liberals lie more than conservatives

I love this line:

"Now, I'm not suggesting that all conservatives are honest and all liberals are untrustworthy. But clearly a gap exists in the data. Why? The quick answer might be that liberals are simply being more honest about their dishonesty."

Typical liberal: projecting their own dishonesty onto everyone else, just like they project their own racisms, sexisms, homophobias, elitisms, etc, onto everyone else... ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-08 AT 11:57AM (MST)[p]Conservatives have and always will have the moral high ground on Liberals. The problem with liberals is their moral compas is screwed up big time.

Now that ought to get Hdude and Money fired up

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
McClellan is a conservative, and you say he's lying about conservatives lying. that should twist your brain for a while.

202 you mistake selfrightousness for morality.

You have a way with usual. You have an impeccable way of describing things so perfectly. Thank you.
Cig said
You have a way with usual. You have an impeccable way of describing things so perfectly. Thank you."

Your right, there is no one more self righteous on this site than Hdude. Hypocrite comes to mind...
heheh...that's classic; using deflection to deal with an uncomfortable reality...
I looked this guy up, he has a new book called " Makers and takers" , it's about why conservatives are better than liberals. so he not only might he be a little biased he's a liar, we all know from the McClellan debate anyone who writes a book and keeps the profits is a liar right?
264 , keeping in true form you never add to any debate only come in with your personal snipes. what am I self righteous about? not going along with the standard conservatives are angels, liberals are the devil theme isn't being self righteous . I may be opinionated I've heard that before and I won't deny it, but that's not being self righteous. that would fall more along the lines of, freedom of choice, gay marriage,the right to die,family planning , choosing which Muslim countries need us to place our values and a government of our approval in place by force ect.etc. now that's self righteousness, some regard it as morals.
Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[self-rahy-chuhs, self-]
"?adjective confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others."

Now even you have to agree that describes you pretty well.
I've been told I have no morals, so that discription can't fit me.

You moral warriors are another story.

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