
Tried to tell all you Dems out there you dont have to have gun control to "Have Gun Control"!!!

Ammo Confiscation

The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana)
requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacturer in a data
base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what
calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the
ammunition is coded.

Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1,
2011.(Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on
every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more!

If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!

This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama, Arizona,
California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.

To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation
and the specific legislation for each state, go to:

Obama did this? he's amazing that guy.

Looks like a state thing to me, that's what you get for living in one of those states.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-08 AT 02:23PM (MST)[p]Dude, don't worry it will be coming to your state of Oregon very soon. Oregon has a long history of following CA. Even your penal code was largely copied from CA.'s P.C.
It will be your liberal democrats in Oregon that will be pushing the bill. Will you vote for them also.

>Obama did this? he's amazing that
> Looks like a state thing
>to me, that's what you
>get for living in one
>of those states.

Your right it is a state thing. But if that was the only factor, why did'nt it happen when we had a Rep in power the last 8 yrs..duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
You are about as blind as ive ever seen. From Oregon, its no wonder then, the LEFT coast, all abunch of tree huggers out there. Wonder you have any hunting left out there way you all vote.
I am almost sure we still have a republican in power.......hard to tell sometimes though.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

JB took my punch line.

The California bill was introduced Feb 23, 2007, I guess Obama was talking about running for president at that time. everyone was so sure he'd win they just got a head start for him right BUNCO?

Obama is anti gun we get it, but to say this is his doing since he's in power is beyond ignorant.
> The California bill was introduced
>Feb 23, 2007, I guess
>Obama was talking about running
>for president at that time.
> everyone was so sure
>he'd win they just got
>a head start for him
>right BUNCO?
> Obama is anti gun we
>get it, but to say
>this is his doing since
>he's in power is beyond

For crap sake, yes the bill was introd in 07, which was also ending term of Bush. You did not see anti gun legislature this size when GOP was in power, simple as that.
The ignorant in this forum is you and all your fellow supporters whom vote Dem ticket thats the home of the anti-hunters, anti-gunner, enviro wacko's and you guys support them. Thats real intelligent.. But you could be a trust funder, that would explain why your an idiot..
Trust funder? not quite but my dad was far from broke when he died, his dad wasn't broke either so I guess those genetics would make me less intellegent than average? otay.

Bush's term ended in early '07? shoot I didn't realize we were without a president from that time until next month. sure it seems like we've been without a president sometimes but I could have sworn Bush was still there, my bad.
Democrat=No gun ownership for law abiding citizens (they love the felons who get them anyway it gives them someone to defend in court), hugs and kisses for all the bunnies, anyone who hunts is nothing but a stupid redneck. Oh and now there pushing hard to tax ammo to make it less affordable. Yeah theyve solved it all.
>Trust funder? not quite but my
>dad was far from broke
>when he died, his dad
>wasn't broke either so I
>guess those genetics would make
>me less intellegent than average?
> Bush's term ended in early
>'07? shoot I didn't realize
>we were without a president
>from that time until next
>month. sure it seems like
>we've been without a president
>sometimes but I could have
>sworn Bush was still there,
>my bad.

Cease thy pitiable babblings, thou impertinent flap-mouthed ratsbane!
>>Trust funder? not quite but my
>>dad was far from broke
>>when he died, his dad
>>wasn't broke either so I
>>guess those genetics would make
>>me less intellegent than average?
>> Bush's term ended in early
>>'07? shoot I didn't realize
>>we were without a president
>>from that time until next
>>month. sure it seems like
>>we've been without a president
>>sometimes but I could have
>>sworn Bush was still there,
>>my bad.
>Cease thy pitiable babblings, thou impertinent
>flap-mouthed ratsbane!

whatchu talkin bout willis ????

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>Trust funder? not quite but my
>dad was far from broke
>when he died, his dad
>wasn't broke either so I
>guess those genetics would make
>me less intellegent than average?
> Bush's term ended in early
>'07? shoot I didn't realize
>we were without a president
>from that time until next
>month. sure it seems like
>we've been without a president
>sometimes but I could have
>sworn Bush was still there,
>my bad.

