San Juan Bait hunt


Very Active Member
My wife drew a San Juan summer bear tag here in Utah. We are both stoked and cannot wait to start making plans and getting bait stocked up. I have a pretty good idea of how and what to use to bait but not quite sure on how to select a location. I know we must stay a certain distance from roads and water but is it best to set up in a draw or on a ridge or does ot really matter? I guess if they smell it they'll find it regardless of where its at. Any tips or suggestions would be great. Thanks
Just go with your instincts. I've learned that if it looks like a good spot it probably is. But also if you have no bears hitting t, try moving it across whatever road you're on, those bears know not to cross certain roads or they will get chased by hounds every time. It's the funnest hunt I've ever done, you'll have a blast!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-19 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]Bears rely heavily on their nose, they will typically always come in down wind of the bait. The big bears will circle the bait checking the wind all the time before making sure they feel safe to come in. Find a spot where the wind will be consistent. Get up high if you are in a tree and stay away from side hills where the bear will be eye level with you coming into the bait. Watch your scent trail going into your stand if possible try not to walk past where you anticipate the bear to come in from. Regardless they know you are there or have been there recently. A big smart boar is one of the smartest critters I have hunted with archery tackle. If you are hunting with a gun forget everything I said and just sit on a ridge 200 yards above your bait and shoot him when he comes in. Much more fun and hair raising with a bow! Good luck!
Bears drink a lot of Water. Put it near water.
You have to be 100 yards from water. my baits are barely over that distance.
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