rick sears-outfitter/cattleman/crook


Active Member
Sears has been sentenced to prison for a number of fraud charges, some of which involved his scam outfitting businesses. There were several on here who had been scammed by him so now a little justice has been done. Strange he does not report to prison until March of 2022.
Sears has been sentenced to prison for a number of fraud charges, some of which involved his scam outfitting businesses. There were several on here who had been scammed by him so now a little justice has been done. Strange he does not report to prison until March of 2022.
Is this a Colorado outfit? If so, what units? Just curious.
He was operating out of Pueblo but has operated out of New Mexico and Montrose which is where I had my experience with him. Among the several outfitter names he used were Apache Park Outfitters & Trophy Outfitters Inc. The main charges against him were for a fraudulent scam he ran for investors to invest in a new breed of cattle. He is sentenced to 41 months in prison, restitution $4,969,384 and 3 years supervised probation. He has been able to escape charges for over 30 years that I am aware of.
Wow. Finally some justice. He was conning people when I was in my early 30s. I am 63 now! What took them so long!!!
Wow. Finally some justice. He was conning people when I was in my early 30s. I am 63 now! What took them so long!!!
Hmm, that's too bad he got away with it for that long. I hate that guys that steal millions through "white collar" crimes get less time than the guy that steals $180 from 7-11.

Did it finally just take the right Attorney General for Colorado or US Attorney to make it stick?
General population in prison will take care of the justice everyone is looking for.
I wonder if he will be thinking of the money he stole when he is bent over and over and over again squealing like the little pig he is.
Well Mr. Sears made the national news. He is the worst of the worst. Outdoor-Tony if you see the article please post it up.
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Well Mr. Sears made the national news on MSNBC. He is the worst of the worst. Outdoor-Tony if you see the article please post it up.

What article?? This is all I could find:

Tony it showed up on my home page. I just looked under " outfitter rick sears found guilty" and a couple of items showed up. Giving more details than the original article.He must have done well screwing people to have been found guilty of unpaid income taxes of about $279,000 previously. I should have been an "outfitter"?
Well I've already posted links to two different articles above. The first one is for his guilty plea back last May. The 2nd was to a recent article about his sentencing, which just happened this week.
Yup no surprise to me. I bought a couple of landowner tags from him years ago.
It sure as hell wasn't what he sold me on.
What surprised me is how long it took for something to stick. With the coming of the internet, people could check up on him better, but he was still able to con people. Prob by changing the name of his outfitting businesses. And I remember he lost his outfitting license in Colorado but his wife was able to still get one for awhile. I suspect the amount of the judgement that he owes people is just a drop in the bucket.
What surprised me is how long it took for something to stick. With the coming of the internet, people could check up on him better, but he was still able to con people. Prob by changing the name of his outfitting businesses. And I remember he lost his outfitting license in Colorado but his wife was able to still get one for awhile. I suspect the amount of the judgement that he owes people is just a drop in the bucket.

I guess the outfitter garbage hasn't caught up to him yet. Be interesting to see if it ever does now that he's headed to home for wayward felons.
I am surprised no one hasn't shoot him. He is right in there with Madof. I about gagged when I read how "remorseful " he now is. The only reason he is, is because his crimes finally bore prison time. Wonder why they let him report next March....must be selling off part of his "herd" to make restitution ?
Anyone dumb enough to invest in " a new breed of cattle " deserves to get hosed. cattle aren't like cell phones you don't just pop up with a new and improved one everyone is just dying to get.
I can remember getting mail, advertisements, and flyers from Rick Sears about 20-30 years ago and always heard he was a crook. Can't believe he's been getting away with unscrupulous acts after all these years! He's been in trouble with the Colorado D.O.W. for a long time now and it looks like they finally found a way to nail his balls to the wall. Good riddance!
Almost sent him a good bit of money to lease a ranch in NM. In the mid. 90s. A call to the local wildlife officer set me straight. When I asked how he gets away with it he told me Rick is very bold and knows how to play the system. I too got those cattle investment flyers for years. Good to see he didn’t slip out of this one.
Sears has been sentenced to prison for a number of fraud charges, some of which involved his scam outfitting businesses. There were several on here who had been scammed by him so now a little justice has been done. Strange he does not report to prison until March of 2022.
This ******* ripped me off many years ago.I sent fish and game,state attorney general and everybody else under the sun after him.What really got me was that there where a couple of old timers in camp that this was a hunt of a lifetime for them.May he burn in hell !!
Almost sent him a good bit of money to lease a ranch in NM. In the mid. 90s. A call to the local wildlife officer set me straight. When I asked how he gets away with it he told me Rick is very bold and knows how to play the system. I too got those cattle investment flyers for years. Good to see he didn’t slip out of this one.
Call me. I know this dude and guided for him in the early 80s. 321 265 2918. Leave a message saying about sears.
I just registered on this site. I know this dude. Anyone that can call I have a story for you. I guided for him in the early 80's. Call me at 321-265-2918. Won't answer but leave a message with New Frontier in it and I will return your call and share my story.
No thanks. If youhave a story you can share it here. Don’t give my phone number out to a newbie on the internet.

