Shoulder surgery


Very Active Member
Anyone here have experience/advice on how to best deal with a torn rotator cuff? The surgeon spent 4-1/2 hours repairing 3 complete tears. I’ve been told it’s rough but that’s an understatement. I’m just about to wits end already and I‘m only 4 days into the recovery. Most of the frustration comes from not being able to get comfortable and get some rest. I’m wondering if anyone who’s been there can offer up any advice or tricks you learned along the way that helped you to manage?
I haven’t had that particular issue but have had plenty shoulder separations. Expect a long slow recovery. Shoulders are hard to rehab, STICK DONT HALF A$$ it, to a rehab plan and go SLOW. Really expect a year for full recovery if you ever can get completely back to normal. You will be able to most stuff in 6 months but for full strength go slow. It’s Tuff to have the patience but if you don’t you will have same problems again. I know this. I have some things I will never be able to do again without aggravating it but those are very few and easy to work around.

As far as comfort no words of wisdom, just have to deal with it and adjust for what works for you
I didn't have to have surgery for my rotator cuff tears, they were just 50% in one shoulder and 25% in the other. Just did physical therapy. So I don't know what to tell you to expect but I will second the advice to go slow with the therapy. By slow I mean don't do heavy resistance.

It's been eight years with one shoulder and ten with the other and I still don't like to change light bulbs or paint ceilings. I hope you don't have a job where you have to extend your arms above your head.
Shadow, I feel your pain. Massive tear to my rotor cuff and bicep in '17. Narcotics don't help, and there is not a position of comfort for a few weeks. After 5 days, I had had enough and put on a backpack and called bulls in NV for my hunting partner. For some reason, wearing a backpack didn't bother my shoulder. Hunted 5 days, and called in a bunch of bulls. Coming from Idaho, I didn't realize how easy it is to hunt unpressured bulls in a trophy unit.

Tips to get you through. Find something physical to keep you busy. If it's comfortable, put some weight in a backpack and get your legs in shape. It's easier to forget the pain, than to take the narcs that don't work. Ibuprofen helped, but my surgeon says that is slows the healing. I slept in a Cabela's lounger. For some reason, the other recliners I have, weren't comfortable, but that lounger got me through a couple weeks. Do ALL of your physical therapy. Hopefully you will get 3-4 months, twice per week. And do your assigned exercises at home, every day. Don't underestimate the PT's advise to use wimpy bands to strengthen the rotor cuff. You don't want to use heavy weights, and other muscles to overpower the rotator cuff. That's how you tear it again. You have to focus and isolate those muscle. ICE, ICE, ICE. You literally cannot ice enough. It will speed your healing up, and decrease your pain. Don't plan on shooting or pulling a bow for 5 months. Hopefully that helps. Wish I could remember more. Good Luck. Oh, and get out of the house. Grouchy husbands who hurt, wear on the nerves of wives who are not used to you being home all the time.
I can speak from experience as I’ve had both left and right rotators repaired. Most recent just a year ago.
Hopefully you had a great surgeon and have an even greater physical therapist.
Get on a strict rehab routine with your physical therapist and stick to it.
The first four or five days are probably the worst but there really isn’t much relief from pain and discomfort for about three weeks or so.
Get one of those flexible refreezable gel ice packs that the therapist use and ice your shoulder often.
For me taking the full doses of pain meds helped. Eventually I start cutting back and get myself off of them.
Rehab is an all day every day full-time job.
Stay persistent but don’t overdo it or you may have a setback.
The goal is to get that shoulder stretched out and loosened up so you can get your arm raised above your head.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.
My wife had it.

We actually celebrated the removal of that TV sized pad by taking it out and shooting it. Or I shot it, she still hurt.

The rehab is brutal. She came home in tears every time. But you will get over it.

Trust the physical therapist.

Horrible surgery. But you will get there!!!
Thanks guys for the advice, sounds like a long ride but I’m hopeful it will wind up stronger than it been for years, even before I FUBAR’d it. I’ve had some people tell me that’s the case.
I’m learning real well what baby steps are. Yes Hoss, taking the surgery pad off and showering was like a major milestone, my next goal is to exceed the two hours of chair sleep I get at night.
if anyone wants to know the best deals on Ginsu knives or air fryers, hit me up, nighttime infomercials are now my specialty.?
thanks all.
My dads had more surgeries then any one I know. New shoulders, knees, hips and a brain tumor removed. I think he’s up over 20 surgeries. From what he’s told me pain medication and bud light does the trick
I've been avoiding it for two years. I just can't learn to wipe my butt with the other hand, and it's killing me!!
I hear ya Blank. The lefty wipe is brutal.
And don’t ignore the problem because bone spurs can cause not only irritation and pain but ultimately tear the tendon according to the surgeon. I intend to have the other side cleaned up before I wind up going through this again.
Eat a bunch of edibles and any good prescription pain medication. Go light on the pain med. your day should consist of something like this:

couple cannabis gummy’s when you wake up. Hour later some feel good breakfast food.

Lunch start with an cannabis cookie then a light lunch because you guessed it an hour later you got the god damn MUNCHIES. Oh buddy I like to go the dorito route. Maybe the cheddar ruffles.

dinner rolls around start with dessert. I’m talking special brownie. Not only will you not feel the pain of your shoulder but all your wife’s stories that used to be boring are now exciting! Finish off the day with some Mac and cheese ate right out of the pan you cooked it in. Hell sprinkle some Doritos on top. It’s your recovery. Own it. No one can say **** because you’re in a lot of pain.

mix in a little postings on Monstermuleys and the road to recovery is very short.

*full disclaimer I’ve never had surgery or been in pain*.
Eat a bunch of edibles and any good prescription pain medication. Go light on the pain med. your day should consist of something like this:

couple cannabis gummy’s when you wake up. Hour later some feel good breakfast food.

Lunch start with an cannabis cookie then a light lunch because you guessed it an hour later you got the god damn MUNCHIES. Oh buddy I like to go the dorito route. Maybe the cheddar ruffles.

dinner rolls around start with dessert. I’m talking special brownie. Not only will you not feel the pain of your shoulder but all your wife’s stories that used to be boring are now exciting! Finish off the day with some Mac and cheese ate right out of the pan you cooked it in. Hell sprinkle some Doritos on top. It’s your recovery. Own it. No one can say **** because you’re in a lot of pain.

mix in a little postings on Monstermuleys and the road to recovery is very short.

*full disclaimer I’ve never had surgery or been in pain*.
Thanks Doc, that’s some great advice. Sounds like a class IV cure, albeit with a little gut ache lol.
Get a recliner that powers up and down with a remote and that has really helped me after surgeries and after rib injuries.

I sleep better on that damn thing than I do in my bed!!

Recover well man,

Like many others here, been there & done that. Full should reconstruction (Rotator cuff, shoulder separation, broken ball-joint...). First 2-3 weeks of rehab were the worst. I had a good surgeon and PT doc though, and was fully recovered in 7 weeks.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the advice and well wishes, guys. Much appreciated.
On the bright side, the 6-9 months the surgeon is telling me for recovery leaves me plenty of time to be ready to go come hunting seasons.
I have had a rotator cuff repair. Couldn't pull back my bow a few years ago. I'm a shoulder specialist in rehab with 32 years of experience. Pain varies with each person. Ice and compression is your friend. Many sleep in a recliner for the first couple weeks. If you have questions DM me and I'll talk to you on the phone. Rehab depends on the quality of tissue, Age, other health factors. Best of luck.


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