Spring Hunts Photo Contest! Let's see um'!!

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999
In this photo contest, let's see some of your best Spring Hunting Photos .... such as bear hunting, turkey hunting, antler hunting, etc. Anything you hunt in the Spring time.
They can be regular point-n-shoot camera pics, digiscoping pics or even trail camera photos. Feel free to post up to 3 photos for the contest, but post them in separate posts, as only the first photo in each post shows up as a thumbnail above.
Share a little detail about the pics too!

We'll run the photo contest for a month or so and I'll pick a couple winners in the 2nd half of May.

The contest prizes will be a Phone Skope Kit for 1st place and Pyro Putty and an Arch Lighter for 2nd place. Thanks to the folks at Phone Skope for the gear! If you don't already own the a Phone Skope, then get over to their site and get one......that is if you don't win one here! It's a valuable piece of gear to have with you for helping to preserve your hunting and scouting adventures.

Get Yourself a Phone Skope
First time hunting turkeys this spring, right after a kid came strolling through the woods and ended it for us I’m sure the wife was cussing to someone?
Son turned 4 on 4/4/20. Took him on his first real hunt a few weeks later. I was so impressed how in to it he was. Hard to get him to sit still and quite but he froze long enough for me to nab this rio. Mounting the fan for his room to commemorate the first of many hunts we will share.

Went lion hunting yesterday. Let the dogs hunt up into a nasty canyon. Had my friend drop me off so I could hike down and pick up dogs. On the way out my dog came across this lion scratch under a juniper tree on a ridge.

It was a noce day to be out.

I gave him 3 hours on Saturday, 10 hours Sunday, and it only took 40 minutes on Monday morning. Spent Sunday calling, tailing him and his 3 hens, crawling through grass for a couple of hours in view, and setting up where I thought they would roost only to have them go the opposite direction. But that give me the info to set me up for the next mornings' success. 10 1/8" bear, 15/16' spurs.

Shared this on the WY forum but will share here

Here is a little video from one day this spring. We were chasing turkeys and kept running into Griz and elk...

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