


Hey boys did you see in the Deseret News where Kim Payne was popped for a total of ten thousand one hundred dollars for guiding without the proper permits in the Dixie National Forest. Says his two hunters were from Virginia and didn't have a clue (Feds)?, yea right thats like saying rainbow people don't drop acid or spread veneral disease. Hey speaking of that isn't that gathering in dawgs hound training area. Me thinks I'll watch the telly for a glimpse of dog at the gathering just think dirty, smelly loose women, drugs, alcohol and he doesn't even have to travel over night. I know he has a hat that fits in, saw it thanks to his pal here on MM.
Ouch, they stuck Payne for $10K? Oh, that's gonna leave a mark. And he hasn't shot anyone in a Forest service uniform yet?

Oh ya, the rainbow gathering!! That's what I'm forgetting. I'm all over that one!! Sanitation is a bit of a problem but hell I've stood next to Kevin on the mountain so I'm not too worried.

But those Rainbow gatherings are the promised land if you don't mind ugly women. I'm not kidding, even CB and Ed could get laid at one of those gatherings!! Watch for my orange condom hat cuz I'll be there!!

-Dawg (Rainbow name "Tulip")
I'm so damned mad that I didn't think of the condom hat idea. If I had been wearing a condom hat for the past 20 years, I wouldn't have lost all my hair doing U-turns under the covers.
Oh man, that is beautiful... Lost your hair doing U turns under the covers 'eh?

Well, let me tell you one thing from experience amigo. You wouldn't have had all those chances to lose hair under the covers had you been wearing a goofy hat like mine!!

I've yet to have a woman come up to me and say, "Hey big guy, that's quite a sexy orange hat thing you are wearing on your head. Can I buy you a drink?"

It's a Catch 22, whatever the hell that means. You wear the hat, you can't remember the last time a woman looked at you without laughing... you don't wear the hat and you get the babes, but then you go bald doing U turns.

A guy would have it made if he could find a woman that loved the orange condom hat. But even in Gallup, that's a tall order to fill.

Take care U-turn. (Your new nickname)

That was a good one cb :D

Unfortunately I too still have a full head of hair......like HoundDawg says, not much chance at pulling off many undercover U turn manuevers with a hat like this without a roll of Ben Franklins......


What differentiates my condom hat from HoundDawg's is at least mine isn't orange so they can't see me comin'!!
Oh, and by the way, there ain't no way that Rainbow family gathering has any more freaky people than some of the hound dog feild trials I've been to.....especially in Idaho!!!
All I can say is neither one of your hats fit very well..very loose!!! I would hope for your guys sakes that is not condom indicater issue;-)
Judast H. Priest, and you guys were a makin' fun of my hat!!!

What the hell is that thing on Kevin's head? Looks like the bobcat took a big, hairy dump on Kev's head right before he gave it the gas!!

Bobcat's revenge... the hunter is poised under the tree with his pistol aimed upwards... his brown locks flowing in the wind, when PLOP...

The bobkitty takes a big 'ol duke right on Kev's head!! At least scrape the pile off your head before you take the picture.

I'll stick with my orange thingamajigger. At least the search and rescue can spot it easy enough... at the bar after they stop in for a drink after a hard night of searching for me on the mountain after my distraught wife called them. :)

Whoa, now hold on there a minute, while I've taken a lot of abuse on this forum about my dogs, truck, mule etc., but making fun of my hat has gone too far.

That hat and I go back a long way. It's a wool baclava that I bought at an army surplus store back in the mid 80's after I got my ears frost bit on a lion hunt gone bad and it's been on every cold weather hunt I've been on since then. That hat has been packed in to more cat trees than HunterHarry has pictures to post or bluehair has snide remarks.

That hat has survived being run over, stomped on, spit on, chewed on, and drug through every briar patch and whorehouse in northern Utah and southern Idaho. Heck, that hat has even survived getting thrown in a dog box full of Little Stevie's box-shitting walkers and left a couple of days after a hard nights drinking!

That hat has been tossed to the ground countless times in frustration, been used to beat the trashiness out of generations worthless hounds, soaked up gallons of snot, and dried no telling how many tears!

So go ahead boys, make fun of my black dogs, ridicule me for riding a mule, ostracize me for being just a poor redneck, whatever, but damnit the hat's off limits!!
My apologies for mistaking your hat for a pile of bobcat shitt.

Ya know, the more I look at that photo, and the mug staring back at me... the better that hat starts to look.

All in all, not a bad looking hat, but one butt ugly bastard wearing it!!

Was it a string of freak masonry accidents that left you that way, or just years of bad breeding in a clouded gene pool? ;-)

Of course it's all relative... you probably look like an American idol if we start comparing you to the deer hunters upstairs on the other forum.

But of course we can't expect you to stack up against 'ol HoundDawg's movie star looks. :)

Dang I'm purty!!
Holy shhit you guys crack me up lol, thanks!! Hey Kevin your hats not soo bad , keep it coming...NMhuntnutt
I had to go back and read it all over again , Hdawg you one funny motha dude , but now that I looked at the picture and do see its a baclava , I mean come on guys back off , its a friggin baclava ....Ps. guys I'm selling a great lion/bear dog , its my wifes little Laso Opso , he comes with papers and is one heck of a great dog . No matter where you chain him , he'll bark up a storm , I can almost , for certain promise you he'll call in a cat/bear for you guys , let me know , heck I'll pay for shipping and handling to get him to you , if interested just respond back here on this forum , no e-mail needed ....NMhuntnutt

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