SF Giant's 2014


Very Active Member
Time to strap it on and get the new season going tomorrow. It should be a great season as we battle the Dodgers for the West...but don't forget about the D-Backs. Stay healthy boys and play good ball.

Go Giant's
Speaking of the Dodgers......I sure hated to see Brian Wilson blow a save and take the loss tonight. Terrible:)


A note that my daughter passed onto me that she received from Larry Baer:

Tonight, when Angel Pagan steps into the batter's box at Chase Field in Phoenix, we will begin the 132nd season of Giants baseball and the 57th in San Francisco. The team dates back to 1883 - twenty- five years before Henry Ford built his first Model T. I can't help picturing mothers and fathers at the Polo Grounds telling stories about the Giants to their children, who told the stories to their children. At Seals Stadium, Candlestick and now AT&T Park, the rich history of the Giants franchise continues to be passed from parent to child to grandchild and great-grandchild.

Every Opening Day I think about this bright orange thread stitching one generation to the next and how proud I am to be a part of this organization.

This is what it means to be a Giant -- for players as well as for fans. Two weeks ago, Jeff Leonard -- Hac Man -- was on a panel of former players talking to our minor-leaguers at spring camp. When he was asked to name the proudest moment of his career, he said: "The first time I put on a Giants uniform and thought about the history of all the players who had come before me.'' On that same panel, Will Clark explained why he coaches at spring training and travels to our minor-league affiliates: "This whole game is about passing it down."

And Willie McCovey told the minor-leaguers: "Be proud you're with the organization where you can tell your grandkids you wore the same uniform as Willie Mays."

This sense of history is another way of saying Giants baseball is about family and team baseball, from the front office to the dugout. And I can't think of any group in Giants history that's more about team baseball than the players and coaches who will be wearing the orange and black this season.

Michael Morse and Tim Hudson have already shown they are the perfect fit in a clubhouse that is as close-knit as any in baseball. We're thrilled to have kept together the great core-group of players that won the World Series in 2012 and hung together through the injuries and difficulties of last season.

All-Stars Buster Posey, Pablo Sandoval, Madison Bumgarner, Sergio Romo, Matt Cain and Marco Scutaro are back. So are Hunter Pence, Tim Lincecum, Javier Lopez, Jeremy Affeldt, Angel Pagan, Brandon Crawford and Brandon Belt, who enter the new season ready to contend.

I was told about a closed-door meeting in the clubhouse early in spring training. The players were asked to consider a single question: What do you want to be known for as a team?

Guys called out words, and a consensus was quickly reached:
Hardworking. Humble. Confident. Selfless. Loyal to each other.

I love that list. That list is how you win. It's about everyone together, as a single unit, playing hard and playing for each other.

I am thrilled to welcome you back to another season of Giants baseball and to thank you for your unwavering support of our team. The connection between this franchise and this community is unlike anything anywhere in professional sports. I can't tell you enough how deeply we appreciate what you give to us. You are a key reason players want to sign with the Giants - and stay with the Giants. We begin a new chapter of Giants baseball tonight. Thank you for joining us as stewards of this storied franchise.

Laurence M. Baer, President & CEO
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-14 AT 11:16PM (MST)[p]Well that was a "different" kind of opening game! We sure played some tough defense, yuk yuk! Never mind, i guess, that was how we played in March and now we are on to April. Said and done, we got the W, a great come from behind Win.

Was probably the only game all season that if we won, first place. If we lost, last place...

Slayer, i saw in the standings the other day that we were only one game out of first. You were right! I still can't figure that math out but anyway...

Eelgrass, i hadn't seen that, great stuff. Thanks!!

Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Good letter Eel. Well, the Giant's got their shovels out and dug a big hole last night...but at least they put the shovel down and climbed out of the hole. Good Start.
I agree!

A little pitching, some good timely hitting, more power than I expected and a little (very little) defense.

But 3 of 4 to start off, great. See what we can do the dreaded Dodgers tomorrow.
3 outa 4 ain't bad and just might have been a sweep if the official replay of Cain's tag at home plate would have counted.

Tomorrow's pitching match-up, on paper, heavily favors the Dodgers. If we can get by that first game, we might just put them Dodgers on the run! The heck with their bought and paid for overpriced so called superstars! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
3-1 is a great start and like Sage said we could have won all four if not for a bad call, and we did it with Pence going 1-16. The Dodger's have a few injuries right now and it would be nice for us to take advantage of them this weekend. Go Giant's.
8-4 Giants .. I know its early! !
Just saying Giants can win in LA!
Just hope we do better at home...

