Meeting Nice Folks


Coach Hunt


Boy, it is a real treat to meet so many wonderful people from this website. This last weekend I had the distinct privilege of having a nose to nose meeting with "Phantom Hunter" and his wonderful family. Phantom has an idealic family, wonderful wife, teenage daughter... who hunts, and strapping young teenage son, who also hunts!!!
Ruthie was really impressed with how mannerly and intelligent the kids were. In our conversations, there were no "you know" and "uh" and other clues of ineptness in communicating. Also, these two hunting teenagers had no trouble at all talking and visiting with two old fogies like Ruthie and me. A whole lot of kids out there just can't seem to actually carry on an intelligent conversation. These kids can, because these kids have been brought up right... and that is a tribute to Phantom and his wife!!!

Good luck to you Phantom, may your tags be drawn and your hunts be a pleasure. They should be as much pleasure as Ruthie and I had meeting you and yours.


Thanks for the kind words. We really enjoyed visiting with you and Ruthie. Looks like Robyn did not draw any NM tags. Will know for sure when evereything is posted. Logan drew a unit 34 cow tag on the youth hunt for sure.

Phantom Hunter

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