Obama Up by 6 During DNC

Don't tell 202. His sources will say otherwise. I thought Oby would be down 6 after picking Biden.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-08 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]After watching Obammys speech tonite, I've never been so underwhelmed in my life.
Some of the best speakers around can't lead. Talk doesn't do it for me. i've been around too many people who smoked over their lack of leadership with a silver tongue. If he's elected, watch out. it will be worse than the Clinton years.
To be tottaly honest he delivered a good speech. The man is a master of the teleprompter there is no doubt.However it was nothing new. It was the same old Democrat montra. No change what so ever. When he spoke of not engaging as politics as usual all I could think of is "why then does he employ the old Clinton machine to run his campaign?"
The man is unfit to lead and that is the bottom line.
6 points is all this guy can muster. WTF, even that scumbag Kerry had 20 points on Bush this same time of year. What a joke!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Brutha be goin' down since McCain picked Palin...........Suhweeeeeet! Once the Dems start beating on this gal, with her good looks, brains, stance on hunting and guns, B Ho will be No Mo.

Disenfranchised soccer moms will flock to this Hockey mom in droves.
I thought the speech was good... but it's just a speech. He still didn't explain to me whyhe felt that he could lead a country with 0 executive experience on his ticket, less than a full term in the senate, and no defined plan.

Him ONLY being up by 6 pts on the poll after the DNC means bad things for the dems.
I thought Obama gave a very good speech; however, I thought Sarah Palin gave a truly GREAT speech today. It'll be interesting to see what happened to his bump, now that McCain has really trumped their convention with his VP pick.

I was not at all enthusiastic about McCain, but now I'm enthused about voting for that ticket. I can just imagine what 2012's election is going to be like with Sarah Palin involved. I have a feeling that she is going to be the liberal democrats ultimate heartburn.
McCain secured some votes he was going to get anyway with the Palin pick, and in doing so lost his biggest argument of all against Obama becoming president, experience.

How does an old duffer who might tip over in office say Palin is the person to replace him when her experience is far less than Obama's, along with the fact Obama has Biden behind him with vast political experience.

This is a hail mary by the republican party, they know they had to do something drastic and they did, McCain just sealed his fate. open up any Playboy and you'll find better looking women than Palin, give them a gun, have them say they hate abortion and guess what, they still aren't ready to be president. this was a bad choice and I'm betting McCain knew it but had to pander to his chronies to stay alive, I'll say after the blabber calms down Obama will extend his lead in the polls.
I don't buy that "Mccain lost his biggest argument" garbage. What's most important, is whose name is on TOP of the ticket. Right now the dems ticket is upside down.
Dude, explain to us how Sen Osama has more executive experience than Gov Palin??
"Dude, explain to us how Sen Osama has more executive experience than Gov Palin??"

Yes, Dude. Pray tell. Where and how does The Ho have more experience, other than Chicago politics and socialist activities qualifies him for President?
Dude is forgetting that Palin as Governor made executive decisions on a solitary basis while running the state of Alaska, Obama, Biden as senators have not been in a position to make those solitary executive decisions.
In fact Palin has more executive experience then does mcCain, Obama, and Biden together. The three as members of congress do not make executive decisions on their own, but as a group or committee after plenty of time to ponder the decision and vote on it.
It will also appear to the public that alot of her executive decisions made as Governor were very good ones in her state. One reason she had a 85% approval rating by the voters in Alaska.
This may be one reason why Obama did a very fast turn around when one of his campaign people tried to blast her on having no experience when they first learned of her selection.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-08 AT 05:48PM (MST)[p]I can always count on you guys for a laugh, Palin and Obama are both newbee's to the game of politics but somehow Palin's bake sale and beauty pagent drop out history makes her a pro. I'm not saying Obama is much more ready for the job, the difference is he has back up, of course Palin would have Speaker Pelosi to lean on I guess.