GREAT offense without 2 of the 4 Ps producing. Pense and Panda stepped it up a little today but the Brandons, Pagan, Posey and Morse are doing the heavy lifting. Once/if Panda and Pence get started, we can even win without stellar pitching.

Looking for a quality start from MadBum tomorrow. If he's going to be the ACE I think he is, a average performance once every 8-10 games is all he gets. :)

And how about that kid Hicks???? I looked up some stats on him today. He was like 11 for 64 with the A's last year. But 5 of the hits were doubles and 3 left the park. only 3 singles. Nice to have a middle infielder with some pop. 3rd round pick with the Braves in 2007.
It's early in the season and I know it's a long season, but for some reason I sure am sleeping good lately.:)

WillBallard, Welcome to the Giants thread!! Lots of room for plenty of Cali hunting related threads.

WoW, i love it!! Some of our guys are hot, some are getting hot. Our lineup just needs to stay healthy!!

F them Dodgers!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The boy's are playing like they are on a mission, must be an even numbered year. Keep going!
MadBum struggled a little again today but I think it had to do with the tight strike zone. A good win. nice to see the Panda have some good ABs. 2 line drive outs, a 3 run bomb and 2 patient walks.

If that man can stay patient at the plate all year he's going to get some good pitches to hit with Buster behind him.

I'm liking Morse too. He's very patient, hasn't chased much. I'd love to see 4-5 .375 OBP in this line up.

Pagan is the only player that doesn't get many walks, and he's the lead off guy. But a base hit, and that salute seems to get them rolling.
The Giant's cut off talks with the Panda's agent after their 3 year 40 million dollar offer was turned down. Panda wants 5 years which the Giant's aren't willing to give him based on his weight and injury history. I say that it is 50/50 that Buster will be at third next year and Susac will come up to catch.
LOL, i'm surprised that Pablo didn't go for the offer. I really believe that he wants this contract stuff over with so he can start stuffing his face with too much and not the right foods again.

To me, Pablo is our version of LA's Puig. You can talk to them all you want but they are going to do what they want to do and on the field, that equates to sometimes awesome play but with the strong possibility of getting hurt, doing something stupid, being on the disabled list, or in trouble with the law.

So far this season he has played well, i'll give him that. Of all the Giants players, he has had the tuff-luck badge wore around his neck. I've watched him line drive after line drive, one after another but usually directly at the bad guys. I do hope he at least stays healthy and on the field this year as always, everything else aside, the cat can rake!

What's up with Belt? the Dudes going off!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Pablo needs to step up his batting average. .
I have another Giant man crush.( a long with Bum)
Its Belt.. not sure if it was Bonds or every one else
who tried to get Brandon to change his grip on the bat
but anyways its working for him now..
lets go Salmon fishi...I mean lets go Giants!!
Big time Timmy Jim had another fine get together with that Goldschmidt dude. It's sad to see Tim have to even throw the ball towards the guy.lol You just know Goldschmidt is going to hit it at least a couple miles. Freaky! Yep!

We need Lincecum. Tuffin up cup-cake!!

Looking for another series win tomorrow!!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
"Looking for another series win tomorrow!!"

And that's the truth!!!

And Timmy needs to get his stuff together, along with Matty. We can't wait til the all-star break for them to come around this year. EARN YOUR $$$$ DUDES!!!!
Am trying to be patient.....
however if it goes on much longer I say let the Panda
get to 305 lbs and get Pence some hookers...
Headed to ATT park tomorrow for my first ever pro event, go giants!! Hopefully there is alittle more offense tomorrow than a 0-1 loss today to those bums from Colorado !!
We tried awful hard to give them that one...they wouldn't take it.

We will!!

F them Dodges


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
It didn't look like the Giant's could get the big hit and had trouble putting runs on the board. But we hung in there and did it. Go Giant's.
How Sweet, beating the Dogs 4 outa the first 5 games. If they were a car, we'd have their pink slip!! lol

Couple decent Pitching efforts from our 4th and 5th Pitchers, Timmy and Vogy. Actually, all our guys are starting to come around. If they keep improving like they are and our Pen keeps performing like they are, good things are bound to be ahead for our guys!

