NM Bugle Report


Too soon? First hunts kicking off in a little over a week, been seeing some good bulls, have yet to hear the little guys crack off, but sooner rather than later I feel it'll be happening!
Buddy was on caldera this morning and he heard a few raggers sounding off some bugles big bulls still not with the herds. I’ll take it!
I was out yesterday morning. All bulls peeled and white horned. Rag horns with cows. Bigger bulls still together. I heard a few squeals, nothing close to a real bugle. At 10k in elevation it was hot, dry and extremely smoky.
Say it ain't so! Need them to be going nuts right around mid October ???
Good luck to everyone out there throwing sharpened sticks at the beasts. Leave one 360+ for me??
I was in 16A this week, nothing but a few barks and mews in the pre-dawn darkness, gotta admit i was a bit disappointed, was hoping for a bit more noise at this point.
But as for noise, lots of atv's/utv's off in the distance as I hiked around the deep stuff...not sure if this had any impact on them.
Hopefully we'll start getting reports from the archers soon.
I was up in the high country of unit 4 Saturday and Sunday. No bugles. All satellite bulls with cows. All big bulls together. Cows talking mor than I have ever heard before. Extremely vocal. None of them were wearing masks ? ??
Caldera isn't a OIL hunt. You can apply after you've drawn there. Maybe you're thinking of the Valle Vidal

Caldera is/was an OIL for me. I could put in for the rest of my life and never pull that tag again.

Did Valle Vidal in 2017, so two OIL elk hunts for me...

Both are cool places!
High up in unit 4 I got one to bugle. Way too hot. We'll see what happens after the weather change this coming week.
Was out hunting deer in 21, not a peep!!! Dry and HOT, went by 6 tanks and all were dry, not even mud at the bottom. Huffed it all weekend, even up to Wahoo, got back to my truck and it was 90!!! In total, saw 29 antelope, 9 deer and 000 elk. In all my years hunting 21 (21A), this has been the worst!
Snow in the high country ? This is a game changer, it was way too hot at 10k this weekend. I sure this will kick the rut off in a big way in many areas . ?
53 was hot n dry up until yesterday. Not a sound or animal up on family ranch in Bobcat. Didn't get out due to 50mph winds yesterday. Rain and snow came in all evening and temps in the 30s,
I'm not hunting yet
but we got out to do some filming and scouting found some talkative elk ( they would bugle and carry on but not commit ) I wasn't surprised at that scenario but very encouraging. decent satellite 6x6, 2 4x4's, 3 spikes cows and calves. 3 bigger bulls that were talking stayed out of sight probably with the ladies. I really didn't want to bust through the ones we were seeing to get to the others (WISE MOVE) so not to blow them out. this was 4 days ago
now with the weather we will see should turn them on fierce.
the last time I had snow in Sept. 18th was a long time ago but the light switch flipped them on. there wasn't a call you could through out they wouldn't answer too.
I was in 36 wilderness on Saturday and they were bugling quite a bit. That said, I watched 3-5 bulls just grazing quietly and noticed the cows are still pretty broken up.

