Nebraska success Day 1


Very Active Member
Anything that starts with Willie and Waylon must be good !?!?! Right ?
Well the first night we didn’t sleep worth a s... ! Up about every hour from 2 am to 5 am , wondering what the heck I’m doing attempting to hunt mule deer in Nebraska ! I can tell you my expectations were to “possibly” get the boys on a couple small bucks , nothing more ! Twenty minutes into first light opening morning we come into a great looking area , does here and there so we pick the area apart glassing. It doesn’t take long and my son finds a good one , bedded up for the day. He was all alone and thought he was invisible but he was wrong ! A quick hike and 1 good shot from the old Winchester 243 and the rest is history ! He took him in his bed !
Interesting thing about my sons rifle I’d like to share ...... one of the last few rifles out of the New Haven plant. The day he was born that gun came in , brand spanken new stainless classic featherweight in 243. I ordered it before he was born. It caused me a lot of problems I’d rather not go in to........ but I ended up picking it up that night ! I’ve had it stashed away for many years for him ! 15 years to be exact ! I guess he likes it !
Thanks to all ! Today was mixed with some deer hunting , grouse hunting , and a little mid day prairie dog shoot ! Deer and the grouse kicked our butts ! It’s warm , way too warm and the forecast looks to temps approaching 70’s mid week ....... this other tags gonna be a tough go !
Well day 3 is in the books ! Exhausting but a very rewarding day ! Started off this morn hiking in quite a ways , few does here and there but nothing promising. Warm day , almost 60 so I had little hope but I didn’t let the boys know it. I kept pushing on , almost 5 miles in I spot a deer laying alone. I knew it was a buck but he was two ridges over buried in a high meadow. We dropped off , to the bottom , up and over the next two I range him at 353 yards. Shooting stick out front , I layed down so he could use my back to rest the rear of the rifle. I put him behind my 270 WSM because of the yardage , but it has a break. First shot hit him a little low so after a scramble he put another in him just as he skylined himself over the next ridge , I heard that hit clear as a bell ! The buck fell a long long ways down the canyon into a log pile , really tough to find him. After the work was done we packed him out , up and down another 5 miles to the truck. My stepsons first muley !
It’s been a great trip ! The hunting pressure is insane though , by far the worst I’ve ever seen. I can honestly say the other hunters I’ve talked to and bumped into here and there have been real nice guys ....... with the exception of a couple road hunting pkups from Wisconsin ! Blocked the road on me not once but twice on my way through from area to area , real classy guys let me tell ya ! The kids have their BS figured out , only time they get out is to piss or sling lead at something. I had to stop myself from getting mad , we laugh at the idiots every day. There’s also a few locals out that apparently can’t read the NO motorized vehicle signs , had a little chat with one of them ! All in all I guess a guys gotta take the good with the bad , and I’m teaching the boys to do it right. I told them right off the bat we’re not taking any roads anywhere we’re not supposed to drive , no exceptions ! Hard to swallow sometimes when we pack in and get drove by but I guess I can’t change the world !!!!

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