I'm reading a few sports blogs, many of the Dodger fans just can't believe how their much superior team is losing to such a crappy team like the Giants. Serious, they really believe they are that much better than us. They're not!! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Right on Sage. I also really liked what I saw out of Timmy and Vogey. Now hopefully MadBum will close the deal today. Go Giant's.
I'm very pleasantly surprised at this teams homerun pace this year. Even Brandon Crawford has a Splash Hit.

Maybe we better bring Bonds back for another week:)

Anybody for a Sweep today?

Wouldn't that be nice!!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
We weren't going to sweep LA their pitching is
to good..
the two teams are very good we just can't get
a clutch hit with a machine gun to our backs!
glad to see Bum get his due today meaning the home plate umps have not called anything on the edge of the plate today or the whole series. go blue
Thought you would chime in seeing how we gave
one to the bums...you can blame all you want
Giants will be kicking Dodger bums assets all season..
Slayer, I tried a couple years back so I just pop in here now and then to stir the pot I might be the last Dodger fan that hunts lol love to talk Baseball but hate those giants.am always lurking the answer to your I would just talking to myself and I do that to much now HAVE Great DAY AND A BETTER TOMORROW
Tuff loss to S.D.!

Matt Cain could hardly have pitched a better game but takes the loss, seems we been here before...

Good to see our Pitching really start to come around. The one run Cain did give up was from a error on the Catcher Sanchez, past ball, one he should have caught.

S.D. plays us tuff, no getting around it. We need our bats to show!! Seems like too many guys out there guessing what the pitch is going to be. Now more than ever, we been looking bad at the plate guessing wrong.

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Cowboy, I ain't hating.......but it seems you always show up when we're on a downward trend. Baseball seasons are a series of ups and downs, and you always hit us at the wrong time. Curious how a Dodgers post would go over??? Must be at least one other person in SoCal that hunts and gets on MMs????

Joey, how about 2 runs in 2 games? and both runs scored in the 9th. If they would bring that 9th inning intensity EVERY inning, we would be winning these games.

But Matty did pitch good enough to win. Our old man goes tomorrow. Best "3rd man in the rotation" in the NL.
With a runner on 3rd, Sanchez can't just make a stab at it. He's got to block the ball. Most of the time it's the little things that win or lose a game. Giant's have to do better. If you're going to be champs you have to act like it.


The pitching is looking very good at this point. Today before they walk across the street to the ballpark, the Giant's need to go to the kitchen at the Omni Hotel and put their bats in the microwave oven and hit the defrost button.
slayer do respect you Giant fans on here just stirring the pot yes it a long season I agree with you a 100% I was here last year when we were stinking the place up and your team was 5 1/2 up and we were in last place and I said it's a long season boys.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-14 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]Even though we only got a few hits in our getaway day win yesterday, i did see a little improvement from some of our guys in their at-bats. Too many of our guys are guessing pitches! Some even seem to make up their minds to swing no matter what or where the ball is pitched.

Guys that have good at-bats all the time don't guess near as much as they react to the ball that's pitched. See the ball, hit the ball. Look for good pitches to hit, yes, but don't be constantly surprised when a pitch is a slider or change-up when looking for or guessing fastball in a certain location. If way ahead in the count might be the only time when a guy can afford to look or guess for a certain pitch in a certain spot.

Is reacting to the pitch easier said than done? Sure it is but these guys are in the big leagues. When you watch other teams guys getting their good cuts in off our pitchers, they aren't up there guessing. They are seeing the ball, what the pitch is, and reacting to it in a balanced swing. I believe we need less guessing and more reacting to the ball.

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I was thinking the wheels come off
on this road trip... ( only to serve as a wake the F@#k up Boc!).
Changes need to be made!
jester, dickweed, goatroper, smackdaddy, or whatever he calls himself these days to get back on or avoid getting kicked of the board again said, "yah signs of improvements.."Not"!"

i don't like the way we're hitting any more than you do but some the Giants are actually swinging the bat a little better than they were. Don't be a second guessing nilly. The hits aren't coming but they will. I guess you are just frustrated as we all are. Root for the team here, not against my optimistic observations.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage you trolling?
What with the slam? ( not in a good mood).
Your trying to provoke me because you want
to own it or what?..sorry if my commits don't read
like copied and paste an online article about the
Your bestest buddy,
Whatever jester, i'm here for the Giants and the game. You don't like my comments in any aspect, tough, go smoke another doobie and chill!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I gave it and bought I new motorcycle....
I am just a "little bit" in disarray on how stagnant
Giants offense is with the millions spent on players
Signed in off-season...Giants should be a dynasty...
like the Big Red Machine in early to mid 70's..only to be
held back!!
jester, you mean to say that you gave it up? If so, good for you, keep up the good work!! There were a lot of times there where it was really difficult, if not impossible, to understand what you were trying to say.