Recently my wife was trying to sell something online. Someone talked about how many scammers there were and asked her to send a certain code by text to prove that she was real. When she sent the code, person never responded. ?
Me once again. I have reviewed all of these posts and some from other sites. Very sad to say he was a person I had admired 41 years ago while employed by him. Was young and wanted to be like him. After reflection I probably have nothing to share that has not been brought up already in these posts. Sad so many of you as well as others got hosed by him. In retrospect and now older I see this. Too bad for him but now not one bit surprised. If anyone here wants to hear my story you have my number. Stay well and drive on.
If you were not a brand new member, I might bite, but your story just sounds too strange. You don’t really have anything new to add, but call you anyway……?

Good luck and good hunting.
This is no bullshit! I was hired by Rick as an intern from Colorado Community college (going for my wildlife management degree) in 1981 and guided for him off and on for 3 years. My initial post did not portray well. Just thought I would share what I know about him and most is not good. Bite txhunter. You will probably enjoy the cha
What do you have to lose and why would I be even the slight bit interested in this if I did not have anything noteworthy to add or knew this dude? I see alot of chatter on this subject and just wanted to share my experience on this subject but easier over the phone.
You certainly sound sincere. If so, why not share your story on here? It’s anonymous. Then, if someone wants to hear more, they can call you. But why should I have to give you my phone number to hear it? Because then, I am not anonymous.

I am really not trying to rain on your parade or discredit you. Would like to hear what you have to say. And no, I don’t enjoy having to be cautious, but that is what this world has made us. I wish the guy had gotten more jail time. He got off light.
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I would love to type it all out but too much to tell. I am sincere and I get your reluctance to call. Pretty bad this world has come to that. I would dump your number in a heartbeat. Hell, I gave mine out as I have nothing to hide. When I worked for him his operation was called New Frontier Outfitters out of Montrose Colorado. At that time it was me, Mark and Don as his guides. He had Mark and I take 2 hunters up to a ridge for Mule Deer hunt which we did. After the end of the day (and a successful one to add with 2 nice bucks taken) we were on our way back down the ridge to our vehicles only to find the wardens there and finding out we were on posted land and not his leased property which he advertised he had plenty of. The hunters were fined $200 each (which Rick covered later) but he never told us it was not his lease. Red flag for sure but again just doing what we were asked to do. He just shrugged it off like no big deal. Many more stories to share.
Here is my first post.

I just registered on this site. I know this dude. Anyone that can call I have a story for you. I guided for him in the early 80's. Call me at 321-265-2918. Won't answer but leave a message with New Frontier in it and I will return your call and share my story.
No problem if no one wants to listen. I understand this is a tight group. I belong to a few myself. Just thought I would share firsthand as I knew him well while working for him. Hell, I gave my number out to you all without hesitation. No malicious intent here. Stay safe.
No problem if no one wants to listen. I understand this is a tight group. I belong to a few myself. Just thought I would share firsthand as I knew him well while working for him. Hell, I gave my number out to you all without hesitation. No malicious intent here. Stay safe.
Type it out, let’s hear it. You already typed a bunch of words about how you don’t want to type.

