NYC jet flyover photo op



Dip Chit or what!

hey.....since i screwed up and called americans arrogant, and showed how un-American I really am, lets do a photo op...with lady liberty (from France none the less)......

NEW YORK ? It was supposed to be a photo op that captured images of an Air Force One plane with a majestic Statue of Liberty in the background. Instead, it turned into a public relations nightmare that led to recriminations from the president and mayor and prompted thousands of others to ask, "What were they thinking?"

Just before the workday began on Monday, an airliner and supersonic fighter jet zoomed past the lower Manhattan skyline. Within minutes, startled financial workers streamed out of their offices, fearing a nightmarish replay of Sept. 11.

For a half-hour, the Boeing 747 and F-16 jet circled the Statue of Liberty and the Financial District near the World Trade Center site. Offices evacuated. Dispatchers were inundated with calls. Witnesses thought the planes were flying dangerously low.

But the flyover was nothing but a photo op, apparently one of a series of flights to get pictures of the plane in front of national landmarks.

It was carried out by the Defense Department with little warning, infuriating New York officials and putting the White House on the defense. Even Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't know about it, and he later called it "insensitive" to fly so near the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The director of the White House military office, Louis Caldera, took the blame a few hours later. One of the planes was a 747 that is called Air Force One when used by the president.

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," Caldera said. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."

Not to mention they scared the livving day lights out of the general population there. What a bunch of dumb a#$es

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
what an idiodic stunt. . . I can understand the desire, but what the hell were those guys thinking. . . someone should be fired!
Absolutely unbelievable in many respects. Here is what makes it even more interesting. GWB was blamed for all things that went wrong under his watch. He was accused of being personally responsible for the problems encountered with FEMA's response to the Huricane in New Orleans. Obvioulsy, there were many and substantial levels of administration between GWB and the FEMA people who developed the response, but none the less it was all George's fault.

Now Obama claims he had no knowledge that one of the only 2 jets in the entire world made exclusively available for his personal use, was being used for this photo op. I have a hard time believing that. But assume, a really big assumption to make I know, it is true, doesn't that say alot about his complete lack of control and awareness of what is happening under his nose! Yeah this is the guy who has promised to keep a close eye on all the spending our government is currently doing to cut out wasteful spending etc. Yeah, this is just another reason we should all feel secure that he is in charge.
Obama claims he didn't know anything about it.

Bull sheeit! He was probably on it with his teleprompter drinking out of his goblet and toasting Castro!

He doesn't do anything cheep! This probably cost over a 1,000,000 and I could have done it on photo shop for pennies.
If that had happened under Bush it would be headlines for a week. "How out of touch" blah, blah, blah.



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