Damn Giants!! lol To many missed opportunities!! Bum pitched a good game!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

I think Morse is a keeper, not just because of his 2 homer game but i love the fact he'll go to right with 2 strikes. Hunter, learn from him!!!

Cain and Voggy are worrisome.
Trivia note. The last time the Cleveland Indians won the world series was on Oct.11, 1948, the day I was born. True story.

I hope they win another one....just not this year.:)

Little 3 game win streak......loving it.

I watched Wilson struggle with the Dodgers today. They won but he started the 9th, walked 2 guys and was pulled. He may be our 26th player by the end of the season. I'm not sure if I'm hating on Brian Wilson as a person, or because he wears blue. Thinking it's the blue.

Anybody dispute the Hudson pick-up was a great move by Sabean????
slayer, the only one here that was against the Hudson signing was jester, he wrote, "that's sucks!!! another A's ACE who's not going to produce win's.. need a bat to protect Buster!!"

... and nitis. was the only guy who was against the Morse acquisition for left field. He thought Pill maybe a better fit.

Well, seems we got a great pick-up in both Hudson and Morse. A guy never knows exactly how a guy is going to do when he joins a new team, time will tell us further but so far, it looks as though Giants Management knew what they were doing when they went after and got these two guys!

Something i noticed, going back a long time now. Elementary rule of hitting a baseball with a bat, you want to hit the ball with the bat, with the part of the bat that shows all the grain lines of the wood. To do this, everybody is a little different but, you hold the bat over the plate where you might expect to hit the pitched ball and then rotate the bat until the label makers brand is in the up position. From there, one can slightly rotate one way or another but straight up is the age old lesson taught to zillions because that way, you are potentially hitting the ball against the strongest part of the wood grain in the bat.

Why don't our guys do this? I see it all the time. Some guys don't even look at their bat or seem to care what position the grain of the wood is in. No wonder they break so many bats!!! There is a huge difference between a bloop over the infield and a broken bat bloop right to the shortstop. I learned this at a early age, can't for the life of me understand why so many Giants hitters go up there swinging and they break their wood because they don't know or don't care about this basic rule of wood grain strength?? Gimme a freaking break here!! lol.

I think the guys pitching against us these past few games haven't been the best out there and that probably has a lot to do with it, but, it sure is good to see our hitters standing balanced in there at the plate and taking good cuts at the ball, hitting it or not, most of them haven't been getting cheated! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage, here is what I found out about the bat grain thing a few years ago. I also was wondering why the players didn't seem to pay any attention to the bat grain at bat. We were always taught to hold the bat with the label up.
For years the only bats used in the major leagues were White Ash, but as time went on the good wood was in short supply. Then they stared making bats out of Maple. For some reason on a Maple bat it doesn't make any differece which way the grain goes when you at bat. The negative thing about Maple is when a bat breaks it explodes into several pieces.
I never knew that about Maple bats. Interesting. I wonder if the bat makers started that rumor? LOL Just kidding!:) It sure seems like they break a lot of bats now days.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-14 AT 12:43PM (MST)[p]Larrbo, Thanks! I had not put Maple bats in mind as i wrote my rant out... I found this link and it dispels some of my thoughts on wood grain and bat strength. Maybe more than i wanted to know...


Still lots of different materials still being used in MLB other than maple and the bat makers do put those labels there for that reason.

side note; When i was playing for my High School Team, our Varsity didn't have much of a budget for equipment so i'd try to repair some lesser bat breaks in my Woodshop class. I took a lot of important, to us, at-bats with bats that i had repaired and they held up pretty good as i recall.

