More general season pisscutters - pt.4


Very Active Member
Here's the last video I'll be doing of bucks that I've video taped over the past decade. As you can see, I look in all types of terrain. Weather it be cheatgrass/junipers, thick oakbrush or up into the aspen/pines or the cliffy stuff at or near the treeline.
You can find mature bucks just about anywhere, as long as they don't get too much pressure, which causes them to move somewhere else or get killed. It sure brought back a lot of memories putting these videos together. I sure hope the next decade will be just as productive.

So Bessy,
what would you do if you saw most of them during the hunting season?
Would you shoot or complain about not seeing any bucks big enough to shoot?
Well Ridgetops!

There's a couple of Bucks on your Clip that Ain't Bad for GS Units!

A couple of them are a Long ways from where you're Filming them & We need some Closer footage!

Most of them need a couple more years!

The Last Buck with the Cheater was a Cool Buck!

Not Knocking any of your Bucks!

But 90% of them would get a Free Walk from Me!

I Know!

I Know!

If You Turned 95% of TARDS Loose on them there wouldn't be a F'N one of them left alive!

You Might Ask Founder How Excited He gets over Bucks Like these as Well!

So Bessy,
what would you do if you saw most of them during the hunting season?
Would you shoot or complain about not seeing any bucks big enough to shoot?
Here's the last video I'll be doing of bucks that I've video taped over the past decade. As you can see, I look in all types of terrain. Weather it be cheatgrass/junipers, thick oakbrush or up into the aspen/pines or the cliffy stuff at or near the treeline.
You can find mature bucks just about anywhere, as long as they don't get too much pressure, which causes them to move somewhere else or get killed. It sure brought back a lot of memories putting these videos together. I sure hope the next decade will be just as productive.

Great way to get you fired up. Went out the weekend prospecting new ground. Again, Great Video.
Well Ridgetops!

There's a couple of Bucks on your Clip that Ain't Bad for GS Units!

A couple of them are a Long ways from where you're Filming them & We need some Closer footage!

Most of them need a couple more years!

The Last Buck with the Cheater was a Cool Buck!

Not Knocking any of your Bucks!

But 90% of them would get a Free Walk from Me!

I Know!

I Know!

If You Turned 95% of TARDS Loose on them there wouldn't be a F'N one of them left alive!

You Might Ask Founder How Excited He gets over Bucks Like these as Well!
Thanks for your reply and honesty.
I Love seeing Bucks like them Ridge!

Especially if they are Bucks that have made it through/Past all the Seasons!

That Means there's Hope for Next Years Hunts!

Like I Said!

I'm not De-Grading anybodies Bucks or Pics!

I Like Em All!

Thanks for your reply and honesty.
I Love seeing Bucks like them Ridge!

Especially if they are Bucks that have made it through/Past all the Seasons!

That Means there's Hope for Next Years Hunts!

Like I Said!

I'm not De-Grading anybodies Bucks or Pics!

I Like Em All!
You sure have no problem throwing your neighbors(locals) under the bus by calling them poachers. lol
From my experiences, the problem I've seen with letting a buck go so it will come back bigger the following year, is only about 20 percent do come back and the ones that do come back, don't always come back bigger but about the same size. I know of one guy that was pretty disappointed that I shot the buck I did this past year. He had passed on it during the muzzy hunt, hoping it would survive the rifle and come back bigger next year. It just wasn't worth the risk for me to pass on a 191" 4 year old buck in hopes it might come back next year.

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