sombody take me on a lion hunt



hey i was wondering if anybody would be willing to take a me on a lion hunt, prefarably with hounds cause i wanna see how the whole deal works but i am really wanting to go. I will be willing to pay for gas, food and Beer maybe whatever else is needed, I live in Peoria, Az and would be willing to travel some to go. If you would be willing to take up on this offer let me know respond to this or give me a call at 623 205 4741, the names Justin
Ahhh, Full Cry, you beat me to the punch !!!
Justin, I dont lion hunt out here in the east but I get the same inquirys as yours,about bear hunting with my hounds.My suggestion to you ,unless you want to foot a bill like Full Cry mentioned,is to try doing the following.First,forget about shooting a lion right now.Try and hook up with some lion hunters who can use a hand handling dogs.I have done this with several young guys bear hunting.They come along ,help handle the dogs,put some gas money in now and then,help around the kennels when I need it,generally act like a trainee I guess.After helping out for a year or so,I put aside some time each fall to try and get them a bear.I have one buddy here who took a bear 3 years in a row after we were done with clients.I have 2 young guys now who take a day a week to help me run dogs and its only training season.Now that we are friends and they are helping out,I have told them they will never be a client with me.
You certainly sound like you have good intentions Justin.There is never a shortage of "shooters" come hunting season.If your only intrest is shooting a lion I would think your best bet would be to save the $2800 like FullCry suggested.Hounds are a terribly exspensive and time consuming hobby/sport.To just ask someone to take a guy they dont even know to shoot a lion is asking alot in my book.
Best of luck to you Justin !!
This s Jgaines5 i have a couple different MM names. Well maybe i have finally found some luck. A guy that lives behind my mother is willing to help out training my puppies. they are a litlle older now about 7 months old but i guess he used to train dogs to hunt lions. He was talkin aboput training them with hot dogs and house cats. Is that true about the house cats i can see using hot dogs as a treat for obediance trainig and like if they do a good deed where would the cats come into play. Do you let your dogs track the cats like you would a lion or do you let the dogs play with the cat and kill it or what. Im Im am very willing to help out with trainig and handling dogs that would be the best learning experience i could get. Eventully i have all intentions on making my dogs good lion dogs just need a little help with them and i think i ould be set. now my other question is, I have 3 dogs and they are all form the same litter and they are blood and bluetick mix would that make a good lion dog or should i go for a different breed???? Justin
Good luck for you is very bad luck if you reveal the hounder who might help you. It is not legal to train hounds with housecats. So for all the hounders on this site I can assure you that we have never used a cat for training and never plan to in the future. There might be an occasion when a feral cat is turned loose and trailed by hounds but the memory is quite fuzzy.

There are many different ways to train dogs. I'd suggest getting some hound books from High Lonesome Books in Silver City New Mexico. Dell Cameron sells a great book that is full of stories and some good training stuff.

I hope you have some kind of patience. I bought the best dogs I could find to the tune of six grand. It took them three years to teach me enough to catch a lion. Good dogs come in all colors and breeds. I think we don't make a dog. Sometimes we are lucky enough to find a dog with super skills that doesn't mind if we follow them to a tree or two.

K see i dont know nothing about the cat thing and now that i know that we wont use them and by no mean am i revealing the guy who is gonna help me. I just said a guy that live behind my mom offered to help i could be from alot of places and my mom dosent necasarilly have to live close to me. I jus thtink it is very generous of somebody to help out with that for free>>

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