Rancher sued by illegals

wonderful country we live in , huh?....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I just shake my head in disbelief. People wonder why we hate lawyers and the illegals coming in, along with the mex nationals flying there flags around here... would'nt surprise me if they won. What civil rights can an ILLEGAL have..... good grief!!!
"Roger Barnett said he had turned over 12,000 illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol since 1998."

Show me a border patrol agent that can claim they have captured or contributed to the capture of that amount of illegals. Why doesnt the Border Patrol give the guy a badge? He should be a national hero. Instead he is criminalized by his own country. I bet 10 cents these wetbacks win. Can you imagine the flood of lawsuits this will open?
Is the case being brought forward by a ambulance chasing greedy attorney, or is it the work of the left wing ACLU. Smells like they may have a hand in it.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-09 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]In March, U.S. District Judge John Roll rejected a motion by Mr. Barnett to have the charges dropped, ruling there was sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury. Mr. Barnett's attorney, David Hardy, had argued that illegal immigrants did not have the same rights as U.S. citizens.

The immigrants are represented at trial by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), which also charged that Sheriff Dever did nothing to prevent Mr. Barnett from holding their clients at "gunpoint, yelling obscenities at them and kicking one of the women."

Another idiot Judge on the bench.

It sounds like poor Mr. Roger Barnett is getting in the way. These illegals paid their protection money, and by God Mr. Barnett will be dealt with.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-09 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]Welcome to the United States of Mexico!!!! Did I hear their rights were violated? What fricken rights do a bunch of border crooks have anyway. This man should be given the medal of honor for rounding up 12000 border bandits. I dont care if their coming to this country to support their families, grow pot on the national forest whatever. My family never got jack squat or preferential treatment when they immigrated to the U.S. from Ireland. What they did do was go through the proper channels and became citizens. I dont know what to think of our system of law anymore or should I say lack thereof. If this man gets sued its time the law abiding CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REVOLT. Citizens obliviously have no right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness if federal judges allow this case to even be considered by these crooked attorneys. With their crooked clients.
First thing they do when they enter this country is ....they broke the law...How do you have any respect for illegals when this kind of thing happens?
Former pres. Fox used to say they are the new american pioneers.
>"Roger Barnett said he had turned
>over 12,000 illegal immigrants to
>the Border Patrol since 1998."
>Show me a border patrol agent
>that can claim they have
>captured or contributed to the
>capture of that amount of
>illegals. Why doesnt the
>Border Patrol give the guy
>a badge? He should
>be a national hero.
>Instead he is criminalized by
>his own country. I bet
>10 cents these wetbacks win.
>Can you imagine the flood
>of lawsuits this will open?

It's probably not that he has caught 12,000 people, it's just that he has caught the same 1,200 people ten times now. :) Most border patrol agents are doing a good job but they are like the one legged man in an a$$ kicking contest, outnumbered and overwhelmed. They don't have enough of them as it is, can't hire to fill the vacancies that come open, and if that isn't bad enough they are beholden to whatever the PC policy is delegated from Washington. In the wake of Compeon and Ramos, it is not much of a suprise that number one, nobody wants to work for the border patrol, two, agents get out at the first equal or greater opportunity to leave, and three, those that remain are scared to do their job.

Aside from the current economic situation, the southern border is going to be the place to watch. That country is currently in meltdown from government corruption, drug cartel turf wars, and other criminal shenanigins that has resulted in thousands of dead bodies and counting. Which, leads me back to the story. With the crime at the border hell yeah he should have the right to protect his property and he'd be nuts to do it without a gun.

>AT 07:53?PM (MST)

>Welcome to the United States of
>Mexico!!!! Did I hear their
>rights were violated? What fricken
>rights do a bunch of
>border crooks have anyway. This
>man should be given the
>medal of honor for rounding
>up 12000 border bandits. I
>dont care if their coming
>to this country to support
>their families, grow pot on
>the national forest whatever. My
>family never got jack squat
>or preferential treatment when they
>immigrated to the U.S. from
>Ireland. What they did do
>was go through the proper
>channels and became citizens. I
>dont know what to think
>of our system of law
>anymore or should I say
>lack thereof. If this man
>gets sued its time the
>law abiding CITIZENS OF THE
>Citizens obliviously have no right
>to life, liberty, and the
>pursuit of happiness if federal
>judges allow this case to
>even be considered by these
>crooked attorneys. With their crooked

Yup..............the more I see, the more my instincts tell me this. Maybe time to take it back here pretty quick. Actually I think the constitution pretty much compells the citizens to overthrow a corrupt government......
>Yup..............the more I see, the more
>my instincts tell me this.
>Maybe time to take it
>back here pretty quick. Actually
>I think the constitution pretty
>much compells the citizens to
>overthrow a corrupt government......

LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-09 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]Oh but wait they were abused and held at gunpoint by a U.S. subject defending his damn property. (I refuse to use the term CITIZEN anymore as it no longer exists) Believe me these legal vultures (MALDEF) will find any loop hole in our flawed system of laws to deprive this national hero of his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and give it to those who have not earned it, and have no right to it due to their ignorance to our laws. This man should be given a medal, and a bigger gun for his efforts to help the U.S. border patrol. But no! Instead he is going to be victimized by judges who are supposed to protect us. If this man loses this case it is clear that our laws no longer protect those who legally live in the U.S.
Can anyone tell me is there anything being done to help this national hero?
Ive done the best I can from the internet by emailing the offices of the two senators from AZ. McCain and Kyl. As well as the Governor's office of AZ. I encourage all who feel this is wrong to do so as well. I dont know how much good it will do, or even if these represenitives can do anything at all to help, but its the best I can do for Mr. Barnett right now.
Notice how all the libs in here are responding to this...ha ha ha.. Yep they were prob headed north to work for dude, piper and the rest of em in here...

