Please read...not a joke.......



LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-03 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]If you believe that some of the goodness of this great country is ebbing away from things like moral decay, you're right. And it's getting worse and worse, get this;

The FCC has just approved the "F" word for use on TV and radio (anytime of day)! Please visit the American Family Association website to take action against this, by emailing your senators to voice your oppostition:

The web site will automatically send out e-mails to your senators and congressman. It only takes about 3 minutes. Check it out!!!!

Thanks fellers, Myke

'Making legal' our 'weakest moments' is not a direction we want to take our Country in. It all happens by degrees, doesn't it?

Thanks for the post. It takes only a minute to take a stand. I'm standing.

moral decay, it's a scary thing. Have you seen the previews for "Bad Santa" santa swearing and making lewd sexual refrences while kids are on his lap. Who enjoys this? maybe cass, but nobody else. (just kidding )
I agree with you guys but obviously if its going on and making money then someone enjoys it.
Sent mine!! Thanks for the info. Good to see so many people taking a stand!!!

God Bless!!

The issue is not whether someone laughs, or whether anyone 'enjoys' using crass language. We ALL have weak moments; none are exempt.

But we are great men too, and we can decide where WE stand - what WE promote, what WE tolerate, and what WE oppose.

Each man is a leader in his own right, and his voice, when joined with others of like mind, can sway a mighty foe. We have many great men on MonsterMuleys, and a few women too. We have fun together, enjoy a hearty debate now and then, and often tease each other for fun. But we also rally to congratulate one another, celebrate each other's success, and even mourn for a brother's loss. I've seen it more than once.

MonsterMuleys is not JUST about Mule deer, big game hunting, or even the great outdoors. It is about you and me, what we value, what we share, and what we choose to preserve. It is about what WE stand for, and what we will not tolerate.

I think clean language IS better for us than foul. And though every man slips, myself included, this does not give the FCC the right to 'make legal' our 'weakest moments'.

All that is neccessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

I know where I stand. I hope you will stand here too.


***Shawn Ercanbrack
Utah Native
Philadelphia Resident
Avid Hunter
An American
well said Shawn and hats off to the others standing up for this cause

You can count me in. Also sent it on to others who I know will be interested.

Mark can't believe this didn't get publicity on the news? I'm disappointed, but not suprised one bit. The liberals in the news media want to keep this kinda stuff quiet so that normal folks don't get up in arms about it.

We're fixin that, eh?

Have you seen the great stuff the media has NOT shown about Iraqi citizens waving American flags, American soldiers playing or saving Iraqui children, events like that? I should make a list of all the great stuff they are NOT putting on the airwaves someday. Don't ever think the media is unbiased. Paint the media as liberal and left wing as you want and you still won't have given them their just dessert.........

Thanks to all of you good guys for jumping all over this so quickly. You be da men.......
Excellent info my reply was sent. But anybody notice that if it dont pertain to "whats it score" no Drummond ? He has no time to reply to such pety matters. Sorry Im just soooooooooo fed up with BS you have no idea zreo tolerance level right now again I am sorry for bringing it up here. Im done Im out check back with you all later.
Im sending this link out to everybody in my address book.

You are clearly upset with Drummond and I am sure the two of you can resolve it privately. But would you be kind enough to keep this thread centered on the FCC issue? Please direct your energy and opposition here. That way, it will do us ALL some good.

I have received emails from friends in California to Pennsylvania today, each voicing their opposition and lending their support.

Email your friends; believe in them too, and chances are they will stand for what's right also.

All the best,

***Shawn (Sperca)

I appreciate your email on this subject and sincerely apologize for not responding sooner. I agree with you all 100%, it disgusts me to watch moral standards get replaced with dollar signs$! The leaders of tomorrow are the youth of today and they will be only as good as the example we set. I will be responding as soon as I post this message. Again Sperca, thank you for bringing this to my attention and please accept my sincere apology for not responding sooner.

Glad to see all of you taking a stand on the moral decay of our nation. Thanks to all. Sent my e-mails to my legislators today.

Phantom Hunter
I saw this posted in the registered forum first, and responded there. Please note that I am not in favor of what was reported, but what was reported differs substantially from what actually occurred, based on the links provided by the website. I don't think it's as bad as it sounds, see my post for my take on it. It's definitely not a cut and dried deal as it is presented.

It may not be 'cut and dry' Hoosierbuck, but what a man stands for is.