Of course I was just looking for bucks, but I sure wish I had an elk tag for there. Good luck!
In 13 they were hit or miss depending on the day. Friday good noise, Saturday not a peep and Sunday a few bugles. Seems like the bulls had not really gathered many cows up yet.
I'm not hunting yet
but we got out to do some filming and scouting found some talkative elk ( they would bugle and carry on but not commit ) I wasn't surprised at that scenario but very encouraging. decent satellite 6x6, 2 4x4's, 3 spikes cows and calves. 3 bigger bulls that were talking stayed out of sight probably with the ladies. I really didn't want to bust through the ones we were seeing to get to the others (WISE MOVE) so not to blow them out. this was 4 days ago
now with the weather we will see should turn them on fierce.
the last time I had snow in Sept. 18th was a long time ago but the light switch flipped them on. there wasn't a call you could through out they wouldn't answer too.
The snow totally killed the hunt for us. Bulls went from gathering cows and bulging to complete shut down. Only found bulls off feeding first light and last light post storm.
Here in Albuquerque haven't heard a peep of a bugle???? waiting till Oct 16 Is driving me crazy. Good luck to everyone out in the woods stay safe and save a 350 for my daughter?
In 13 they were hit or miss depending on the day. Friday good noise, Saturday not a peep and Sunday a few bugles. Seems like the bulls had not really gathered many cows up yet.
I found it to be the same. Heard bugles every day but not a lot. Rut might be hit or miss because of how dry ??‍♂️
Was out in 21a this last weekend, bulls would bugle one day and be quiet the next. Still seeing herds of cows (4-10 in a group) with out any bulls. Really don't seem to be fired up at all. Temps especially after storm have been in low 40's evening and 60-70's high daily. A ton cooler than last year but you either catch them talking or you don't depending on the day it seems. One morning I tried 3 different areas all before 7:30 and easily 6-10 miles apart and not a peep, but next day would bugle until 8. Leaving for my hunt tomorrow so I'm hoping they are a little more aggressive this weekend then they were last. Maybe its different in the southern part of the unit but toward silver creek, sawmill, wahoo, straitgulch, wildhorse, and adobe, all seem to be the same.
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Was out in 21a this last weekend, bulls would bugle one day and be quiet the next. Still seeing herds of cows (4-10 in a group) with out any bulls. Really don't seem to be fired up at all. Temps especially after storm have been in low 40's evening and 60-70's high daily. A ton cooler than last year but you either catch them talking or you don't depending on the day it seems. One morning I tried 3 different areas all before 7:30 and easily 6-10 miles apart and not a peep, but next day would bugle until 8. Leaving for my hunt tomorrow so I'm hoping they are a little more aggressive this weekend then they were last. Maybe its different in the southern part of the unit but toward silver creek, sawmill, wahoo, straitgulch, wildhorse, and adobe, all seem to be the same.

I was up in the Wahoo area a few weeks ago hunting deer. Never heard one elk, very little elk sign (most droppings were old and dry) and it's my first time in the unit never seeing an elk. I saw more speedgoats than deer and elk combined. All of the tanks were dry (not even mud, just dry), very few rubs and it was super hot, around 90. I thought if i went up to Wahoo and hunted north of the peak it would get better but there was nothing. I was hunting deer but always looking for elk and sign.

I will be down in the desert between Hatch and Deming this weekend spending more time behind the binos trying to find deer.

Good luck on your hunt!
Buddy is in 15 says they are pretty responsive but anytime quads or trucks come in when they are bugling shuts them down instantly.
Bugling some, shyly, in 54/55, Angel Fire, and west/north of Eagle Nest.

Evening time 1 bull had a docile herum of ~15 on private not one mile from US64.
Bugling and rutting in Angel Fire and South of Eagle Nest. Won't come to calls however. Herd bulls have their herums and are guarding them as the 5x5s are working the edges.

A lot of nighttime action in Angel Fire resort and golf course.
Camped out in 51 Saturday night about 8,500’ and heard nothing all night or Sunday morning. Fresh sign was present and 50 days game cam footage confirmed elk are still there. Passed a warden about 8pm and she told me the activity’s been slow, no talk yet.
Ya same here. Very frustrating. Cannot get a bull down. Had one opportunity on 4x4 and some rag hornz. Otherwise nada. Tried to take down a heard bull today. That was a joke. 30 sets of eyes. A very happy bull obviously. Not coming to calls. 2 dayz left!!
Have a buddy in the Valle Vidal and said they are bugling a bit, but also folks he ran into that he knows that are bugling like crazy scouting for the Oct rifle hunt trying to get video for social media page.??
Have a buddy in the Valle Vidal and said they are bugling a bit, but also folks he ran into that he knows that are bugling like crazy scouting for the Oct rifle hunt trying to get video for social media page.??

