My Sisters New Dog--Video

COOL STORY DRUM! Good for your sister! I hope he turns out to be a great dog and can get past his abuse. Has she noted any behavioral problems yet or is he still such a puppy its hard to tell?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I talked to her today and she said that Shorty is doing very good and that he is a lover. No problems whatsoever!

I passed on D13ers suggestion of "Tripod" but I dont think thats going to stick. I think she is going to go with "Lucky" instead.

Cool story! Kudos to your sis!

Chefsgirl works with animals at an animal hospital and she does bring the abundant animals home, only to return shortly. Nice to have them here for a little while.

Anyway, I was visiting her one day and passed the oncology department when I heard someone call their dog yardstick. Needless to say, it had an amputated leg just like your sisters new dog. I thought it was a clever name for a dog with "three feet"!!

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"

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