I'm not against new faces, if fact I think we ned them but if Obama get's shot Biden has the experience to take over, if McCain the oldest presidential candidate in history tips over Palin will be as lost as an Amish guy at circut city.

This was a poor political move on McCain's part but one I don't think he chose himself. we'll see now won't we, Obama's lead is still holding, and above what it was before the Palin pick.
typical Dude, give him the facts and if he does not like it. He will circumvent the facts and speak out of the other side of his mouth.
Dude, Biden does not, I repeat does not have the experience of a Governor on making executive type decisions in his role as a member of congress. His only experience is that of one of the good old boys, more time then most of them, as being part of the machinery that has been dragging this country down. Obama picking him is a complete reversal of his so called "change" he is talking about in his election platform.
Has biden talked to Putin,in Russia, in a recent phone call concerning business at hand. Sarah Palin has. Has biden made a decision on his on that effected the welfare of the intire population of a state. Palin has and made some very good decisions.
In case you missed it, this woman appears to be the real deal in what we need for starting reform in our goverment. she has proven to be very smart on making decisions that directly effect the economy that benefits the people and not just the pork barrel we have in our national goverment.
She vetoed a bill, even though it was against her personal beliefs, because she was advised it was unconstitution. Has Biden done that on his supporting of many bills that were found to be unconstitution later by the supreme court. I referring to his many anti gun bills that he strongly supported.
Dude bottom line, if you want the same old "good old boy" type goverment along with the socialist ideas, including gun control, just go ahead and vote for Obama and shut up.
Just do not be upset and try to bull$hit us into accepting your lame liberal ideas. WE are not buying Obama since he is nothing but a empty shell and no true substance to back it up.
If we want to be socialists, we would have moved to France or Russia long ago.

Dude, step away from the Hookah pipe and clear those marbles rattling around in your noggin. Examining the heartbeat away from the presidency theory: One the one hand in Palin we have an extremely intelligent beautiful successful lady and mother who has risen through the ranks in AK State politics from the grass roots level to its highest office, AK's comander in chief and governor. She's been a successful in small business, raised a family and now ultimately the Gov. of our largest state where she makes multiple important and critical decisions on a daily basis. She has balanced a budget is commander in chief of AK's national Guard and Coast Guard and run Alaskas government quite well with an over 80% approval rating. She has taken on corruption and cronyism even in her own party at great political risk and made it out the other side when many thought it was political suicide. I can go on.
On the other hand and a possible heartbeat away from the presidency we have Biden the most arrogant liberal plick in congress who never met a microphone or a mirror he didn't like. He's sat in congress for 36 years (So much for NoBama's change concept). The libs say his 36 years has given him a wealth of foreign policy experience. But when he's wrong on virtually every foreign policy decision to come down the pike that's not much to hang your hat on. I can't think of one thing the guy has accomplished. Has he ever had a job outside of congress? ever met a payroll, made an executive decision outside of whether he wants an olive or an onion in his martini at the Washington Crony Club. I didn't think so. The choice is crystal clear.
Extremely beautiful intelligent,sucessfull, you should just cut the crap and say she's superwoman, wow, I didn't believe in superheros now I do, Actually Biden has a compelling story to tell also, and a nice family too, its to early to tell how superwomans kids turn out, Nancy Pelosi has a 80% or so approval rating and that district has a lot more people than the whole state of Alaska, the city of Chicago alone has 5 times as many people than the whole state of Alaska, McCain and Palins big problem is that they are Republicans and that is going to be tough for them its the party of huge federal deficits, massive gov. spending, Terry Shaivo,bad decisions on starting and running a war and a lot more,now before you start with the your a liberal commie, Limbaugh baby talk, I like McCain and don't know enough about Palin to make a judgment yet, their big problem is right wingers as a whole are a sickening bunch, and the country saw their true colors when they were in complete control of the government
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-08 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]Are you reffering to the "DITTO" troll that has Hdude as his mentor. He does have one thing on dude. Dude switches from one side of his mouth to the other. The troll on the other hand can speak out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. Notice how he trashes the GOP and everyone in it, but in the same breath tells us he likes Mccain but is undecided on Palin.
WOW!! that is speaking out both sides at the same time.


