Scope mount question


Long Time Member
Last week after some accuracy issues, I took my scope off to check my mounts and found one of the screws was sheared off at the head/top. Does anyone know the best place to get a new screw for it? What is the thread pattern? I have looked at Home depot and Riverton Hardware locally without finding one. I would like to replace all 4. The Rifle is a Win model 70 but I assume all the guns use the same thread pattern in the barrel.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-11 AT 11:55PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-11 AT 11:51?PM (MST)

Im pretty sure it is 6-48. What bases are they? If leupold call them and they will send you them free of charge. If not leupold I'd call the manufacturer and ask them. Also what caliber are You shooting? If its big enough to shear a screw maybe some new bases and rings wouldn't be a bad idea.
More then likely they are 6-48 and you can order them from Brownells or Midway. If you think that the screw was sheared as the result of heavy recoil, you may consider having a gunsmith tap your rifle receiver for the next larger size and have him open the scope base for the larger size screws.

If you think that you may have overtighen a screw that may have had a flaw that allowed it to shear off later, just replace with the 6-48 screws.

Thanks guy's,

It is a Win Model 70 7MM WSM. I think it was a flawed screw. It was loose and when I tightened it down, the head sheared right off. I will check with the manufacturer but will probably just order a new set from Midway or something. Thanks!
When you install those new screws, degrease those screws and the receiver screwholes and apply loc-tite to the screw threads. If you do not have the proper Loc-tite, just use your wife's finger nail polish. It will prevent the screws from working loose again.


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