Lori Vallow


Very Active Member
This lady knows what happened to her kids. It’s in the news that her husband knows as well and they have a dirty past with deaths. Is there a way to make them talk so the investigation can end? I was thinking about me and how easy it would be for me to fold under questioning. I’m a bad liar. There has to be a way to get them to talk. If someone has me held down and lights an oxy/acetylene torch, I’m talking. Is that method ok? I’m not saying burn them because that’s wrong but the threat of being burned is not cruel and unusual is it? I would say burning them is cruel and unusual. I understand Law Enforcement maybe can’t be a part of that, but if someone else did something and relayed the info to the police, would that be ok? I don’t know, still seems wrong. Maybe a veteran detective that has a career of interrogations behind him can help. Why do they want these kids hidden if that’s what they’re doing?
Captain Coues,

I don't like it at all, but you can't make her talk. The truth is every person's rights under the constitution are more important than the well being or knowing the well being of those two children. It breaks my heart. It really does. Shredding the constitution for either reason, rescuing two children, or exacting vengeance on an evil person, weakens the rule of law.
Cordless drill, 1/2" drill bit ..she has 2 knee caps, a hammer, she has 10 toes.... garden shears, she has 10 fingers. And if she confesses to murdering them, a plastic bag and a zip tie.... screw here rights . The problem is she does have rights, so the above cant be legally done. The kids rights are missing with them, this is the problem. If it were me, an i had control of getting info to benifit the life of my kids or grandkids, you better pray the law SAVES you from me.
Homer, that was 2004. Prekids. I'm sure she's softer now. And crazier.

Alwayshunting, the paparazzi would tell them.
I would absolutely go for a roll in the hay with her . I by roll I mean as soon as I was finished there would be a mineshaft conveniently nearby.
She tried to get her bail reduced but the judge would have no part of it. I'm guessing she is a flight risk!!!!
What kind of woman would kill her own kids? She needs to be put away and i am with RELH i think the kids are gone..
Kinda puts an new light on Mommy Dearest doesn't it..
I am with Zeke on this one. To think a mother could kill her own kids. I am hoping they are found ok.
You know there are not at this point, ok.she is showing exactly how much she cares about her children. She should be put in front of a firing squad
You know there are not at this point, ok.she is showing exactly how much she cares about her children. She should be put in front of a firing squad
Twice she should be shot twice for both kids. I hope they send this bi--h away forever. How can a mom kill her own kids I am just hoping they hid them but at this point who knows.
I am however surprised that the judge did not make her produce the kids before he reduced her bail.........
Bessy, there's an old saying that says no matter how hot she is, there's gonna be a list of guys who got tired of her shiiit. I guess that guy didn't get the message soon enough.
She may be.

She also may be doing all of this to show overreach. Here’s reality. I see people
Posting on the comments on KSL saying, tell us where your kids are!

And even I would say, NO. NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

the founding fathers of this nation deemed it would be better that a guilty party walked free, if it meant that an innocent party wasn’t wrongly convicted.

Instead of demanding the judge keep her bail and unconstitutional amounts, and demanding the system convicts her before the trial, perhaps you should be glad those rights are in place. Because it’s what separates us from the rest of the world.

You may think you know what’s happened, but nobody does.

Am I defending her? Nope
But I will defend her rights. Whether you think she should have the rights or not. Be glad she does.

Do I think she should have to answer for where her kids are? NOPE. I don’t.

I saw somebody say she was entrusted to take care of her kids. Really? By who? The only person I see that can entrust your to do that is GOD. Not the f*cking government.
I understand the kids have rights. But nobody, including the detectives have proof that they’re rights have been violated or that they’re dead.

Nobody actually has proof that they’re in danger.

Suspicion isn’t proof.

Thinking that you know what happened, isn’t proof.

And what if the kids are actually ok? What if she’s had them laying low somewhere with somebody and they actually are being taken care of? Then what?

What if Lori Vallow truly hasn’t done anything wrong?

She doesn’t have to prove her innocence. The system has to prove
Guilt. And be glad it’s that way.
That’s not the scenario mntmuley. Not the scenario at all.

And keep in mind, you’re advocating for people giving up the right to remain silent
Yes she does have the right to remain silent and fail to tell the court where her children are. The court also has the right to find her in contempt of the court and place her in custody for a long period of time.
That’s not the scenario mntmuley. Not the scenario at all.

And keep in mind, you’re advocating for people giving up the right to remain silent
I'm not advocating anything. She thinks she will get off by keeping silent. I understand having rights in this country, but what she is getting away with so far is wrong. mtmuley
She hasn’t gotten away with anything yet. You don’t know what she has or hasn’t done. Nobody does that’s outside of her circle. Look, I’m not defending her. Yeah how she’s acting appears suspect. But don’t throw your own rights out in an attempt to get other people.

You don’t burn the house down because you saw a roach. Or in this case, you THINK there’s a roach. But you haven’t seen it, nobody has seen it, they just think it so far.
The daughter is 17, what happens after she's 18? Wondering if that changes the case at all, since she would technically be an adult then.