Well guess i have to spell it out, so you can understand with your simple mind. Beings Bush's term was coming to an end in 2008. They put the plan into action to get the process going. So by the time things came to the floor etc, new administration.
Wasnt broke, no i dont think you ever were from way you talk, you have probably been sucking on your mama's tit since your infancy and still are... I could tell..
Deep thinking there, I'm surprised the dems were so confident they were going to win . could it be they were doing what anti gunners do all the time? battle gun rights? wow that's kind of out there huh? could it be they didn't actually know Obama or any other dem was sure to be elected so none of this has anything to do with the '08 election it just happened to go the way they hoped ? sorry, too much for you to think about at one time, just ponder it.

The way I talk makes you think I come from money? my writing and spelling suck because I took a half drunk trip through high school and went directly to work on the family ranch I grew up working on from the time I could walk. so it can't be my Harvard like grammer or worldy ways, I'm not sure what I do that makes me sound rich but I'd like to know so I can play it up when I'm around people who are loaded. shame on me for not living in a van down by the river, I don't get some people.
Ridley- Thomas? don't know anything about him.

I didn't even see Obama's name on the Illinois bill.

"you have probably been sucking on your mama's tit since" ...

I'll have you know BUNCO ... the only tittie I been working on is yo' mamma's!

Don't make me post pictures you little plick.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-08 AT 07:01AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-08 AT 06:36?AM (MST)

D or R dude
state of ill
bill 4258 davis 30th dist dem
" " 4259 jefferson 67th dist dem
" " 4269 M davis 27th dist dem
" " 4349 jakobsson 103rd dem osterman 14th dem jefferson 67th dem.
go threw the rest of the states all dems
this is a Illinois demicraps thinking obomanations apples fall close to the tree.
check mate
once it gets threw the house to the senate you will see the dems names on it then by senators. obomas name would be present or not if he wasn't campaining. now he will wait for the national version. you and i both know his and bidans record on gun control.......
vote dem if you are against guns,god,and the right to better your life by working for it if the government owes you a living if you can't tell wrong from right if you think criminals have more rights than honest people gays should be treated special babies should be killed but murderers should live wars should be lost not won foreign terrorists have the rights of the U.S. citizen you do not need to be a natural born American to be president you don't have free speech blacks have to be treated special home grown terrorists make good political backers foreigners money can get you elected breaking election laws is OK
Dems are behind most gun control bills? no duh, I hope you didn't stay up all night figuring that one out. the point you missed was this wasn't Obama's doing as it was suggested.

As for the rest of your rant , if that's true and the dems still managed to take the whitehouse and gain a larger majority in congress how bad must the republicans suck? if you're not the winner you're a loser.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-08 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p]the nation our constitution our freedoms and rights our morals our rule of law our God are the loser.
"Tried to tell all you Dems out there you dont have to have gun control to "Have Gun Control"!!!"

"Dems are behind most gun control bills? no duh,"
Once again, I heard the same thing when Clinton was elected , BOTH times.

Yes gun resrictions are part of the democrat platform, but the 2nd ammendment will make gun control a long uphill battle. gun control concerns me greatly, but we have more constitutional protection on that issue than we do on issues like the right to choose and other common sense issues people like you are determined to change to fit your agenda .

So the bottom line is gun control is important, but wars, abortion,the economy and everything else is too. you have to pick your battles and where you're most vulnerable, the 2nd has me covered for now so I see you as a bigger threat than the dems at the moment. oh and by the way, lets hope Obama takes care of that with a good supreme court judge ot two, that should cover our rights for as long as I'm alive anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-08 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-10289377_ITM
wake the "f" up dude take off your rose colored glasses look at the world in real time.
now is the time these things ARE happening don't give me the chit "he won't" you know his record as well as i.
I'm glad you worry more about your pocket book then this great nation.
i'd rather go threw the second great depression than throw out our constitution.
oh and by the way, lets hope Obama takes care of that with a good supreme court judge ot two, that should cover our rights for as long as I'm alive anyway.

now i know you are totally insain
You actually are paranoid enough to think we're just going to let the UN decide our fate? no wonder you live in fear.