Here is where Congressman Pickering stands:

"I am outraged and extremely dissappointed with this latest salvo in a long string of decisions by the FCC that establishes a deeply disturbing precedent regarding the use of universally-recognized expletives on our nation's public airwaves. As a father of five, I am wary of enjoying an evening before the children with my children or of listening to the radio in the car with my kids for fear of being inundated with indecent and profane language. This latest decision opens the floodgates for an unrelenting stream of such language, so long as it does not describe "sexually or extretory organs or activities." SUCH REASONING IS ABSURD and is not what was intended by Congress and cannot be what Americans expect when watching television or listening to the radio. No ordinary American stops to consider HOW the "F-word" is used - whether as an exclamatory adjective, a derogatory insult, or a sexually explicit verb - before deciding whether it is indecent or profane to his or her own self or family. It is time for the FCC to follow this model and apply SIMPLE, ORDINARY, COMMON SENSE to such situations in the interest of the American Public."

As Hoosierbuck suggests, review the above website and ALL the links it provides, then apply "SIMPLE, ORDINARY, COMMON SENSE" and form your OWN opinion.

It really is simple what a man stands for.

***Shawn Ercanbrack
Still, it's not like the FCC issued a statement approving for use the infamous F word, as the site states. If a network views a refusal to levy sanctions as approval, then shame on that network. Boycott 'em and their advertisers.
A lot of us are the same guys who gripe that the government interferes too much with our freedoms, and our lives, passing laws that unnecessary because they are common sense. You can't have it both ways.
I just didn't like the way the website "paraphrased" what the FCC actually did.
Don't make me out to be a moral reprobate if I don't fall in line with this particular website on this issue and its presentation. What I stand for and what I do about it are not the issue here, and you don't have the information necessary to draw a conclusion about what this man stands for. Personally, I think the current status of tv and radio is deplorable, so I barely watch tv and don't listen to the shock dj's. I don't know that it's up to the FCC to "fix" it, though. I am not big on whining to the government to fix something that isn't a truly government issue.
FCC Approves "F" Word on TV and Radio!

What are they thinking?!? Do we really need to hear such language in a television program in order to enjoy it? I don't! And, I certainly don't want my kids hearing it and thinking that using such words is ok, because it isn't. Don't get me wrong, I have "weak moments" that I'm not proud of, especially if my kids over-hear it.

PS - The FCC may approve it, but NOT

Brian Latturner
My sister and I are putting in Ours Thanks Guys !!!

"Are your not a Vegitarian but you still give me Chit about Hunting you need to just sit down and shut Up."
The F-word is such a small part of offensive material on tv and radio today. I don't think that allowing that particular word is going to bring the morrality of big media any lower. The A.F.A is a joke.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-03 AT 08:32AM (MST)[p]Hardy....

What a perfect example you are of the point I was originally making (that people in our society have been gradually falling to a lower standard of morals for a variety of reason, liberal rules on censorship being a huge contributor to that). I'm sorry that you completely missed the point (the big picture....the "f" word is just another step in a slow, very downward spiral). I've been witness to it for the past 5 decades, particularly out here in Calyfornyuh (yep, Arnold changed the spelling for us).

So here's another opinion, I think one with some creedence to it; people (I think most of you are kids) who cower behind the "guest" handle; they generally don't have a sound opinion that is backed up with facts (case in point here). You're just trying to stir the pot by taking an adverse stand to the majority opinion, case in point. Course, you know that.......

Have a nice day. As for me, I'm headed off to the hills for some quail huntin............. :)
freedivr2, It is good to know that we have people like you, who have the whole world figured out. Your reaction was just what I was looking for. So thank you very much.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-03 AT 06:11PM (MST)[p]Hardy.........not the whole world, but I've been around a bit. Cool. Be good......
I can appreciate the effort behind this but I don't think it is really a big deal. The 'F' word will not cause the collapse of society in my opinion. Kinda like the line from the EMINEM song, "tell me that your kid doesn't know any cuss words, when his bus driver is 'f'ing him up worse". The reality is, kids seldom learn the 'F' word on TV. They are hearing it from their grade school peers. In my opinion, the 'F' word is just a word. Its up to parents to instill morals and teach their kids which words are appropriate.
I'm in too, Myke. Thanks for enlightening us and having the ambition to post on a subject that affects us all.

Yeah sure, Cooter, but my bet is that you're only jumpin on the petition bandwagon here cause you think the "F" word they're talking about here is Freedivr2 :)

BTW, how's that knee doin after the supertherapy session?
Right you are Myke with a Y. The "F" word and Freedivr........what a volatile combo. You're a hoot.

Oh, and the knee? Man, what a fiasco this has turned out to be.

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