Edit; Eel, was hoping to get the real scoop on wood strength from a guy who worked with wood most of his life. Do you know any such guys? :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
SWEEP!!! :)

1-8! They might not all be hitting Home Runs but the sure can! It's a dangerous line-up when all your regular guys got some Pop!!

Payback to San Diego? Hope so!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey, that was actually very interesting.

"A wood billet can be graded out to have perfectly straight annual rings (i.e. it looks perfect), which means that it has straight grain in the radial face. But it can have severe slope of grain in the tangential surface (like in the photo shown earlier). This hidden defect is more common in hard maple because of its fine-grained nature, and because maple logs are not typically split ? basically, the grain is difficult to see on the flat-grain face."

That explains why sometimes I'll try to split a piece of firewood with the grain and it will split in a way I never suspected. It's the slope of grain in the tangential surface that is hard to see. Sometimes I can read it in Fir but most times not.

At the sawmill we made 2X10 Scaffolding. It had to be graded, branded, and stamped by licensed grade inspectors. They were expert at reading grain. Quite often they would run the point of an awl along the edge of a board and it would follow the tangential grain. Interesting stuff.

Dang it, Eel! All those years of splitting wood for the home fires and I shoulda been thinking of a better bat!!!
Coulda been worth millions by now!
My favorite broken bat happened in the 2012 World Series. Remember when Hunter Pence hit a ground ball to short but broke his bat and ended up hitting the ball three times in one swing? The ball ended up going into the hole that the short stop had just vacated. Scored one or two runs, I forget.

I love Maple bats, now that I know why!:)

Mine was every corked bat that broken at bat and player
ejected from the game...and their was a few..George Brett..Manny
Sosa etc...

Yes I did question the morse signing. I don't think I said Pill was the answer in left but I felt he never got a fair shake or even near what some others got

I am pleasantly pleased with Morse in left but Bochy has to not over think his defensive liability. Almost cost a game in Colorado when he came out and wound up watching half a game.

Not sure if I ever posted it here or not but Crawford sure likes not having to be in the 8 hole that guy couldn't get rolling there and now is starting to be so much more consistent.

Don't really understand the Ishikawa signing. Chances are he won't see the bigs till September if at all. But if you want to apply pressure to belt just use Morse. Or give the feel good story Minicozzi a cup of coffee.
nitis, i went back and looked up the conversation. Yes, you weren't completely against Morse but you did say this,

"Kinda disappointed seeing the Rockies sign Morneau for basically the same money SF got Morse for. Yeah it's a 2 year deal but who is morse?...And really is Morse any better than Pill. That poor guy isn't ever going to get a chance. First thing I read about Morse is genoa a defensive liability. This is a long term Xavier nady"

Then you said this, "We all know what happens to right handed power hitters at ATT right?"

Sorry if i made more of your words than you wanted them to be but sounded to me like you weren't happy to get Morse aboard. Before the Season we can only guess how players, especially new players are going to work out. Myself, i'd rather give an opinion, my own opinion like you did, than only go by what the guys who write up stuff in the mags and rags go by. I believe that i was onceoverjoyed that we got a Pitcher named Zito!! :)

Go Giants!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Speaking of broken bats.....:)

Did I ever show you guys my broken Jose Uribe bat? He broke it in a game at Atlanta. My daughter picked it up for me in a Giant's Dugout Store. I love that girl! I believe Jose died in a car accident.


It's a classic ring separation.(more of a crack than a break) Probably Ash (can't tell because it's painted). Also probably because the label was not up:)


I remember "U" ribe.

Yeah guess I was wrong about morse. All I knew at the time was he had one big year and all I have him credit for was thinking he was a one hit wonder. Especially after the injury year. And Morneau to me was more proven. What I would have never guessed about morse is his power the opposite way

This Hicks guy is feeling it
I can't speak for anybody else but i kept thinking that we were going to come back and Win in the later innings.

IMO, The Pad's are way better than most give them credit for, certainly better than the Indians.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey, I think it's like you've said before, SD seems to elevate their game against us. We had our chances late. I stood up when Hicks hit that ball to left in the 9th. Just short:(

Looking for run support for the work horse tonight.
I would like to see Cain pitch a complete game shut out.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-14 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]Joey, nice rant.

My Dad would only buy me one bat a season so "label up" at all times. Or else I had to use the team bat. By high school everyone else was using metal except me.
nitis, I second your Crawford comments.