So thinking I don't want the far right deciding the next appointments to the high court makes me insane? well then just call me " 'ol crazy guy in the majority who gets what he wants " why don't you.

Obama's appointments if made correctly will uphold past court decisions like the one just made in gun owners favor. and you can bet they'll uphold other past correct decisions like Roe v Wade. so the anti gunners and the zealots will both crawl back to there holes mumbling to themselves and spend their time and money trying to figure out how to beat the best system in the world. call me crazy, like I care, as long as I get what I want I'm pretty happy.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-08 AT 03:16PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-08 AT 03:04?PM (MST)

A public policy organization has issued an urgent alert stating affirmative votes are needed from only two more states before a Constitutional Convention could be assembled in which "today's corrupt politicians and judges" could formally change the U.S. Constitution's "'problematic' provisions to reflect the philosophical and social mores of our contemporary society."

your dems are trying already to change the constitution you bet I'm going crazy everyone else should be too.
world news daily
you elected just the right guy for the job without even knowing where he stands or what country he is from for that matter but by gosh he's got a "D" in front of his name that's enough for you.
I didn't elect him, I voted for Ron Paul in the primary and Nader in the general. do I prefer Obama to McSame and Peggy Hill? so far that would be yes. more importantly I won my local bets and a bottle of crown here so that's what really matters.

The boogie man isn't gonna getcha just because Obama got elected, sure you have cause for concern in regaurds to gun rights but as stated earlier Clinton didn't get them and Obama won't either. we have some problems in this country no way around it, but gun control is a back burner issue for now so if you like to worry as much as you do worry about something more pressing, but leave the tin foil on your head if it makes you feel better.

Ransom you ask if I think the courts are infallible? no not at all, but the supreme court has been dang close to date. in a perfect world a conservative would make the next couple appointments after Obama makes 2 or 3, balance is what makes it work.
Stop being paranoid Ransom. The bill of rights would prevent the courts from such a thing.
And Gen. Tommy Franks, who led the U.S. military operations to liberate Iraq, said in a 2003 interview that if the U.S. is attacked with a weapon of mass destruction, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

we have never had our constitution in more danger then it is right now.
statements like this would have been treason any time before 2000 it has steadily gotten worse every year for 8 yrs and i don't see it turning around.
no matter who has the presidency and congress this trend must be stopped. we are losing our nation one bill at a time.
I took it to mean that the military would be forced to take whatever measures were needed to control the situation, not to control the nation.

If you think things have gotten worse since 2000, and to some degree they have why do you hate Obama taking power from the ones who made it worse? sounds like you're for change you just don't know it.
I wonder if bwnco supports a federal ID card for U.S. Citizens?

What happened to the boarder - guns dont kill people, people kill people and we just cant seem to protect our nation from all the threats that are rafting around our shores waiting to get in and kill us.

I'm not the least bit worried about my guns, no way the federal or state administration is going to be showing up at my house to take my guns. Not even a remote chance of that.

bwnco, if you want to talk "american way" and constitution, address the GOP Platform of the last 8 years:

* meranda rights - gone
* torture - okay if the federal government says so
* federal intervention in life and death (i.e., schiavo)
gays - (most of the right cant see civil rights issues here, heck most just are watching the feds tun over state rights on this just as they are on all the other issues)
* federal government owning banks, i.e. government intervention into private enterprise, AKA - nationalizing banks - what?
* no boarder control,
* federal bailout of auto industry
* all science is junk science