Don’t leave us hanging. Let’s hear it
Hell no GL! There is way to much to share typing this out. You, as well as anyone on this forum would not want to try to share all of this by typing in an extended message. Like i tell my kids, if you text me I will answer but if it going to be a long drawn out process just call. Amazed that not one of you can take a leap of faith and call. I get your intent to keep your privacy but as I said my number is out there and nothing to hide. Not sure why txhunter58 got the number he googled but it was not mine. Look back at my first post. Do you all think I am trying to con you or protect this guy? If so you are crazy. Leave it at that. Yes, I did type alot but no one on this forum has even bothered to call and talk.
Hell no GL! There is way to much to share typing this out. You, as well as anyone on this forum would not want to try to share all of this by typing in an extended message. Like i tell my kids, if you text me I will answer but if it going to be a long drawn out process just call. Amazed that not one of you can take a leap of faith and call. I get your intent to keep your privacy but as I said my number is out there and nothing to hide. Not sure why txhunter58 got the number he googled but it was not mine. Look back at my first post. Do you all think I am trying to con you or protect this guy? If so you are crazy. Leave it at that. Yes, I did type alot but no one on this forum has even bothered to call and talk.
Hell no GL! There is way to much to share typing this out. You, as well as anyone on this forum would not want to try to share all of this by typing in an extended message. Like i tell my kids, if you text me I will answer but if it going to be a long drawn out process just call. Amazed that not one of you can take a leap of faith and call. I get your intent to keep your privacy but as I said my number is out there and nothing to hide. Not sure why txhunter58 got the number he googled but it was not mine. Look back at my first post. Do you all think I am trying to con you or protect this guy? If so you are crazy. Leave it at that. Yes, I did type alot but no one on this forum has even bothered to call and talk.

You just be really bored and maybe have some slight mental health issues? Stop arguing with people who don't want to call you. If you want to spew your story type away.
WOW. None of you have a story except maybe wet dreams. No mental health issues on my end cowhitey. You maybe? Group of posers. Hang in there and maybe be somebody someday.
The identity "Eric Dovenbarger" claimed by Trollemhigh is legit.

Trollemhigh's profile says he is Eric Dovenbarger from Palm Bay (Florida). The phone number Trollemhigh is posting is Eric's mobile number. Eric's mobile and home number are both shown on his LinkedIn resume.

Eric's LinkedIn page and resume also show him attending Colorado/Steamboat Springs Community College from 1980 - 1982 (LinkedIn) or 1981 - 1983 (resume), which corroborates Trollemhigh's claims stating 41 years ago.

Generally, with only a name and a phone number it MIGHT be difficult to know if the person who registered here on MM as Trollemhigh and Eric Dovenbarger are one and the same. If they are NOT one and the same, then whoever is posing as Eric using the Trollemhigh username certainly has a twisted way of getting people to leave messages on Eric's cell phone.


I would put money on it that Trollemhigh is indeed Eric Dovenbarger.

But Eric - what some of us here don't understand is why in the world you be holding back from publishing the stories from 40+ years ago. I get it that super long text messages with kids ought to be phone calls, but I would say that most of us here are typing our stories using a computer with a keyboard. (I may be wrong about that, though)

Type away, Eric! Share the good stuff you have on Sears!
Holy ****! Huntjock! The only person on this site with some sense so far. Rick and many outfitters came to our community college to "recruit" young dudes to guide for them. Part of the curriculum at what I now refer to as Steamboat University! He was a likeable guy and took me under his wing during my internship and brought me on full share as a guide. We did spike camps and all that **** depending on what the client wanted. Back then I just followed orders and did what I had to do to get the clients happy and put them on game. Believe it or not, many were repeat clients so nothing really alarmed me. He paid me cash of course so that was good. I and my buddy guide stayed at camp all the time except to go into town to get groceries, 55 gallon drums of fuel and all that stuff. He would just give me a wad of cash and a list and off we would go to get it. I was an ex Golden Glove boxer and when he found that out he informed me he was as well and would mess with me all the time. Slap boxing and **** like that. Nothing serious. That time he asked us to take 2 hunters on this ridge which I knew had some nice bucks roaming around my buddy and i go them up the ridge well before daylight, go them settled in and came back off the ridge an waited. No to long after daybreak a few shots rang out and we waited a hour or so and wound back up there to find them and they both had 2 very nice bucks down and were happy as hell. We dressed, quartered them and left them there until the next morning as it was dark by then and nice and cold. We made our way back down to the road only to find the Wardens waiting for us and informed us we were on private land. I had no idea what land he owned leases to or anything like that. The hunters got fined like $200 each. When we got back to the camp, Rick just kinda smiled and shrugged his shoulders and apologized to them both and re imbursed them the 200 bucks. Weird ****. There are many other stories to deep to get into. Last I spoke with him was maybe 8 years ago or so. At the time I guided for him he was New Frontier Outfitters out of Montrose CO. After I finally tracked him down again 8 years ago during my search all of this bad **** popped up and I thought "holy **** Rick! what have you done". So for now...that is that. Thanks huntjock for at least doing some research to realize I am who I am and not some dip **** spinning ****. All others here just did not want to hear it. Only question me. Still amazed they were so afraid to make a call.
When I almost booked a hunt with him, it was in the 80s and the hunts were in southern Colorado. Might have met you if we had booked! But we were after elk and went on a hunt in the Flattops wilderness instead. Glad we made that choice. No internet to check people out in those days. The "references" I called gave decent reports.

