So what are you in for?


Very Active Member
Well deadline has came and passed. I'm nervous point creep might get me. We are in for 34 regular with 11.3 points as a group. Let's here what you all put in for.
I'm with ya Buzz, not going to advertise my areas just yet.
2 elk tags, whitetail , and 2 pronghorn. Will purchase a general deer to go with my whitetail tag, I hope, and another cow elk tag if needed.

Good luck folks, we all need a little good news.
Deer 119 early only couple points so it would be random draw
Antelope type 2 Buck and Doe tag should draw
I already know my results.

Doe/fawn deer-success

So general it is. I figure if i go in thinking negative when i draw it will be a shock. I expect not to draw due to i apply for really hard to draw tags
57 antelope special draw with 8 points, might not be enough!

It was 100% draw odd last year in the special draw, so your odds this year should be pretty good. I was in 57 last year hunting does. It's an awesome unit, but think I'm going to use my points in a different unit. A couple of bucks from last year in 57.
2019-09-19 16.21.20.jpg
2019-09-19 15.41.03.jpg
I steered clear of the red dessert this year. Was looking pretty grim this winter not sure how anything could of lived through that
Unit 95 Antelope. Non resident with 7 points. Anyone know how the herds faired in that unit after winter? Keep hearing bad things about the winter over there this year.
Drew Unit 25/27 Type 1 for my wife and I as Nonresident. My Daughter got the Cow tag for same area.

Went 57 type 1 for my Antelope tag and will be 100% Draw.

Wife and daughter went 75 Type 1. Should be 100% for them as NR.

Then we decided to just wait until later and get General Resident Deer tags.

We also applied for a bunch of random doe antelope tags by our house...
?ive hunted 57 several times each time it took a month's scouting to find one over 80. There are not monsters behind every sage brush.
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All kidding aside good luck. I'm so impatient waiting for the draw. I only have one tag. Living vicariously through all the lucky people on here.
I hope not!! Just had to get settled into the right town! Haha

You went from a nice little town that has nothing to a complete windy town. Where you moved I cant stand it.

But kidding aside hope you enjoy your new area. Your previous job here I have strong personal opinions on how its being ran to the ground. the president (miss Stefanie) has just destroyed NWC. Not impressed and the town is over it.

on another note we never met up and went to Pepe's for breakfast.
Deer for 3 sons and myself. Hope to pull one tag to learn the area. Also antelope for one son and myself. Should draw that.
89 deer and 67 antelope. I've drawn this year in other states so I hope I don't draw WY. That's the first time I've ever said that.
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I was just wondering how does the WGFD set their quotas for their game animals. It seems they open the draw with the season dates but no numbers of the tags available and then later on set the quota numbers. It seems the tag numbers for Antelope area 57 are the same this year as last year. If the winter kill is as bad as some have said why didn't they cut the tags? In AZ the AZGFD set their quotas for 2 years at a time, of course they experience zero to very little winter kill.
Quotas are set annually, based on populations, both observed, and estimates from counts/classifications.

Maybe the winter kill wasn't as bad as some of the armchair experts think.

I took a spin across Wyoming and saw solid numbers all across I-80 from Laramie to Evanston. Biggest buck I saw was in unit 58, probably a low record book type buck...15.5 length, 6 inch prong, good mass both above and below the prong.
I think they don't mess with the quotas in 57 much because they know its an area max point holders will use their points and they probably don't want more point creep then necessary would be my guess
I think they don't mess with the quotas in 57 much because they know its an area max point holders will use their points and they probably don't want more point creep then necessary would be my guess
Do you really believe the Wyoming Game and Fish give a crap about point creep.
They must because its the only area in that general area that didnt see any cuts to buck tags. But they did cut doe tags.
Are you trying to tell me more does died then bucks?

Possibly, that unit has a lot of older does as they haven't ever been hunted that much. Also, they may figure a bunch of the fawns from last year could be down, which means they want more fawn recruitment for the next couple years. Typically, worse winters are toughest on the fawns.

Its also possible that the pronghorn in that unit found a good place to winter or it has better habitat. Its also possible that the snow didn't pile up as much in that unit. Tons of variables and it pretty big unit with some very good habitat.

Rather than guessing...I'd be tempted to give the Baggs/Green River biologists a call.
Do you really believe the Wyoming Game and Fish give a crap about point creep.

No, I don't think they care at all. IMO/E biologists in Wyoming manage on populations and on biological (wildlife) science, much more than social science.

A stark contrast to Montana, where biologists manage primarily by social science (which, in fairness, they have little choice about).
They cut tags in all areas on both sides of it not sure about north but east and west they did there wasnt an easier winter in 57.
They cut tags in all areas on both sides of it not sure about north but east and west they did there wasnt an easier winter in 57.