Just a start. It looks like we wont have to wait for obama to start socialism. . . it's already here and doing great. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-08 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p] i am for change but definitely not obama's kind.
smaller government, states rights not feds and anything against the constitution is treason.
NOT showing your birth status makes you ineligible to be president.
gun bans are unconstitutional.
you are with us or against us in war we don't surrender. if you work against the winning of a war you are a enemy conspirator
gays are people, blacks are too all have the same rights not more than whites
god is the one who made marriage HE put it being between a man and a woman NOT the government.
seal the borders.
freedom of religion give us the right to worship any where even in public places. atheist have no religion there for they do not have that right, and can not attack ours. they do have the right to burn in hell though.
freedom of the press even if they are not the liberal kind
news is the whole truth not just something to be twisted to
fit a personal agenda. if its not don't call it news call it
lower taxes stop spending wastefully.
we are not subjects we are the boss and if you vote for payoffs instead of upholding our constitution you are fired.
if you tax business they pass that cost to you in higher prices so you still end up paying them.
our government IS not a business, bank, or auto company.
yes i want change but not the liberal kind.
wolves should be removed from the lower 48 states.
a bears life is not more important than a humans.
public land should have public access even if we have to use eminent domain to get it.
public lands are not for sale trade or barter. the feds and states can add to it but can not subtract any part we already own.
So you want smaller federal government with more states rights, and the feds to over ride them when you disapprove. that seems reasonable.

About the only rational thought you have is removal of the wolves, Canadian wolves at least I can go along with that. maybe I'll just take them to burn in hell with me? why not I'm going anyway. probably too late to buy a bible and be a saint for me anyway, oh well my bad .

C, you might want to have your plumbing checked for lead, it could explain a lot.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-08 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p] just being atheist explains your problem. POOR SOAL.
sounds like you lived your life making wrong choices your judgement is off kilter all the way around.
Wow cmiddleton, that's kind of harsh and a bit extreme isnt it? I'm no judge of one mans religious beliefs, in fact this country of ours is unique in the world in that it protects everyone's beliefs from persecution.

Again, i'm not one to attack religion, but a basic look at the last 6,000 years shows that religion has been the leading cause of conflict the world over. I think it's impossible to deny that.

I'm sure that religion helps people too, in some ways it helps us all, i'm also sure that not following the scripture does not a bad man make. . . If it did, what scripture is the one that would make all men "good," and therefore eliminate bad people all together?
Sir, i'm not going to get into a debate with you over religion. I will remind you however of what my point was, notwithstanding religious beliefs.

Whatever church you choose to attend or not attend on Sunday is a choice between you and your God. No one has the right to judge you. Christians believe that God is the final judge, not man.

What I said, if you read my post was this:

". . . in fact this country of ours is unique in the world in that it protects everyone's beliefs from persecution."

Sir, you are not the final arbiter, God is. . .

"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

Merry Christmas.
Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion, how can you accept all religions if you can't accept the right to not have a religion? there is no sanctioned religion that's why we have separation of church and state, something the ragheads don't and look how well that works out.

I have no problem with any religion, I just get a kick out of it when I'm perceived as inferior or damned for not picking one illogical story book or another.

My favorite quote on the subject from a fairly bright mind, Albert Einstein. " The word of god for me is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the bible is a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish"

