Montana Ewe Tag


Very Active Member
Seriously thinking about using my 7 points to try to get a ewe tag. I know Ramdreamer has hunted a Montana ewe, and have chatted with him about the hunt. Was wondering if anyone had any more input (areas, ideas, etc.) to help me in my decision?
If you are too old to get around anymore then go for it. Some units have really good odds for ewes so have a youngster put in and take them if they get drawn. Otherwise don't waste your points. Be patient. My father-in-law has never drawn a tag in almost 40 years of putting in so that might be an option for him soon. Poor bastard.
dw...... there are only 2 states that offer an Ewe is double the $$$ compard to Mont.

I really would like an Ewe next to my Ram so I just do it as 2nd choice....

Something about dumping my 7 Ram points....just gets me sad...ha

Problem is that you pretty much have to use your 1st choice to draw one in MT. Because of the high price and seperate NR quota in CO, you can get a ewe as a second choice. I would not pay CO's price, or dump my points and give up a shot at a MT ram tag, so guess I'll have to wait until the year after I get my MT year:)
It's the thought of those giant rams that gives me pause. However, I've wanted to hunt a ewe for several years. I think it would be a great experience. Still have a couple of weeks to decide. Anyone ever talk to a sheep biologist in Mt?
Just an FYI, over half the ram tags drawin in MT were drawn by people with 3 or less points. There was a surprising number fo them drawn by people that didn't even use the point system.

I'll probalby dump my points on a ewe tag one year here soon, then hunt UL for a few years. Its a pipe dream at best to think you'll ever draw a ram tag. I think MT gives out about 18-20 ram tags to NR and about 10,000 apply for them. You'd have to live 2 lifetimes to ever draw.
My thoughts exactly. I also want to hunt one before the price of the tag goes to $1,500+. In my mind I've already been lucky enough to kill all the rams that a guy should in his life (still apply for tags, though). Hunting a ewe sounds like a good cure for sheep fever.

Best of luck to all in the 2008 draws!

Yes, odds are you will die before drawing a MT sheep tag, but MT puts out by far the most 190+ rams of any state. If you want to trade up, it is the tag you want......

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