Thus the "its possible"...part.

Bottom line there's a lot of buck pronghorn in that unit, many over the age of 4 and even if some of them died, its a herd managed under special management, meaning a much higher buck to doe ratio's than herds managed for opportunity.

If you're really curious, like I said, fire up the phone and give the biologists a call.

What I do know for 100% sure, is that decisions on tag numbers are not driven by NR point creep. That is a fact.
They say its the bottom of its objective and had a hard winter but they still need to make their money so they arent gonna drop tags in 57. Makes sense
They say its the bottom of its objective and had a hard winter but they still need to make their money so they arent gonna drop tags in 57. Makes sense

Yeah, it does make sense, the over-all population is within herd objective per spring counts post harvest, and buck numbers are within historic levels as well. They also said, "relatively" hard winter...

Units 53 and 55 are under objective and also under different management.

If it was only about money, they wouldn't have cut a single tag anywhere in the state, or would have increased them.

You're looking for a conspiracy/reason that doesn't exist...except in your mind.
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Also, check the JCR's...between 57 and 58 there is an estimated 11,000-12,000 pronghorn in those units, with an objective of 12K.

The information from the above link said, at the bottom end of objective numbers, so likely 11,000 minimum. From having spent a fair bit of time in both units, 57 definitely has a higher population of the shared 11-12K pronghorn. But, even if you cut the herd in half, 5500 pronghorn per unit, post harvest (in each of 57, 58) with a buck to doe ratio of 57:100 you're looking at 2900 available bucks in 57, minimum.

So, allowing 400 tags from 2900 (very low end estimate, probably more like 4000), is not hitting that herd very hard at all.

Thanks for all the info and everyone's perspective. If my buddy and I are lucky enough to draw I will definitely be trying to contact the biologist and officer for the area. We have been applying or buying points for the last 14 years, the first 2 years we applied without buying points, looking back that was probably not the smartest move, anyways good luck to everyone in the draw.
The game and fish puts their revenue above anything else. Thats obvious if you pay attention to what they do. They use words like more "opportunity" in disguise for more revenue.
Thats why they blame deer numbers on anything but their own managemnt system. Pretty easy to see why deer numbers are struggling when anyone with a hunter safety card and a rifle can go shoot a fork horn every year. Then cry wolf about diseases and predation that have always been around
Thats why they blame deer numbers on anything but their own managemnt system. Pretty easy to see why deer numbers are struggling when anyone with a hunter safety card and a rifle can go shoot a fork horn every year. Then cry wolf about diseases and predation that have always been around

Keep up...pronghorn discussion, specific to units 53, 55, and 57. If you want to talk about deer management, start another thread.
All im getting at is i personally would not judge winter kill in a given area based on weather or not they cut tags in a area
They cut tags in 58 too dont forget. But they made up for those cuts in other areas
Wrong...why do you insist on spreading lies?

Last year Wyoming issued 64,664 pronghorn tags, this year, they're issuing 57,170 (plus any additional on party apps).

Meaning, they're issuing just over 7000 fewer pronghorn tags this year than last.

How do those figures fit your agenda that the GF sets quotas to maximize revenue?

This information is not hard to find...facts matter, start posting some.
Thats how many licences were sold last year not how many were available those numbers can easily fluctuate depending how many doe fawn tags are sold and how many leftover buck tags that arent sold. Nice try fact man
All im getting at is i personally would not judge winter kill in a given area based on weather or not they cut tags in a area

I'm not...I'm looking at the total number of pronghorn in their post season survey's, the post season buck to do ratio's, etc. to determine the justification for flat, increasing, or declining quotas.
And you can't even say how many will be sold this year yet

Correct, there could be less sold than the total available. But the total number of available licenses has already been approved by the commission...57,170.

Here, argue the GF is all about maximizing revenue in regard to how they manage pronghorn and adjust quotas...

2010: 75,837 licenses sold...2014: 48,853.

Sell your conspiracy theories to the drunk on the next barstool...
You're rite. They don't base any of their decisions off of revenue your correct ill check with you before i act up again
When did they survey 57 and 58?
Last time the JCR was updated was november 30th 2018. That might be the last time they surveyed it. Would make sense since most the time i see them counting here in november and december
Quotas are set annually, based on populations, both observed, and estimates from counts/classifications.

Maybe the winter kill wasn't as bad as some of the armchair experts think.

I took a spin across Wyoming and saw solid numbers all across I-80 from Laramie to Evanston. Biggest buck I saw was in unit 58, probably a low record book type buck...15.5 length, 6 inch prong, good mass both above and below the prong.
Did ya tie that biggest buck up for me ? ?

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