dems, you are supporting, for the most part, very liberal views. Dems are the party of pro abortion, anti-hunters, anti-loggers, anti-capitalism, anti-deathpenalty, anti-water boarding ( ha ha), anti-drilling pretty much anything deals with commonsense and capitalism and what made this country great. Ya Dems USE to be the party for working blue collar class, that is no longer true, Oh and dont forget all our Hollywood anit-american pukes also are Dems. So ya, my father was Dem, but i sure as hell ain't!!

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