Sad news


Very Active Member
I wanted let everyone know that our friend Sageadvice passed away yesterday. Happy hunting buddy.

Sorry to hear about Uncle Sage!

RIP Sage!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Well hell, I just mentioned him in the top gun thread the other day.

Sad news for sure

That is some sad news, He was one the good ones.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Darn, he was a good guy.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
Sorry to hear, I liked Joey. I'll have to put some of the lures he sent me to use in his honor this season.

Joey... Hall-o-famer for sure... Wish his loved ones the best.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
RIP Uncle Sage!

All the oldtimers are leaving us for their happy hunting grounds.

We'll have to make a trip or two in his honor.

I missed him around here and now will miss him even more.


We lost a good guy and a great SF Giant's fan. I'm glad we got to share 3 Giant's World Series victories together and share a bunch of hunting stories and thanks for the sage advice. RIP Joey.
>We lost a good guy and
>a great SF Giant's fan.
>I'm glad we got to
>share 3 Giant's World Series
>victories together and share a
>bunch of hunting stories and
>thanks for the sage advice.
>RIP Joey.
+1 Bummer news this week
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-19 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]As Lon Simmons used to say....."Swung on and tell it goodbye" :D
Boy, these bad news posts need to stop!. Not that I want people to stop the news, just want the bad news to go away and everyone be healthy. Sage was a good guy.
He had some good stories and he enjoyed talking about growing up on the old family ranch . He was pretty passionate about what he said on some forums here , if any of you remember the 300 lb muley , it was good entertainment.
Soo sorry to hear of the bad news. As a regular visitor for years and seldom poster, it sure seemed like he was a passionate and awesome man. I have seen several of our MM regulars come and go and have hard times. Seems like some tight relationships here. Hope this helps us realize we all have one common goal and end up in the same place in the end and need to help out others. Had my first hateful post to a negative comment this week and I'm not normally like that. Thought about shutting it down for awhile, but people like Sage make me not want to let a few negative people bring me down. Please, stay positive and help out others. Rest In Peace Sage.
+1nvguy2, Same as you regular visitor seldom poster. My condolence for Sage, TopGun hope for the best. I guess I sort of kind of relate to the issues here. I'm sitting here this morning taking it easy. Yesterday I had a procedure for prostate cancer. Last October I got diagnosed with it. It was definitely a kick in the gut. Three weeks before my hunt in Idaho. I'm the type of guy when there is a health issue I want to get on it right away. About a week after the diagnoses I ended up with a bad infection in my leg, Had to get that cleared up before dealing with the prostate. My urologist tells me to go on my trip and have a good time, vascular doctor, says same thing. This cancer deal is not a good thing one of the most important thing for me was to tell as few people as possible, and the ones I tell weren't the negative type, positive is a big plus in this situation. There was only handful that I told and to this day they kept it to themselves. They helped a lot with being positive. The last thing a person needs is to be around is negative people when he is in the middle of this crap listening to there materialistic whining. I'll finish up with I made it to Idaho killed a really nice whitetail that's going on the wall with my other whitetail. This year I plan on getting a nice muley for the wall. And by the way my surgeon gave a me a 90 95% the cancer will disappear. As Wisz says "cancer does not discriminate....RAS
Wow,this news sucks!

Always liked Joey even when we had a disagreement or two on here.

He was always passionate about the outdoors and his opinions here. You never had to guess where he stood.

So sorry to hear this...

RIP Joey. Leave a few big bucks for the rest of us.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
This is another shocking news of pending death or death this week. Sage will be greatly missed by so many here including myself. I always had good talks with Joey and if I would draw the Lope area here in CA he told me to put in for that he would even guide me and Eel grass would go Along too as both of them knew the unit. Joey you were a great person and will be missed by all your brothers and sistersvhere at MM. RIP my friend.
Wow. Terrible news. When I was new to MM, I looked forward to reading his posts. He helped me with some Wyoming information and enjoyed getting to know him through messages and his posts. Very sad to hear of his passing
LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-19 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]Life happens, but I've read a bit of sad news about members, young and old recently. Condolences...
That's too bad. He was a good guy and will be missed.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-19 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]I know Joey retired early because of some health issues. That's all I know. He bought a little house in Westwood and had his ducks in a row for his golden years. I wish he was given more time to enjoy.
Sad news....Joey was a good guy and offered a lot to this site when he was participating.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I heard this morning felt like a kick in the gut spoke to him back in October bout his 2018 hunt, had the pleasure to take him out in C zone hunt a few years back, great guy, now he's kicking it in them happy hunting grounds...
I was out shed hunting today with my boy and my brother, the topic of Topgun passing came up so I got on to read about it... Then I read this about Joey... man what a kick in the gut, I always very much enjoyed his posts and PM's, I've missed him the past few years not posting here, now I'll miss him not ever being around/posting here...
RIP my friend! Happy shooting
Paul J. Cardoza, Jr.

Paul J. Cardoza, Jr. better known as Joey passed away at his residence in Westwood, CA, on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. Joey was 65 and had lived in Chester and most recently in Westwood during the past 30 years. Originally from Livermore, CA, Joey was a retired plumber and business owner of Cardoza Plumbing.

Joey was born in Livermore, CA, on January 21, 1954, and was preceded in death by his parents Paul J. Cardoza, Sr., and Doralee M. Sanders-Cardoza who were natives and lifelong residents of Livermore.

He is survived by his sister Janet Cardoza-Miller, brother-in-law JJ Miller and nephew Clinton Foss of Manteca; brother Glenn Cardoza and sister-in-law Ginamarie Maestas-Cardoza both lifelong residents of Livermore and by many cousins and friends.

Joey attended grammar school in Livermore and graduated from Livermore High School in 1972. He was an All Star athlete and played Varsity football, baseball, and basketball. After graduating high school, he attended Chabot College in Hayward, CA, and then Arizona State, after receiving a football scholarship.

Starting at an early age, Joey grew up hunting and fishing in the Livermore Valley. Joey had a true passion and lifelong love of the outdoors. His favorite past time and memories were those that included hunting and fishing trips with family and friends. One of his favorite fishing spots was Hamilton Branch at Lake Almanor and on the Feather River in Plumas County. He was a volunteer fire fighter in Chester, CA, for about 10 years, and he taught Hunter?s Safety Course in Chester. Joey was a Native Son of the Golden West and a Clamper.

A small gathering of family and friends will be held at his home in Westwood and at his Aunt's ranch on Morgan Territory Rd., in Livermore. Dates are pending.

RIP Uncle Sage!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Thanks for sharing Bess. Sorry to hear about Sage.
He left a mark on many and he will be missed.

Us old guys are starting to drop like flies around here.
Isn?t it kind of sad that we all have such fond words and sentiments for the man and we're morning his passing yet he has family and friends who will never know all the lives he's enriched here on MM.

Life is a funny thing.


Long time user he will be missed. goodto see one dry boot is still posting.

>Long time user he will be
>missed. goodto see one
>dry boot is still posting.
> Mike

Where You been driftersifter?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
RIP Sage happy hunting


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora

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