People do that all the time. Then wonder why they aren’t bugling our responding to calls....
Sat-Mon we saw and heard some increasing action. Bigger bulls starting to herd up and scream at the raggys. Bigger bulls were all muddied up and acting like rutting bulls. Muzzle hunts probably going to be really fun and exciting.
Muzzle hunts should definitely be good this year afyer what I saw 2nd archery. The only way they could get better is snow at altitude to drive them down
Well 36 was not so spectacular. On and off calls. One day they were noisy the next they were silent. IDK. Bulls were definitely noncomittal. Had only 1 bull come all the way in (besides raggys) it was a 5x4 with no 3rd and he was younger. So i let him live. I really wanted meat this year but kept imagining the next day of the rut being better and better......just wasnt so. TAG SOUP IS DISGUSTING. Smell of defeat.....till next time u dang New Mexico archey bulls......:) had a blast!
So does everyone think it’s the weather affecting the bulls so much or just the pressure of the thinking as a whole. Trucks, quads traffic? I know that happens everywhere but you see places that have a less or pressure it seams that they don’t hold back or go nocturnal.

I had a buddy in 15 was into ripping bulls almost entire time. Nobody was in there. They killed a bull and were done shortly after 3 or 4 trucks and quads went in and they never heard much after. They were parking at the entrance of some of the roads walking in and disturbing as little as possible which seemed to allow the elk to be natural.

My next thought is are the dates of the hunts What also cause the pressure even more so. Example if say how unit 10 was the whole month people didn’t blast the hunts so hard the entire time they were able to pick and choose and seamed like a better option with the same amount of tags.

Same goes with deer tags we cram entire hunt into 5 days and includes the weekend alway! Which I think for time off purposes is a good thing but also guarantees everyone in their mom will be out. When a hunt starts on a certain date like oct 1st it can be a Wednesday or Friday or weeekend but when it starts during a week tends to be more of the serious hunters are out and allows some time that the hunt will not be stuffed full of hunters until the weekend. This is a hope for me every year! I am sure some feel the same.

It’s just a tuff deal to wait all year and draw one tag and hunt for 10 days and be done with a few exceptions especially with a bow. It would just be nice to allow more time to be able to be chasing more so. Especially for bow hunters imo.
So does everyone think it’s the weather affecting the bulls so much or just the pressure of the thinking as a whole. Trucks, quads traffic? I know that happens everywhere but you see places that have a less or pressure it seams that they don’t hold back or go nocturnal

OCHO weather has very little to do with the rut, the cows control it. Are you married ?
So does everyone think it’s the weather affecting the bulls so much or just the pressure of the thinking as a whole. Trucks, quads traffic? I know that happens everywhere but you see places that have a less or pressure it seams that they don’t hold back or go nocturnal

OCHO weather has very little to do with the rut, the cows control it. Are you married ?

Cosmic I feel ya! No bugling around my house yet! ??
So does everyone think it’s the weather affecting the bulls so much or just the pressure of the thinking as a whole. Trucks, quads traffic? I know that happens everywhere but you see places that have a less or pressure it seams that they don’t hold back or go nocturnal

OCHO weather has very little to do with the rut, the cows control it. Are you married ?
Id bet large amount of money that’s the number one reason majority of people would say as to why the tuts not happening. And that’s a polite way of saying we the hunters ruin the rut more than anything lol!

Hence the cold front comments constantly.

I’m more of a year around rutter and wallow often!
Someone made a comment a few weeks ago about the cold weather that was coming thru earlier this month. They mentioned the last time they had a sudden weather change like that, the Elk went crazy bugling! He went on to say that you could “Fart” and get elk to respond! Just that comment alone probably sent or kept more hunters in the field calling non stop! If I was an elk, don’t you think I would think something was strange with all the calling and traffic around???? Not sure what an elks sound range is, but I bet it was like a kids birthday party with kazoos!
I think we should take a lesson from the elk! Maybe we should shutdown during the supposed rutting, bugling stage, and not make soo much noise on these forums and social media!
The bulls in 16B were going off till about 1 AM. I was eastern half and about 4 miles in and they were about 3 miles off still. They were hard to get at if anyone has a tag hope yall got horses. My muzzle 16 deer tag looking bleak.temps were 90 or so and a balmy 55ish at night. I didnt even need a bag last night. The few tanks i bypassed were dry. If u plan on going in be careful i went through my water supply QUICK. Had to pack out early and didnt feel to good when i got to the truck.
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Everyone I've talked to says the bulls weren't going full tilt until last Monday or Tuesday. People from 51, 53, the 6's, 55, 48, 54

That puts day-length at ~12 hours and 50 minutes. Now I wonder if the ruts started more northerly earlier with the same day length on a different day?

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