His OBP is over .350. He watches alot of pitches. They tried him in the 2 slot before but he wasn't ready. If you put him there now I believe we'll forget about Scutaro.

I like our line up. Deep, power throughout. The Panda and Pence need to get with the program.

But in a long season, I believe their numbers will be right there with their career numbers so good things to come.
Ditto Slayer, same again tonight.

Watching the game, i couldn't help but think that i was seeing a good Journeyman at work. No Team will win much more than 100 out of 162 games in a Season so there will always be disappointments. The Giants though, look to be shaping up pretty good!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I agree! That old man is a STUD!!!

I said it before, "Morse is a keeper."

The Panda sat and we didn't even miss him. He did get some good swings in yesterday.

I believe Panda will end up @ .280, 18 hrs and 80 rib eye steaks. So he has some catching up to do.

Pence will get up to .280, 22-25 hrs and his ususal 100 rib eye steaks. So great news on that front.

Posey won't average 36 hrs for the season but his average will go up to the .290-310 range. More upside for us.

Morse and Hicks are the wild cards. If they stay consistent, this line-up is deep.


Is he a 42 hr guy??????? Or a 200 strike out guy? He needs to fix himself, and quick. That was as weak a$$ double tonight as I've ever seen.

6 games over at the end of April! Does that equate to 36 games over at the end of the year? That's 118 wins. Seems impossible BUT they aren't running on all 8 cylinders yet either.

Improvement I expect. Timmy!! You seemed to learn how to pitch in the second half last year without your fastball, do it again. Matty, get the ball down!!! Vogey, you looked great last start, parlay that for the season!! Affelt, stay healthy.

Is Petite for real?? He may be better off in the starting rotation with Timmy in mid relief.

Go Gigantes!!!!
Belt's head is all messed up at the plate but he is playing good defense. Right now Panda is a pretty expensive cheer leader.

I like our depth off the bench.

It ebbs and flows. We just need to stay in contention.

Dbacks have dug a pretty deep hole at 9.5 back in last place. Gut check time for them.

Congrates to the giants they won the first month of the season 1/6 of the way there GO BLUE.cowboy57
I'm really wondering just which Pitcher will pitch for us tonight, the wild one that his pitches get smashed if and when they do get over the plate or the guy who commands decent heat tempered with offspeed stuff both inside and on the outside edges of the plate, both high and down low, mostly down low? That is the dilemma this year so far with Vogelsong. Who is going to show? His last game was decent, let's see!

Nice tight game last night...Torture!!! :)

Go Giants!! Unleash the Beast!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
A gritty win last night VS Pittsburgh. Down 8-2 and come back to win 11-10 in 13 innings. No home runs either (that I remember:))

Those gritty wins add up!

Eel...you are killing me. We hadn't posted to this thread for 3 days and we have a won 6 in a row including the big come from behind last night. Not that I'm Superstitious or anything, but now I'm really concerned about tonight's game. Go Giant's
Please, no more of these 10-11 games! It's nice to see our guys get 2-3 hits apiece, mack that ball all over the place, but i hate it when we got to do it with our "extras", our last guys available.

I'll take a nice 4-2 Win in a 9 innings game thank you! lol

Huddy tonight, He reminds me of Mr Clean!

the Beast is due, feed the Beast!

Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Oops, my bad larrbo. To lose on the "instant replay review". I think they got the call right though.

The 11-10 was a classic!!! So was the instant replay one although I didn't like the outcome.......but they did get it right.

TIMMY, Timmy, timmy. Get it together!!!!!!

On to So-Cal. Let's show them what we think about their $240,000,000.00 payroll.
Was Vogy nails tonight against the Drugers or what???

Can you say, Go Giants!?!? :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

Bull pen stellar as usual, Hector with a clutch sac fly and Belt with some insurance.

This team doesn't ever seem to click on all 8 but they get it done in the clutch.

Gonna be an interesting series.

9ers went with a safety, surprising. Not sure who got drafted before they went @ #30 but I was figuring a CB or WR. Second/third round tomorrow.
LAST EDITED ON May-10-14 AT 00:05AM (MST)[p]Ok I'll start with Puig

One hell of a talent but someone is going to earhole him sooner rather than later. Dude you are good but play the right way. And what's the deal with the back left pocket untucked? Some sort of gang sign? Get it together

Now the next 12 hours should be interesting to see who gets the call from fresno.

