Obama, living Large



Since Obama didn't take tax payer campaign funds he's not bound to any funding limits, it's expected he'll have 3-5 times the cash to spend that McCain will.

McCain is throwing a fit but there isn't much he can do about it, what will this mean for the election? not often do dems have more money to blow than republicans but here we are, times are changing.
Yes he has broken his word about taking campaign funds, makes me wonder what else has he lied about concerning his promise of "change". I am willing to bet there will be big bucks in his coffers from "special interests" that he will beholden too.
Change my butt!!! same old politics, same old lies, and how many fools will buy into his promise of change.
Even the liberal press today seemed down on him about changing his mind concerning the campaign funds and made a point of pointing it out how he flipped flopped on that one. He may get more funds, but he also may turn off a good percentage of potential voters over his flip flopping.

We all change our mind, where did the public get hurt by Obama not taking their money? wheres the damage? McCain is the only one hurt that I can see and if you remember he and Obama are running against each other, if Obama did something illegal then lets have it?

McCain tried to back peddle and return his funds so he could do the same thing, what's up with that? can't he make up his mind?

I don't think he needed it but Obama is in the position to buy this election, and what's more American than that? your only problem is he's a black democrat outspending a white male republican dinosaur. we live in interesting times don't we? I can't say I saw it coming myself.
Jef; that was a great one, had to stop laughting before I could type. Dude, McCain may have tried to back pedal because he was under the impression, given by Obama earlier, that both would limit their fund raising by taking public money and playing on a level field. Well Obama just showed everyone that his word and intergity is worth squat. I think it will come into play at voting time.
Obama is still evading the town hall meetings because he is sure that Mccain will upsurp him in hardball debating on tought questions that demand more precise answers then the general B.S. that he is good at doing. I think that will also come into play when people start asking themselfs, "why does he avoid the townhall debates to answer our questions".
Bottom line is Obama is lacking in the qualities that make for a good leader and is nothing but the liberal con artist that is starting to show more and more as the election draws nearer.
If that is the president you want, you are welcome to him. At one time I did take a very close look at him in hopes that he would be worth voting for. The more I looked, the more disapointed I became in his core values and made the decision that we do not need or want a person like him for any office, let along the President of the United States.
Bottom line, if he was on fire, I would not walk across the street to pee on him and put the fire out, and I would not vote for him for city dog catcher! But! you are welcome to him as your great savior on "Change".
Dude, you are a real piece of work. If it had been McCain who had expressly agreed at the outset of the campaign to stand by the public funding limits and then because he believed it was to his personal benefit to disavow his prior agreement you would be all over him. However when someone points out the fact that Obama has played the same old political games, you criticise them by stating that they are only making the point because:"[their] only problem is he's a black democrat outspending a white male republican dinosaur." The real truth is that you have to take a contrary view simply because you have no intellectual honesty and think taking a contrary position makes you look like you have something meaniful to add to the debate. His race had absoultuely nothing to do with the original comment. If Hillary had been the liberal left's choice, and had breached the same agreement for the same reasons, the criticisms would be equally valid!
You guys are a riot, poor McCain got tricked.

McCain jumped on the public money before Obama, he took a chance and lost. if I'm afraid someone might hose me I wait until they make the first move or get it on paper before I do, you know Benny Hill's old saying about when you assume don't you? if Obama has broken the rules or the law then where are the charges? enough whining let's have it. if McCain hadn't been broke and Obama had been what makes you think he wouldn't have done it to Obama? no he'd never do that. maybe Obama did sucker gramps, if he did then McCain is a chump, just what I look for in a president.

In the end I probably will vote for McCain but listening to you righties cry about all the injustices does make me wish Obama well.
Thanks for the enlightment on your core values as a human being. If that is what you look for in a president, your intergity and honesty is in the outhouse with Obama.
I would not walk across the street for you either and put your fire out.

RE: Joke for Dude

A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, 'What are all those clocks?'

St. Peter answered, 'Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock move.'

'Oh', said the man. 'Whose clock is that?'

'That's Mother Teresa's', replied St. Peter. 'The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.'

'Incredible', said the man. 'And whose clock is that one?'

St. Peter responded, 'That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life.'

'Where's Obama's clock?' asked the man.

'Obama's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan.'
RE: Joke for Dude

LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-08 AT 05:31PM (MST)[p]RELH even though I can't think of an organism on earth that I care less about than you but I do find you entertaining so I'll respond.

