Since You Don't Like The Polls



Then what about the bookies predictions on this falls elections. the Dublin based market gives Obama a 61% chance of winning and the Iowa based market gives him a 62% chance. this is a wider margin than the polls show .

I'll probably vote for Barr and the odds on him aren't even listed. maybe I should put money on Obama and vote for him, at least that way I'd have a reason to feel good when he wins.

View the upcoming "whitey tape" starring Michelle Obama when it hits the airwaves and using Oregon math recalculate the odds.

I don't make up the odds , bookies do.

Where is this tape? they didn't sit on the tapes of Obama's preacher long why are they aging this one? Hillary would pay big money for it right now.

Obama's wife said the awful " W " word? oh the horror, she didn't say cracker did she? oh my, I might just faint.

I'd hate to be on film even 1% of the time I've used the " N " word. I guess I need to take some lessons sensitivity training like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and some of our MM crowd have. I feel so primitive and unrefined now, it must be my war whoop side coming out, oh no, I said another bad word.

Give me a break.
Ransom if this is coming from the same sources you got your WMD and ties to al Qaeda info from don't hold your breath.
Polls schmolls..................polls don't mean jack. That is why I never quote polls. They are only as good at the very moment they are taken with those particular folks.

Lets wait and see what the bookies say in November.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Polls mean a lot, but they aren't perfect. bookies make less mistakes that's why I thought you might take them more serious. there is little question if the election were today Obama would win, if the polls shift I'm sure you'll let me know because then they'd matter.

By the way how is operation chaos looking this morning? I could only stand to listen to a few minutes of Hillary's speech but it sounded like pretty unified party blabber to me. McCain better have a plan B.

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