P.S. Piper, if Nancy Pelosi is so darn popular and a female, why in heck did she get passed by Obama. It appears what you think and what Obama thinks are at opposite ends. You might start thinking about maybe Obama is paying back some debts to the "Good old boys" in his party for prior favors. Would you call that "Change"?
You guys are so predictable it's pathetic. Obama is in the lead to become our next president but anyone who dare acknowedge it and discuss why that may be is under immediate attack from the Bubba brigade.

McCain was a poor choice, and Palin was a poor choice as well. in my opinion Obama was a poor choice but his choice of Biden was a wise one and the outcome of all of this will put Obama in the whitehouse.

Now let's resume personal attacks by the halfwits.
No need for a personal attack. You stating that Palin was a poor choice, but Biden was a good choice, tells us where you really stand. You are for the Democrat hand out programs and someone to tell you how to put your pants on in the morning.
You do not want any real change in our goverment, just the same old politics as long as you get your share of the pie off the backs of other tax payers.

Piper; being much or less of a computer geek has nothing to do with the definition of a troll. Use a dictionary to learn something. I am sure that Ransom intends the term to be used as a verb in your case.


I think hdude is just putting us on again with this Biden crap. He just posts this stuff then climbs on his tractor and laughs about it. Hdude is a contrarian, it wouldn't matter what the subject was he'd pick the opposite side.

How can anyone who hunts and owns guns vote for Biden or Obama? Biden has the number one anti gun record in the senate and introduced the Brady bill with great pride. Obama was on the board of the Joyce foundation and if elected could appoint up to 3 SC judges. Heller decision was 5 to 4. Incredible to me but I am really a single issue voter. If you are for gun control and confiscation you will never get my vote. Period, end of story.
What makes this so funny is that the Liberals are celebrating a 6 point convention bounce. That is extemely weak. This same time last year the coward Kerry was leading Bush by 18. Typically this time of year the Dem is leading by at a minimum of 10 and all Barry can muster is 6???.............hey Dude, Pipedream and Forskin I hate to tell you but it looks like curtains for Barry. He has got to do way way better if he expects or if you expect him to beat Gramps in November.

Yes Nemont Liberals do suck!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Where is McBush's bounce with the Palin pick and all the crying for hurricane aid? Obama's extended his lead in the latest poll in spite of all the right's silver bullets. WTF????

It doesn't matter who I vote for Oregon's delegates are Obama's without a doubt. since I have no control over the outcome and I don't care for any of the candidates seeing the ultra negative whiner far right get their hat handed to them is about all I have to look forward to this fall, well that and hunting and snowmobiling. whine on boys, you amuse me.
Dude, give it a few days and you will see your bounce after the GOP convention is over.
I am sorry to hear that you are such a pathetic American that you do not care about any of the candidates and the election. You might as well just bend over for everyone since you seem to have given up hope and it is your way of life you have choosen.

its true that no matter what, Wyoming will be for McCain so I don't get excited about voting, I do want to see the far right get a final lesson this season, and hope to get some good hunting trips in, It snowed a little this morning and the horses need some work to do
I think you left wing libs are going to get the short end of the stick this Nov. and there may be no grease on it.
What you call the far right is far more to the center then you and dude can ever hope to be.
While hunting, if you run into those idiots that like to spoil hunts for hunters, just remember they are left wing liberals and you should treat your kind in a nice way.

RELH do you work at being dumb or does it just come natural?

I don't care for any of the candidates, I think both parties chose poorly. the fact is my vote won't count but I'll cast it anyway.