Something's I'm not clear on could Scutato be switched to the 60 day DL retroactively to open a spot on the 40?

I would like to see Susac come up and posey play some first. Or if they aren't ready to make room on the 40 does Gary Brown finally get the call and Morse play some first?
Nitis, good points all.

Puig. I can't understand why all the dodgers fans support and defend the guy. Aside from his obvious talent, he is sooo "bush league"!

Posey at first base? i think yes, we are probably going to see a good bit of that.

Now that Belt is out at least 6 weeks, we need Pence and Pablo to step up their power numbers. Imagine, the last few years, along with Posey, they were our biggest power guys yet they are near the bottom so far this year. We still have one heck of a lineup!

Couple decent pitchers against us this weekend but the Dodgers can't beat us, no matter how good they pitch, if they can't hit OUR pitching or score any runs and so far this year, they haven't proved that they can.

Branden Ctawford... the dude can Pick It! He's not our MVP...maybe he's not...but he's close!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Pablo is gonna be the key!!
6 weeks sucks... but sooner or later the Panda
is going to catch fire because we will not win it all
with out his bat!
I would also move Vogs to number 2 in rotation
and Cain in front of Bum(I just this is where Vogs catches shades of a good Mark Garderner)...any thoughts?
I don't really understand why they brought Colvin up.

If they had to select a contract why not a catcher? They have been playing with fire this whole time with only two on the 40 man roster. Now as it sits if Scutari comes back now someone gets designated for assignment and may be lost

If you were going to buy a contract buy Susac if not bring up brown and use Morse at first and have home play 3 games of the rotation there and give buster a break behind the dish then buster will be more fresh down the stretch

Not trying to knock Colvin he may end up being a stud but I don't see any room for him in the end

Damn I missed my calling
I generally don't bag on Bochy, he has built up way too many brownie points for me to get serious about complaining of him or his managing strategies. That said, i wonder why he allowed Cain to load the bases in the 6th with no outs? I think everybody watching the game knew that Cain's finger was bothering him and he had no use of his fastball. Me thinks Cain should have been pulled for his,.. salvation, and the good of the Team, early on in the sixth before things went south and all to pieces. It's not like our Pen was tired or we don't have the horses in there.

See how easy it is after the fact? Sorry Bochy, carry on!

I constantly bitchnmoan about Belt in the privacy of my own home and sometimes to my good buddies, like here, but there is no doubt that we will miss the guy. his play in the field alone is just about enough for him to be hard to replace. We just don't have much proven depth!

Another little tid-bit. Do you ever notice how our pitchers admit that they had a off game or made too many mistakes? I see way too often, other Teams Pitchers admitting to making only one bad pitch, the one that a Giant hit out the ballpark, as if all the rest of his pitches were perfect. BS!! He may have gotten dinged on "the one bad pitch" but we may have just missed a dozen other bad pitches, macked balls all over the park, just that they didn't reflect on the score so he'll claim to only the one. Riiiiight! lol

Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
"Like I said....."

Yeah, well, you know, this is how i see it. It's not so much you calling for Pablo to start hitting, we all been calling for him to start hitting. We know that we're going to need him. The problem is...what the heck has been taking him so long to do it? Good on him, he got some hits, some timely hits. He's getting paid to swing that bat and paid well to do it good!! It's about time i say!

I don't know if you guys noticed that ESPN didn't have a single word in print about our victory over the Dodgers or our taking 3 of 4 from them at their house, until hours and hours after the game was over. Even then it was, "Giants top Dodgers after Romo's Blown save" and most of the highlights are about their returned Pitcher and their Bush league right fielder.

How about what the Dodgers Blew? :) Didn't they blow anything? Didn't they get it took to them in their house? Again?

It's always that we squeaked by somebody but when the "other guys" Win, it's "So and so ROLLS or ROLLED over the Giants. We always seem to "bloop or dribble" the ball and yet the other guys always "smash or Drill" our pitches into the outfield or over the fence.

Yeah, This rant along with the one a few above, indicates that i'm too sensitive to these freaking bias, so called expert sports writers, and though i shouldn't give $.02 for what they think, i do. Fair is fair and the Giants should be getting their due! Right now, along with the A's, they're playing the best Ball in the Game!

Yeah Jester, Go Panda, Go Giants, kick snot outa them Braves!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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