The hardest thing for me to understand is how he was able to get away with this for so many years, both in outfitting and in "cattle business". And I just can't understand how someone like that mind works. How they justify it to themselves.

The way I recall it, he did have an outfitters license in Colorado in the beginning, but lost it do to complaints. However, his wife applied for an got a license and kept things going in Colorado for many years. Of course, in Colorado, if you hunt private land, I don't believe you don't need an outiftters license.
Don't leave. I just wish you had started out telling a story or two and then said to call if we wanted more info. That would not have raised suspicions. I apologize for coming across the way I did.
No worries. I felt as if I was trying to help out but I guess my approach was off. He owned a big bar/nightclub in Montrose at one point called the Lariat if I recall correctly. That ended up burning to the ground. Was a pretty popular place back then.
If it hadn’t, maybe his life would have gone another way. Of course, that might have been an insurance scheme.
I'm not a good storyteller, but I can be a pretty good listener. Keep the stories coming. If they are bogus, I have a decent BS meter that has rarely failed me.

I would like to come back from my unit 61 3rd season hunt this November with a few good stories.
First post here. I realize the thread is a bit old but thought I would add on. Rick still owes me money from the early 90s. I guided in Colorado and New Mexico for him for one season. He recruited in our local news paper looking for experienced elk and deer hunters. I was only 19 but had quite a bit of experience so I applied. I was hired over the phone and given instructions to report to a camp in Colorado a few weeks later. I ended up guiding on private ranches that I honestly had less than a full afternoon to scout. It was frustrating but I managed to make my hunters happy. That went on over and over again with him moving me around the state and then into New Mexico. Some of the camps were nice and others a bit questionable. I managed to fill all of my elk and deer hunters but there were a lot of unhappy clients during that year.

The only things I watched Rick do that were possibly illegal was instruct guides to perform drives on others private land, including the Jicarilla Indian reservation near Chama. I heard rumors of much more but didn't witness them.

During the last hunt of the year, Rick Disappeared. He owed several guides significant amounts of money. Several of us got together and complained to the State of Colorado and the State of New Mexico. Some of us ended up getting partial pay but he still shorted me about 2k.

I say all of this to add to the story and because I am so happy he finally got caught on some of his BS.
First post here. I realize the thread is a bit old but thought I would add on. Rick still owes me money from the early 90s. I guided in Colorado and New Mexico for him for one season. He recruited in our local news paper looking for experienced elk and deer hunters. I was only 19 but had quite a bit of experience so I applied. I was hired over the phone and given instructions to report to a camp in Colorado a few weeks later. I ended up guiding on private ranches that I honestly had less than a full afternoon to scout. It was frustrating but I managed to make my hunters happy. That went on over and over again with him moving me around the state and then into New Mexico. Some of the camps were nice and others a bit questionable. I managed to fill all of my elk and deer hunters but there were a lot of unhappy clients during that year.

The only things I watched Rick do that were possibly illegal was instruct guides to perform drives on others private land, including the Jicarilla Indian reservation near Chama. I heard rumors of much more but didn't witness them.

During the last hunt of the year, Rick Disappeared. He owed several guides significant amounts of money. Several of us got together and complained to the State of Colorado and the State of New Mexico. Some of us ended up getting partial pay but he still shorted me about 2k.

I say all of this to add to the story and because I am so happy he finally got caught on some of his BS.
I guided for the crook in the early 90’s also! Your story sounds exactly like mine!! Hauling furniture between Chama & Hartsel Colorado. Pissed off hunters. I got busted on the Jicarilla due to misinformation. He’s getting what he deserves!! Still owes me money!!

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