I'll bet you a bottle of Crown against a hit of whatever type of crack you're on Obama wins it. only thing is if by some slim chance you win I'll just send the cash, you take care of the buy. deal?
I just love it when I can force you out of your hole to defend your buddy Piper. I also do not use drugs, and I do not drink cheap Crown either. Besides if you lose, you will have to send me your address to send you your cheap Crown and you might not want me knowing that since I have been accused of running around with a jug of kerosene.
Ooh wonder you do not make sense at times, you must be hitting that bottle of Crown too darn much.

RELH, Slick way of saying you won't take that bet, that's the first smart thing I've seen you do.
I will take the bet. My choice of whiskey is a single malt Scotch. To keep it in the same price range as your Crown, a bottle of 10 year old Talisker will do.

So if you are a willing Dude, If obama wins I will send you a bottle of Crown, If McBush wins you send me a bottle of Talisker. What do you say!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
You're on, Palin was the death nail.

Obama just moved up to an 8 point lead today in the Gallup, the bookies have Obama at 60/40. this will be the best bottle of Crown I've had since I was 18, thanks.
Well if Barry is at 8 then he lost a point since yesterday cause every poll you like had him at 9.

Say what you want but Palin solidified the base, locked in the evangelicals and the women's vote.......you remember those soccer mom's that elected Bush, you know the former Hillary supporters.

Yes I can smell that Talisker form here.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
So Palin secured the votes McBush was going to get anyway, brilliant strategy. most women who are Hillary supporters aren't going to vote for Palin just because she's female. gender is the only thing Hillary and Palin have in common and Palin isn't the first woman to run for VP, Ferrao proved a woman can't get votes on their sex alone.

Dream on, and watch for it they have Crown on sale pretty often.
Well first off Dude, there was a bunch of the Republican base if you remember that were none to happy with McCain and were going to sit the vote out. I think if you look back there were some Republican's on this very board that said those exact things. Palin just turned that around. The base is energised about this woman and rightly so. That answers the first part of your statement. Next, the exact same argument could be said about the evangelicals, Palin just locked them in like no other. Now we come to the Hillary voters. All of the glorius polls you love so much have been throwing around this 30% number of her voters that were reluctant Obama supporters, this bunch was talking of sitting it out ot MAYBE voting mccain. Palin just locked those in. That right there is enough to win the white house.

Now look at how friggin stupid Obama is. If he really wanted to win the white house he would have at a minimum vetted Hillary not to mention picked her. But nooooo, instead this idiot does not even give her the time of day only further pissing off thos 30%. So what does Obama do........this nut goes out and picks the absolute worst of worst in Biden. Seems Obama is worried more about the white man vote than the woman vote. Obama is doomed H dude.

Now on a lighter note, Talisker is never on sale so get ready to pony up bro!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Go to hillaryclintonforum.net and browse around. A bunch of pissed off old ladies and lesbians are all excited about working for McCain/Palin in spite of the abortion issue. It is more important to them to break the glass cieling than to worry about abortion and gay rights. One said she was tired of the dems taking her for granted using pro choice as blackmail. Another said Palin was against gay marriage but they could work on that later. You better check on your base because she is leaving you.
I just love the fact that dude just threw Ferraro's name around as the first woman VP candidate on the Democratic ticket. She is one very hard core democrat. The news yesterday had a short interview with her and she stated that she is giving serious consideration of supporting McCain & Palin in this election.
Dude if that long standing staunch democrat is considering this switch, you can bet your last bottle of Crown that a good portion of Hillary supporters have already switched and more will follow.
Dude, If Ferrao is upset over the way the Dem. party has treated women during this election, you can bet that is also the way a lot of the Dem. female voters is thinking.
I would have never believed that Ferraro would have made that statement of even considering a switch due to her being strongly loyal to the Democrat party in the past. Politics does make for stange bedfellows or women.
202, if by some small chance you loose that bet, send me dude's address, I still have a jug of kerosene that I want to donate to him.

screw the stupid whiskey bet. I want to get hooked up with the bookies that are giving 60/40 odds.

Wanna make a bet that after Palin speaks tomorrow that McCain goes up by the same amount?

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