Return of the Minutemen...?...



whats your take...

Return of the Minutemen - to a hostile media!

Fair warning: I'm going to press some buttons with this one. If you don't want to hear me ranting about our constitutional rights as citizens and how the disastrous restriction of them contributes to the bloated malaise our country's health-care system has become, stop reading now. If you're not deterred by this, then forge onward...

You've all no doubt heard about the "Minuteman Project," that stalwart group of around 850 border-patrolling volunteers down in Arizona that are taking up binoculars and radios (but not arms - although they'd have every right to if the U.S. Constitution were still actually honored as law) to help stop illegal immigration along the U.S./Mexico border. The reason you've no doubt heard of these men is the merciless shellacking they've been taking in the media since they formed together.

That's right - instead of portraying these dedicated patriots as the selfless protectors of the American way they are, they're painting them as out-of-control, paramilitary vigilante militiamen bent on hunting down desperate Mexicans who only want to enjoy the fruits of democracy our imperialistic consumerism denies them. To these out-of-touch, bleeding-heart "journalists," I say this:

Even in the post-9/11 world, the U.S. is still the world's most permissive, liberal-minded, and accepting society toward the induction of foreigners. Just about anyone without an international criminal record can come to America. Is there any other nation in the world that can say this? However, there's a right way and a wrong way to immigrate to the United States. The right way is easy enough to do, and those who risk doing it the wrong way deserve what they get, in my opinion - be it arrest at the hands of the Border Patrol (unlikely), seizure by a band of rightful citizens, or starvation in the desert.

If you ask me, the Minuteman Project is a group of conscientious people being good citizens by doing a job the government and its 11,000 Border Patrol employees have failed to do. And it's their right - some would argue their DUTY - to do it. Their stated goal is to show that an increased U.S. presence on the border would deter the nation's thousands-per-day flow of illegals from Mexico, plus reduce the likelihood that terrorists would cross over as well.

It's working, too. According to a recent Washington Times article, apprehensions in the 23-mile area they're patrolling have dropped from 500 per day to less than 15 daily...

more to the story later....

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