I'm all about individual rights, but I don't think asking her to at least prove that the kids are alive is an over reach.
In the end everyone will see her for what she is.... Both exes died of suspicious circumstances and the kids are missing too. Too many issues for one of the not to be true. But I get it wait until she is proven guilty.
I hope she cries when they sentence her people like her always go down in flames,. they think they are smarter than the system..
She has her new husband eating out of her hands. She must be good!!! He just does not know that if she gets out of jail and he has knowledge/information, that he is next.
Basically, they should charge her with
1. Murder? Produce the kids-charges dropped.
2. Child abandonment?
3. Child neglect?
Plenty of other charges they can make to compel her to produce them.
I agree Homer. They may dig for the next month with that backhoe and still not find all the bodies.

Other than wishing both kids are still alive the best thing we can hope for is that only one kid would be buried here and the other somewhere else.

I have heard there are multiple bodies which have been located at the ranch where the Manson cult were staying. For decades they thought they knew th extent of Manson's crimes.
You know, there are certain places when human rights are not nearly as protected. Maybe put that ***** on a plane to one of these places with some black ops/CIA type information extractors....
Why now show up at the residence with a search warrant in hand and find human bones near the start of the search.
That tells me someone has open up and talking to the cops.
Is it Lori Vallow or someone else that decided to come clean about information on that grave site.
The property is out in the boonies in Parker-Salem. You do realize that when they first came in Jan it was with a search warrant only, and the snow was three feet deep. Finally cleared off and dried out and came with cadaver dogs also.
Cases like this are why we have the death penalty. This is about as low as you can go. So tragic. I know kids can be frustrating. My mom would always tell me when I misbehaved that she was going to trade me in for a new son, but she never followed through with it.
These two killed everyone that could possibly interfere with their relationship. Too bad they didn't do it here in Texas.
About what? The fact that I won’t just say the hell with due Process?
Just because you think you know somebody did something, doesn’t mean that the courts and the police can just come in and take away all that persons rights.
As of right now, she hasn’t been convicted of anything. Yet. Do I believe she will? Yes. Do I believe she should? Yes.

that doesn’t mean that due process, and a trial, and facts, and rights get thrown away, all because she won’t speak. Remember, silence is a right. But it’s incredible to me how many people are willing to throw everyone’s rights out the window.
About what? The fact that I won’t just say the hell with due Process?
Just because you think you know somebody did something, doesn’t mean that the courts and the police can just come in and take away all that persons rights.
As of right now, she hasn’t been convicted of anything. Yet. Do I believe she will? Yes. Do I believe she should? Yes.

that doesn’t mean that due process, and a trial, and facts, and rights get thrown away, all because she won’t speak. Remember, silence is a right. But it’s incredible to me how many people are willing to throw everyone’s rights out the window.

I agree. I think the police handled this correctly. I know it was slow coming but there is a better chance of real justice being served when everything is handled to the letter of the law.
I hope they put that prick into the general population in prison when he gets there. I say the crime befits the punishment so what ever he did to them should be done to him and that Black widow. In my eyes there isn't much lower than these two
I'm betting he will be charged with his previous wife's murder also. Remember when they exhumed her body for more testing and we never heard what they found? Bet they found something, and have been holding it for the right time.

The government has not violated those children's rights. Nor are they violating them during the investigation. The government is seeking justice. You are probably right that the children's rights were violated. The state is investigating this and probably looking at every single possible way to prosecute all parties involved to the fullest extent of the law.
I agree. I think the police handled this correctly. I know it was slow coming but there is a better chance of real justice being served when everything is handled to the letter of the law.

I agree with Tristate. (choked on those words a little) I would imagine that the LEO have been working this thing for an airtight conviction for a couple months. Gather as much evidence as possible over that timeframe and then drop the search warrant for the property when everything is in place and secure. Those kids were already dead and Willy Nilly police work wont bring them back but solid police work and a solid case will secure a conviction.
About what? The fact that I won’t just say the hell with due Process?
Just because you think you know somebody did something, doesn’t mean that the courts and the police can just come in and take away all that persons rights.
As of right now, she hasn’t been convicted of anything. Yet. Do I believe she will? Yes. Do I believe she should? Yes.

that doesn’t mean that due process, and a trial, and facts, and rights get thrown away, all because she won’t speak. Remember, silence is a right. But it’s incredible to me how many people are willing to throw everyone’s rights out the window.
Got your point. Crimes against kids makes my blood boil. mtmuley
Sorry but a mother is suppose to protect her kids, not kill them because some whack job she had her eye on wanted them gone, I hope they both burn in hell , and as for seeing her all cute, and in her bikini, thats pretty sick, IMO I just want to see her have the exact quailty of life her precious kids had in their last moments, hand cuffs are to good for her, I would rather see her restrained with a bear trap or worse ?????????? EVIL POS
Sorry but a mother is suppose to protect her kids, not kill them because some whack job she had her eye on wanted them gone, I hope they both burn in hell , and as for seeing her all cute, and in her bikini, thats pretty sick, IMO I just want to see her have the exact quailty of life her precious kids had in their last moments, hand cuffs are to good for her, I would rather see her restrained with a bear trap or worse ?????????? EVIL POS
Agreed no need to waste time and money on trial and feed these wastes of space. People like this are special. A bullet seams about right. Tho I think that’s letting them off to easy and out of this world to quickly. That’s exactly what they deserve. Or maybe a hangman’s nuce
There are places that handle murders a little differently. They for e the murderers to carry their victims around on their backs. I think it would be justice to lock her up and tie the decaying bodies to her back. Might make the stench of her crimes seem a little more real and might linger on her a bit longer. Obviously not allowed here but would be fitting.

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