Marching for the white man


Long Time Member
ya the cop that killed floyd george should be hung!

But when are people gonna march for white people?

I respect all law enforcement but with everything in this world some bad apples involved anywhere you go!

Looks like the white man is in the lead! should someone tell all the protesters?

How Bout the Construction Worker that Got Shot on the Wasatch Because the Neighbor Didn't Like the Noise He was making?

Anybody even Hear or Care about it?
ya the cop that killed floyd george should be hung!

But when are people gonna march for white people?

I respect all law enforcement but with everything in this world some bad apples involved anywhere you go!

Looks like the white man is in the lead! should someone tell all the protesters?

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If you notice as the economy got better under Trump, the shooting of Whites went down but Hespanics, Black and other stay comparably the same throughout the years.
I am still trying to figure out how you could have a unknown!
I march my ass into work every morning. The government hates me. No problem. I march to work. Kung Flu breaks out. No problem . I march to work. Riots and looting everywhere. No problem. Right back marching to work. Some idiot judge tells me I can't work. No problem. I march to work.

If I could get the church open once a week I would march there.

This sure don't feel like America anymore. None of it. If we all march to work it might be again.
I had a conversation with a woman yesterday about the riots and how she thinks they have a brings attention to the racial problem. I have a business so I asked her if I was in my shop and guys broke in and started coming at me, would it be ok to shoot and protect my business. She said...not if they are Mexican or white. If they were black, she said that she'd understand. She thought I'd be wrong for trying to protect my building.
This is the mentality of some out there. Believe it or not...she said that exact thing....not if they are Mexican or white...but if they were black it would be ok. WTH??
I called a Sheriff friend of mine and asked him if I have the same legal rights to defend my business as I do my home and he told me that I didn't. Can you believe that?? Our world is crazy!
Very simple, if you are inside your business and looters broke in and came towards you, you did not shoot to protect your business. Instead you shot to protect yourself from severe injury or death.
Also hope your local D.A. is not a anti gun liberal who would not like the idea of citizens using possible deadly force to protect themselfs.
In 2018, Idaho expanded its use of deadly force law to include your work and vehicle, instead of just your domicile. You will still have a tough time defending it, but it is better than it was.
I think that if I am in my business AFTER HOURS protecting my business because there had been a threat made of looting and I shot someone, the angle to prosecute me is simple...I was laying in wait...premeditated murder. Especially in the world we live in these days.
I drove by a few times last night and things were pretty quiet. No looting took place so I was glad about that.
You see the old black man that was shot and killed for trying to protect his TV's from being stolen? Crazy stuff...
During the Watt's riots in L.A. years ago, the only business buildings left along by the looters were ones own by Korean store owners. Those Koreans picked up their AR-15's and M-1 carbines and stood guard over their shops. Those black looters left the Koreans along as they knew they would shoot to protect their business that fed their families.
I march my ass into work every morning. The government hates me. No problem. I march to work. Kung Flu breaks out. No problem . I march to work. Riots and looting everywhere. No problem. Right back marching to work. Some idiot judge tells me I can't work. No problem. I march to work.

If I could get the church open once a week I would march there.

This sure don't feel like America anymore. None of it. If we all march to work it might be again.
You sound like a farmer, but forgot to mention all the while losing money.
Just to be fair I believe if you look at the cop shooting deaths on a percentage of race basis (i.e. deaths/capita) there are actually more black deaths than white deaths since they make up a smaller percentage of the overall US population. For example, there might be 1 white death per million white people and 5 black deaths per million black people...

Just to be fair I believe if you look at the cop shooting deaths on a percentage of race basis (i.e. deaths/capita) there are actually more black deaths than white deaths since they make up a smaller percentage of the overall US population. For example, there might be 1 white death per million white people and 5 black deaths per million black people...


So when a cop is put in a deadly situation he should see if the black man quota has been filled by the department that year and if so holster his weapon?????
Just to be fair I believe if you look at the cop shooting deaths on a percentage of race basis (i.e. deaths/capita) there are actually more black deaths than white deaths since they make up a smaller percentage of the overall US population. For example, there might be 1 white death per million white people and 5 black deaths per million black people...

I've seen stats that show during violent crime encounters, whites actually have a higher rate per 10,000 incidents, of being killed by police.
When it comes to this discussion (white/black racism) I don't think anyone will use stats to understand/justify ANYTHING. I don't think anyone bends much on their belief "discussing" the "whys" on this topic. All that will happen is that it will solidify their feelings on WHY they feel the way they do about it. We're pretty closed mind I'd say as a country.
What happened to George Floyd shouldn't have happened in American in 1920 let alone 2020. Blacks are more than 2X as likely to be killed by police than a white person. However, blacks are also much more likely to commit violent crimes. I have no doubt some of black deaths by police are a result of racism but that isn't the only reason. Veterans are also more likely to die by police than non veterans. Criminals are more likely to die by police than non criminals. I think if you look at the percentage of violent crimes by different demographics it helps explain why some populations are more likely to be killed by police.

I'm upset by what happened to Mr. Floyd but I'm also upset by violence toward police offices and the violent rioting and looting going on. I had a coworker that thought the police station in Minneapolis should be burnt down by rioters. Those that defend the violent riots are the same idiots that defend family members even when their actions were wrong. Parents that justify the behavior of their moron children really irritate me.

Violent protest will get news coverage about their actions but it causes more division than change. MLK was much more effective at instituting change than Malcom X. The news media and politicians know nonviolent protests are more effective than violent protests but they are not making any significant effort to use their power to encourage nonviolent protests. Some of them are even condoning this illegal behavoir. Reminds me of idiot parents defending their moron children. It is really unfortunate that politicians drive up racial divisions for their benifit. Politicians using racial division to their advantage the last 12 years has been disgusting. I have no doubt that "political machines" are the main reason why things in the US have been so uncomfortable the last 3 months.

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