I agree, on the overthrow of a corrupt gov't. Makes one feel so damn helpless, you write, vote, etc and those in Wash dc still dont listen to us. Or like in the case of Calif, they do get something passed and some stupid LIBERAL court of appeals overturns it..... Everyone honest hard working man and women regardless of race, in this country has pretty well had it.

Then you have the border patrol guys thrown in prison for shooting a fleeing illegal drug smuggler as he fled across the border.. Its insane what those in Washington DC are expecting us to put up with. Wished strong conserv states like Texas just give em the finger and start shooting illegals as they crossed then looked the other way... oh! oops!!
Lawyers and judges such as these are a big part of what the hell is wrong with America today. These boarder jumping, drug running, law breakin, piles of dog chit should have no rights here in America. But as always, have more rights than the rancher trying to protect is property and livelyhood. Welcome to Liberal F'en America!
The govt better wake up and smell the coffee brewin cuz this aint the only camp in America right now. There is grumbling goin on everywhere from churches to barbershops around this country right now it just aint hittin the main stream.
I feel it and i know several of you do also. It is unfortunate and I pray for a peaceful solution. I mean it is pretty obvious. The Govt is all about paying crooks off with our taxes, money we are just giving them and for what? So they can live high on the hog, pompous jerks. Thats what we get for voting? Im tired of it.
We are screwed and the majority of us are to soft to give up our
luxeries to do anything about what is going on in OUR country. We are going the way of the Romans but at a faster pace.We allow illegals to live in OUR country and off our taxes. All the while the POS's are committing a large percentage of the crimes in our nation. Why dont we do something about it? I'll tell you why; I get up in the morning, MY HOUSE is warm, it's dark so I reach for this funny little switch, flick it up and, hey, instant sunshine! It's no longer dark and I can find my way to the bathroom. And guess what? There's another one of those switches in there! Now I take a leak in this neet piece of porcelin, hit a lever and, oh my! there it goes! Now I wonder into the kitchen. Hey another switch and more sunlight! And look,there's this big metal box. I open the door to the box and looky there, more light and look at all that food! Ya know nothing in there looks good right now. I know I'll look in this cabinet. H'mm, do I want corn flakes, wheaties, shredded wheat, cherios, etc. I don't think so. How about some hot cereal instead. Oh but which one? Maybee some toast, or a muffin? Oh hell I'll stop on the way to work at ONE of the places in town. Hmm, what am I going to wear. These pants and that shirt? Na, I wore that combo one day last week. How about these? (life was so much easier when all I had to do was get into a clean uniform). Oh, time to run! Which rig do I want to take? They all have a full tank, guess I'll take the old Dodge today. Do I have to stop at a few friends places to take them to work. Hell no they all have two or three vehicles of their own too....Anyway all'yall get the picture I'm sure!
We still have it better than most of the world and we are not fed up enough yet to give it up.
We will not bust a grape until things get much worse. Big Bro knows this. Remember this, most of the world would love to see this once great nation fail. We are hated by most and they are waiting in the winds to capitalize on the first opportunity to take a shot at us. Our govt.is attempting to force us into socialism, and at this time they are succeding! Want to fix things? How about we try this.
1. Eliminate NAFTA
2. Place huge import taxes on foreign products
3. Chase the illegals out of OUR country to the craphole they ran away from!
4. The lazy must work for "their" wellfare check.
5. The lazy must pass a piss test. No pass, no money!
6. You don't contribute, you don't vote!
7. Violate OUR borders, DIE.
8. Burn OUR flag, DIE
I better get off the soap box, sorry guys this crap just pisses this ol'boy off a tad!
Well said NORKALNIMROD!!! I think of how this country is turning out exactly like the old Roman Empire and its close to a mirror image. Like you the more I talk about this stuff the more pissed I get.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-09 AT 06:32AM (MST)[p]"1. Eliminate NAFTA
2. Place huge import taxes on foreign products
3. Chase the illegals out of OUR country to the craphole they ran away from!
4. The lazy must work for "their" wellfare check.
5. The lazy must pass a piss test. No pass, no money!
6. You don't contribute, you don't vote!"

Sounds like a good start to me. I'd like to add;
7. No more free handouts to any other countries
8. Huge tax on products American companies manufacture in other countries.

tic,tick,tick,tick........................how long. how long does this tick before we light it off.

If one common, moral, stong leader would stand up.......I'd follow him. I'm ready to give it up.
Ok get me straight here I went to lunch at a local hangout and had afew Beers, sitting around and shooting the chit, on the T.V. at the bar, the P.B.R. was on (profesional bull riders), no I dont consider myself a redneck but who knows, anyway a commercial comes on, and I'll be damn its for the U.S. BORDER PATROL, what the Hell is going on here they have a Rancher in court for doing there job and there looking for people, something is wrong with this picture....

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