Now I can't claim I'm even within a rifle shot of Einstein when it comes to intellect, but I sure don't feel the need to defend agreeing with a genius. you have your beliefs and I choose not to buy into it, the bill of rights protects both of us. it's all good.
tfinalshot by knowing these passages you know religion and probably live by them.
huntindude out rightly rejects them than refers to things he has done to make him unjust.if he knew religion he could ask for forgiveness change his unjust ways and still be OK.
by NOT having faith in god he IS doing harm to his soul and by not believing in the way, the faith, the man, or a god he has himself subjected HIMSELF to the worst things man can in-vision.
it curbs his judgement to wrongful thinking and wrongful actions. his life must be hard carrying all the burdens of life by himself.
if you reject God are you not rejecting GOOD, FORGIVENESS, doing right buy your fellow man, being man not just a animal.
when someone in your family is hurt or dieing how do you carry the sorrow by yourself.
a soldier once said "there are no atheists in a foxhole"
i think saying you don't believe you must have never cared for anything and lost it, been in a life threatening situation or done anything you are ashamed of. in other words you are self centered and are not capable of loving of knowing the truth if it hit you in the face or asking forgiveness.
faith give us peace of mind during times of crisis, the will to do right over wrong, the faith that things will turn out OK and if it doesn't it keeps you from dwelling on it.
its not god that lost the election its people like you rejecting god causing god to reject our nation and we all can see the effect. back in the 50's there were no atheists and you can see our nation crumbling before your eyes ever sense
Im sure you believe everything you say, but some of it is funny, the 50s isn't that when blacks had to sit at the back of the bus? good for the white guy, not too good for minorities and women, I guess god is punishing us for treating them better now? I guess millions died in WW2 because god liked us better then? We care for the environment and wildlife more now than in the 50s, if we keep going we might have health care available for all Americans someday. Some of the most honest and caring friends I have are atheists, therefore I don't believe in the theory that says we would be like animals without religion, and most animals seem similar to humans in their behavior anyway, well except we are way more materialistic.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-08 AT 11:07PM (MST)[p] C, are you for real? that's some funny stuff.

No athiest back in the 50's? my dad and Albert Einstein to name couple. I suppose just like in Iran there were no gays too right?

I can see you're a fanatic and that's Ok, I've learned once in a while you run into one and it's best to just shake your head and walk away.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-08 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]

yes I'm for real.
you can go on with your wrongful thinking and not believe in god but i know first hand there is a god and have seen his work.
when i was 5 years old i had encephalitis. the doctors told my parents i would die nothing they could do to change it.
i remember going into the light and meeting a angel who took my hand and lead me back. i remember seeing tears in a nurses eyes as i reentered my body.
the doctors told mom and dad it was a miracle i got better without their help.
yes you are killing your soal.
in 1998 i was struggling at home and at work i hadn't been putting the burdens in life in gods hands to help guide me.
it built up and built up tell i didn't want to do it any more.
i drove home from Jackson with tears in my eyes all the way.
the only thing i kept thinking was I'm going to end it when i get home.
when i got out of the truck i looked around and i wasn't at my house. i went to the door and a preacher answered the door. i didn't drive there i was going home. how else did i get there?
that paster has a renewed faith over that and so do I.
you can not believe but it just shows you are to blind to see the truth.
you can't repute what you have seen in person.
we didn't go to church every Sunday, i still don't but i talk to god every day and let him guide my actions.
when bad things happen i pray to him for help and he carries the load i carry the faith.
If it works for you that's fine and I'm happy for you.

I've ended up at the wrong house myself, I can explain it it with two words, beer-wiskey . I've never been sick with anything worse than the common cold so I can't say much about that, but the fact a 45 year old heathen has never been sick might mean my way works too? huh?

The bottom line is until one of the many religions can prove itself true they're just fictional clubs requiring unconditional faith to hold a customer base, I just can't play that game sorry. since 2000 years still hasn't provided any proof I'm doubting it's going to be settled in my lifetime, so reality is good enough for me . you're free to do as you wish as well, it's all good.
like i said the proof is there you just need to open your eyes.
you still have your blinders on like a old Missouri mule. in life and politics.
Your proof wouldn't hold up in court, not since the witch hunt days anyway.

You're the one asking me to believe in fairy tales, I'm just saying prove it with something other than your opinion. ragheads would say the proof of Islam is there as well, since you can't both be right I'll accept you're both wrong.
So I'm in the 10% of independent thinking Americans, I can live with that.

There are 22 major religions in the world, christianity being the largest at 33% but ofcourse there are many different sects within that. my mother is a catholic, probably the dumbest of all the christian religions so I had my chance if I wanted it. until one religion can prove itself the one with the real god I think being an athiest is perfectly logical, believing doesn't make it so no matter how hard you try.

