Shark teeth…who’s done it?


Long Time Member
Anyone go out looking for shark teeth? Spent a few hours on a creek last week. Can’t wait to go do it again. And for all you d bags out there, no shark were harassed in the search for shedded teeth. They are all fossilized like your Karen ass thoughts on shed hunting:



It’s amazing where you find fossilized sea critters (for lack of a better word). Found tons of shells on top of plateaus in NM years ago. And in the mountains west of Paris ID on a late deer hunt.
Not to hijack SS’s post, but that late Muzzy hunt out of Paris and St. Charles was a blast chasing big bucks.
family is from malad city and preston. love that part of the world. i hope it hasn’t changed to much
and that’s one more reason to get me a pretty flint lock
Never been but always wanted to…I have a buddy who has one of the best collections I’ve seen, all found in Kansas. It’s incredible.
That’s awesome. Never heard of finding fossilized shark teeth in rivers. I’ve found fossilized coral and shells at 10k feet around here in Utah
That's cool SS!

This kind of stuff interests me.
Great thread and fun contributions from other people too.

What state were you in finding all those sharks teeth? I'd say that would be more gratifying than finding gold to a degree. Pretty cool.....
Don’t let SS fool you. He collects those snaggleteeth at the local Alaskan Eskimo whore house after his beatings.

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