Sticky lube on brass....


Long Time Member
Pisses my wife off but does a really good job......

That looks like something I would do but I’m afraid to give it a try.
I know my wife wouldn’t go for it.
I best keep it out in the shop.
I need to be on my best behavior with all the time I plan on spending out scouting and hunting this year.
have never tried that one Homer.
i ask littlebuck one time, hey littlebuck I sez, do you know why you feet are so small, no, why, she sez. I reply, so you can stand closer to the stove. I won't say it again, and I'm AFRAID cleaning my brass that way, might bring around the same responce I got for tellin her why her feet are small.....
Homer there is a easier way and it will not piss off the MRS.
Go down to the local hardware store and buy a gallon of denatured alcohol. Get a container with a wide screw on or snap on lid, such as a plastic container for coffee.
Drop your brass into the container and pour in enough alcohol to cover the brass and put lid on and give the container a gentle shake for about 20-30 seconds. Pour off the alcohol into another container and pour the brass onto a old towel and let dry. In warm weather it will be dry within the hour.
You can save the used alcohol and use it over many times and that gallon of alcohol will last you for a year or more.
Homer if this saves your butt with the boss in the house, you owe me.

Who said I don’t thoroughly enjoy pissing her off?

Lol.....yes...I clean them in alcohol too...but those big 50 cases fill a bucket fast
Is that a KitchenAid dishwasher? Looks like mine! :D

Try a little Lemi-Shine along with your dishwashing mix. It'll really shine up your brass (and the inside of your dishwasher) as well as minimize water spots on your dishes.
Wife noticed the picture and responded, "don't get any bright ideas". So which dishwasher cycle works best?
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Homer I just put them in my Stainless steel media dishwasher after I size them. It does a very nice job. But you can still put them in your oven to piss off the wife. I just use her blow dryer. :) Watch this video.
Homer I just put them in my Stainless steel media dishwasher after I size them. It does a very nice job. But you can still put them in your oven to piss off the wife. I just use her blow dryer. :) Watch this video.

that sure isn't easier....

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