Don't you feel McCain being duped by a statement made by a liberal black politian shows a lack of intellegence? I can't think of any politian I'd trust as far as I can throw them but McCain is acting like he had a signed contract, not so, Obama has every right to refuse the money. in fact if it were the other way around you'd call Obama a leach taking money from tax payers to fund his campaign. if the situation were reversed you'd be grinning like a Cheshire cat and you know it, you're too funny.
RE: Joke for Dude

NO!!! Dude you are wrong. I was brought up that a man is only as good as his word. If he is incapable of keeping his word, he is nothing. If it was the other away around, I would turn my back on McCain. As it is now, even if both of them are politicians, McCain has shown to me that he is far more honorable then Obama.
You see Dude, there is other people in this world that places great value on being honest, having intergrity, it is very apparent that you are not among them and I will never accept you at face value as I do not accept Obama or either of the Clintons. To me, people like you and Obama are nothing but dung that needs to be scraped off my boot before entering the house. Now you know how I feel about people of your caliber, and you can bet the house that I am truthful about that statement

A good lesson for McCain. Maybe he will figure out the Obama is a professional liar. And a smooooth one at that.

RE: Joke for Dude

My My you told me.

Obama has been backing away from public funding for over 17 months, you haven't changed you mind on anything in 17 months? since that would require though no you probably haven't.

Obama said he'd like to have a meeting with McCain some time ago to discuss the matter, he chose not to have that meeting because even a chimp like you could see by the amounts of cash he was bringing in he'd be better off not taking the public money. now if both you and McCain didn't see this coming you're both to stupid to have an opinion.

McCain didn't have a gun to his head when he took the money, a wise man would have said you first. Obama hasn't said for some time that he would take the money, he changed directions and changed his mind but he didn't break a promise, rule,law or screw anyone in the process he simply changed his mind. other than his money hungry opponent who's hurt here?

Your assumtion I'm a crook who's word is no good tickles me, I do many times more business on my word in one month than the total of your welfare checks for years and not one complaint. what Obama did would be the same as a hay or cattle buyer telling me they'll buy my product the next year and then back out for any number of reasons, if I want to have a deal for sure I have to get it on paper or it's nothing more than an indication of intent. that's a normal part of business and my guess is politics are no different, McCain is a chump if he based his decision off of Obamas intent a year or more ahead of the primary.

I don't think Obama needed the money to win anyway but with it he will win, and legally.
RE: Joke for Dude


RELH doesn't really need me to respond for him but I will anyway. If RELH said I PLEDGE NOT TO DO THIS OR THAT HE WOULDN'T DO IT! Thats the difference.

Dude you are full of BS as usual.

Truth is obama has been pledging that as part of his campaign of "CHANGE" that he will use the tax payer funds and that mccain should do the same so that they are both are on a "level playing field" (to use obama's words). He has been saying this since at least 2006. As recent as a few weeks ago he was on TV and during an interview again stated he would do the same and spoke about he and mccain signing some type of commitment to do the same.

Obama has campaigned over and over about change. About the need to change the way the money is donated and spent in campaigns. He has campaigned for the tax payer funded campaigns and against privately funded campaigns for YEARS.

Now that it is politically expediant for him to do exactly what he is campaigning against it is somehow ok? What's changed?


This has nothing to do with mccain. This has everything to do with obama's character and yet another example of the lack thereof.
You can all argue about McCain this and Obama that, but I've got news for you.....they are ALL LIARS in the truest form. The whole reason they are politicians is because they can deceive using the very best deceipt. They learned this in their political science class in college. I will vote because I feel it's my duty as an American, but I can sure understand the person who says "It's not worth the vote"! Our economy is in the worst position in 30 years and niether one of these guys will make a difference at all.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-08 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]It has come down to voting for the lesser of two evils any more since both parties are out of touch. My personal feeling is that McCain would not screw us no where as bad as that bent wrist lying liberal that the Dems has put forth.
Thanks Ransom, at lease us hillbillies can still stick together and keep the kerosene cans full. Just in case!!

I think with the House and Senate projecting the losses they are to Dems we should vote D'Obama and let the socialists have the country for four years. Stop the slow bleeding and get it done. The only way we are going to see true change is when it gets so bad that the average apathetic American says "enough".

D'Obama will get us to that point quickly, so maybe he is the agent of change.......

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