Did you see Santa flying around the sky the other night? no? was it because you didn't believe enough or because it's just a story? religion is excatly the same for those of us who didn't have religion pounded into us before we got old enough to question it. talking snakes, arks with two of everything picked up and dropped off, woman made out of a rib, we're all inbreds from two white people, 6000 year old planet I mean give me a break already. you call me goofy? I love it.
Good , we're both being polite then.

If you actually were able to question what you believe with an open mind we could have a good laugh. since you can't and I'm in the minority I guess crazy is what I'll have to be. there's a reason it's taboo to question religion, you just have to be on the outside to appreciate it all.
Although I could care less ones affiliatiation with any christian religion may i remind you that THIS country was built on a foundation of God and his laws. You can argue it all you want but that is fact.
Im not the most religious guy on the planet, Good lord knows i've made a lot of sinful mistakes and some on purpose I just didnt give a dang about when I did em.
And religion is not the cause of war, Man is period.
Just becuase one is intelligent does not make them without a soul to be judged.
Good luck my bretheren.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-09 AT 10:25AM (MST)[p]Somewhat true, there are many references to god made by the founding fathers, but if christianity was the law the 10 commandments would have been made law like the muslims make the koran law.

So it's fair to say the founding fathers were for the most part worshoping christians but they didn't intend for their religion to govern. freedom of religion and separation of church and state are the same thing, if we were all christians maybe we could have a church state like most middle east countries, wouldn't that be sweet. but we're not so the only way for minority religions to be free is for the power to be disconnected from all religion.

I'm not worried about my soul being judged because there is no such thing. I'm a mammal at the top of the food chain that's where the mystery ends. the only judgment there is on me that matters is amoung the people who I come in contact with ( stupid internet not withstanding ) and the judge at the courthouse. my record is pretty darn good on both fronts so I must be doing something right. that might seem cold and scary to some people but if you live your life feeling that you have to be a good person because that's what a good person does you're going to be a better person than someone who thinks they get a second chance in fiction land. if I act like a cull I'll die a cull and that's that, no do overs no forgiveness just reality.
Love it when a guy comes on here with, "may i remind you . . ." stuck to his teeth. . .

How about this one, "I don't have to remind you," that the Pilgrims came here to escape religious persecution and freedom from the king.

That's true, I guess they're were just like Californians. they move to escape what they hate and then go to work making their new home just like where they came from.
OK dude i will agree with some of that, like i usually do. And like i said i really try and not judge someone by their beliefs albeit a christian belief. that siad I try not to judge anyone really unless byt their deeds. I could care less who one wants to worship myself unless that type of worship involves cutting off the heads of non believers.

Im not a bible thumper, not my job really. I know others will say it is a christians job to spread the word of their belief and i do sometimes to some but I am not a bible thumper so to speak I have my own issues i need to better.

And final, the only thing i have stuck on my smiling teeth tonight are remnants of my sons first deer which i will wash down with a glass of water from the coconino aquifer.

This country was founded on christian beliefs, that is fact. would you like to debate?I do agree with seperation of powers, church, state etc. But facts are facts.
No questioning the fact christian beliefs formed the government of this nation, along with the associated witch hunts and force feeding of those beliefs on the native people.

Christianity is one of the less oppresive religions but not without it's faults by any means, don't forget Torquemada and the dark ages and it could happen again if absolute power were given to the church. whenever christians start feeling superior and figure more bible in the government would be good just remember Ireland, even christians can't get along with each other. just like the sunni and the shiite little differences lead to hatred and chaos, always have. stupidity isn't just for ragheads it's a hallmark of all religions.

Separation of church and state is essential to freedom, besides you can't have feedom of religion if you are only allowed one religion to choose from. the founding fathers didn't want a church state and we've kept it that way for well over 200 years, that's why we're still free to talk about it.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-09 AT 02:07PM (MST)[p](Huntindude not for long)!!

Obamas not going to do one good thing for this country unless your gay,a treehugger or for abortion you must be one of them!
and yes this economy has gone down and it all started when congress got took over by someone it starts with a D bet you'll never guess what it is!

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