Setup Your Own Gallery!!


Founder Since 1999
Simply click on the "Media" link, then the "Add media" button, then "Create personal album", then "Upload file" to upload an image or "Embed media" to add a video clip from Youtube or others. Fill in the Album title and description, decide who you'd like to share your album with and then "Save".
Your Album is Setup and you can add more to it.

It's easy! Don't leave me as the only one sharing stuff. It makes me feel silly. ha ha
Ok, heres a dumb question. Since I already have a thread with a bunch of pictures in it, can I take them from there and put them in my album?
No, unfortunately there’s no way to transfer pics from threads to an album. Sorry
You can only embed gallery images into threads.
Okay, okay Founder. This is going to take awhile for me to do any or all this awesome, fancy stuff.
I’ve got a couple teenage grandkids who can help translate what the hell you just said, hopefully.
I just figured out what drag and drop was but it didn’t work I sit! Lol
“Who moved my cheese?”
We need more photos to look at in the Media Gallery. Most of what's there are my pics and I've seen them all.
We need more photos to look at in the Media Gallery. Most of what's there are my pics and I've seen them all.
I’ve never even looked at the photo gallery. But I really do enjoy seeing your pics that come up on topics in the Mule Deer forum.
I added a photo to the media gallery in the mule deer section. I hope I did it correctly. It seems hard to get in and out of the media gallery could you put it on the main forum page somehow?
I added a photo to the media gallery in the mule deer section. I hope I did it correctly. It seems hard to get in and out of the media gallery could you put it on the main forum page somehow?
I'm not sure what you mean that it's hard to get in and out of the Media Gallery. There's a link in the navigation bar, or drop down on mobile.
Thanks Founder
I think I got it
I’m a slow learner when it comes to this techie stuff. Thanks to you I’m getting better.
Monster Muleys is the only social media I do and it’s all on my iPhone.
Navigation on mobile does make it a bit more difficult to get to the Media Gallery and other areas of the site. It's hard fitting it all in.
So how do you set who can see your albums or media ?
I think I set mine earlier but now can't find where to put it set to members only. From my laptop not a phone.
So how do you set who can see your albums or media ?
I think I set mine earlier but now can't find where to put it set to members only. From my laptop not a phone.
OK, go to your album. In the upper right hand corner there'll be a drop down menu as seen in attached image. Click on Edit album and there you can adjust settings. Let me know if you get that ok.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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