Tagged Out In Idaho


Active Member
Ended up killing this buck mid day yesterday on my Idaho tag. I’d never hunted this unit before, but bought the tag off of the leftover list at the recommendation of a friend. We saw a decent amount of deer, but few bucks, and only 3 bucks bigger than yearlings between the last couple weekends. When I spotted this buck he was about a mile and a half away. I waited until he bedded then went after him. I worked in to about 200 yards before I could get a shot on him.


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Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words!

@SS! I knew someone was going to comment on that, rightfully so. I normally smile in all my hunting pictures, but this deer died in a super tough spot to get pictures. By the time we decided to moved him a few feet to where he was in this pic I was over it, and ready to start cutting him up. :ROFLMAO:?
Nice buck! You are having a great year of hunting! Any other tags this year?
Definitely Montana whitetail, and I’ll be back in Mexico in December. I may go after another management buck. I’m looking into a leftover Idaho elk tag as well, but I’m not sure there’s any available.
Ended up killing this buck mid day yesterday on my Idaho tag. I’d never hunted this unit before, but bought the tag off of the leftover list at the recommendation of a friend. We saw a decent amount of deer, but few bucks, and only 3 bucks bigger than yearlings between the last couple weekends. When I spotted this buck he was about a mile and a half away. I waited until he bedded then went after him. I worked in to about 200 yards before I could get a shot on him.

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View attachment 56234
Good job

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