Memorial Day


Long Time Member
I can't help but watch the gas prices shoot up the last couple weeks. Is it going to get higher or lower after Memorial Day? It seems they stick it to us every year over this weekend. I heard $4/gallon is a possibility before fall. It's tough to budget for anything if it involves leaving the house.
I heard there was a 2% increase in the amount of gas that was bought over this time last year. So I guess the price isn't too high yet. I expect the usual traffic jams again this Memorial Day week-end.

The only way to get lower prices is for people to quit buying it. Too many Americans want it all and they want it now for that to happen. The rich will buy it at any price, so it's the little guys who will suffer the most.

I don't see an increase in supply any time soon, if ever.

I only burn an average of about 23 gallons per month, so I can live with it.

My bulk distributor says he's told to expect prices to go up until they actually see a cut back in sales and then they'll level off or drop back. kind of a test using refining capacity as the excuse. at least diesel is less than gas for a change , that make me happy. who knows the whole story but it's a hose job.
The rise in gas prices not only effects our driving but also effects a lot of goods and services. Farmers and truckers will pass their increased costs on to the comsumer. So we end up paying in more ways than one. It's scary, if you ask me.

I just wish more people could see the great benefits of cutting back, even a little.
I hope that diesel stays lower that gas for a little while longer. I have to put over 200 gallons of it in the boat this week. I filled up 2 other boats, a tractor and all of the lawn equipment with gas to the tune of almost 300 bones. Our Attourney General is "looking" into why our fuel prices are so high but it is supposed to be late July before they have any results of the study. What a bunch of crap!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

The "experts" are saying to expect an increase in dairy products due to the inrease in demand for corn for bio-diesel. I just bought 600 lbs of ground corn for my cows (not for making whiskey this time) and the gal at the feed store told me that it might go as high as double the price if what they predict happens. Just think of all those farmers who were run out of business for development are going to be greatly needed to grow grain for bio-diesel and alternative fuels.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Eric,It happens everyday here in Kali, especially in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. Want to build a subdivision? Plow under 30 acres of prime agricultural land, put in streets and gutters......done deal. Insane.
"Our Attourney General is "looking" into why our fuel prices are so high but it is supposed to be late July before they have any results of the study. What a bunch of crap!"

The gas companies also had to explain it to congress a while back. It's funny because some MMer's just say it's supply and demand yet the Attorney General and other's want answers. Apparently they don't read

That's just the thing about gas. When it goes up, EVERYTHING goes up. When it got to $1.70 a while ago I cut back on everything so it's just more of the same.
Eel, I know what ya mean! Where I lived in Clovis CA. was all orchards. We had 20 acres of land ourselves. 5 years after we sold the entire area was bought up and developed with high density housing. Around here all the cattle ranches and tree farms are being bought and developed. I know it isnt the same as good crop land but it is enough to piss a guy off!
I was told by a cousin of mine (who is in the marines)that the reason diesel was so high last year was due to the demand for it by the military. I do not know if that is true, but I wouldnt doubt it. I am getting close every day to getting a bio-diesel distillery. As much diesel as I run through in a year, it would pay for itself in no time.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

As a grain farmer I can see your point about the loos of land for development. We as a country could be in big trouble if this country expeirences a severe dust bowl era drought. Our supply of food isn't as protected by our government as it once was. We import a lot of our food and we don't produce as a country like we should we are far more dependent upon outsourced food. Could get interesting. As time has went by fewer and fewer people can Farm as its too expensive for the average man to start up and be a farmer.

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